The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1998

, Scioto Hills 1009 Martin Rd. Wheelersburg, OH 45694-8462 740-778-2273 FAX 740-778-3279 E-mail thecamp@zoomnet .net Sharing the love of God T ime Fo r Change! S~10Lo Hill s: where you deve lop la ·Ling fr1endsh1p. arc encouraged to orow in .... c your relati onship with God and others, and where the love of God i shared with the can1pers. Scio to Hill s sLrivc , to challenge indi viduals to make life– chang1ng dec1 ·ions 1n accordance with Lhe Word of God. On a \valk around the lake JU St a few day ago. I asked so1nc earn per~ v-. hat Lhey loved about ci oto. l n unison they sa id , ''Our counselor, Nanette!·· I asked them what was so !)pccial about the counselors and again they we re in agreement: ' 'The counse– lor\ here love us and Leac h us about God ." J praise God for the staff he ha · g 1, cn u ~ a g a i n t h 1 ~ ye ar. I a 111 a I !) o so very than kfu l to you fo r Join ing us this \ u,n 111er In pray1n g for thc youth . and l ur n1an 1 o l 1 ou who give \O \ \ C have the opportunity Lo n1in is ler to then, . God ha\ an\wered our prayers and opened the eyes of 1na ny can1pcrs to 1nnkc It rc– Lht1ng1ng Jeci~1on~. Y c~ tcrday Marlin , a th1rtccn-)-car-old ca1npc1. ca1nc running up a\J..111g d I wanLc<l Lo hear ht'> lt:~L1111un) I v-. :.1':) ptdl'>tng C1od \\ he n he sha1cd tha t ht'> ncv. lif e '> tart ed la!-> l year Baptists for lsratl lostitu tt is building.. . ''Bridges ofBlessing'' to Israelis in Israel" o o o For de/alls on how your church can help build a illesslng Bridge, " contac t REV. GNNW. CANDLISH ~ Dkecta. Bcµtsts fa Israel hsffllie 526W. LJ::>a1y st. • As b n 00 • 44805 (419) 282-60:24 E......-: 110164.3062 here at Sc io to. To God be the Glory for the wonclerful things He 1s accon1pli sh– i ng in Lhc lives of many who atte nd Scioto Hill s throughout the year. IL' s n1orc Lhan a ca1np experi ence; it ' s a Life Changing Ach·enture. Final approva l on the new A- fra1nc was granted . Thank again to Grace Baptist Chu rch and Men for Mi ss ion ·. Cedarville, for their viLal part in thi s ~ro)~c l. God is al ready at work us ing thi ~ facil1ty. Last week one of the girls 1n that A- frame was saved! Praise the Lord! This cabin will a ll ow us to n1inis ter to an addi ti onal 150 can1pers th is sun1111cr. Pray wi th us :is we plan to conslruc t another A- rran1c thi s fal I. Our need on thi s proj ect wil l be $15 .000. 1( you would like to he lp cons truc t tht~ cabin . let us know. l f you would like to give towards it jus t des ignate, ..A- fran1e J>rojcc t. ,, Please continue to pray for Sc ioto Hill s as we continue to share ahoul the pc.rson or Jesus Chri s t with the can1pcr"> thi s sun1111er. Many arc ,naking ltl c– chang1ng dcc1s1011s to the glory or C]uJ Fall Calenda r Sept I 0- 12 OARBC .. cpl 29-0 cl I Oc t 2-3 Dec 5 l... ad i e\ Retreat Seni or Sa,nt "> Rclrcat Couples Rclreat 1) inncr Conce rt Baptists For Life Celebrates 10th Birthday S inee 1988, Baptis ts For Life or Central Ohi o (BFLCO) has been ac ti ve in prcscnl– in_g the bibli cal teaching about the sancti ly of hu n1an li fe in churches a ll over Ohi o. Bf-LCO rcgularl y suppli es speakers. videos . bull e tin inse rt s and other n1 atcrial ~ to churches Lo hcl p teach wha t God 's Wo rd says regarding abortion, euthanas ia, ass i~ted suicide, and other sanctity of life i~sucs. /\ ncwslellcr, ·'Lines For Life," is puhl i~hed qu arter! y. W, II ian1 Abcrn athy, S r. , who pastored in Ohi o for ninny yc{u·s, 1-.. BFLCO 's 111 a1n !-> peakcr and rcpresc nla– t1 vc. Ove r the las t ten years B l;LC'O has ac ti ve ly pro1notcd Sanc tit y or Hurnan L1 re unday, lcc..l sc n1inars 111 churches. he ld tee n re treats and a loc k- in roc using on .... sex ual pur it y, and participated in loca l. state and national pro- life ralli es . 131~·1~CO pi oneered the C'>Hlhlt !-> hn1cnt of Matcrnlly l<csoun.:c CenLers"(Ml~Cs} in local churchc\. ' J'hc Ml<(' 1s a place \Vherc ,von1cn in c ri s is pregnancy ~itua11on" can rece ive haby c lothes. 111atcrn1t y clothe'> and hahy itcn1s free of charge. IL 1s a great \vd \ 10 sho,v the love of Chris t and to have oppo(·tu– n1ty to share the gospe l. rvtan) "' '01ncn ha \ c co n1e to Chris t throu~h the 1111111,tr\ ul Lhc <;; , two MI~Cs in Central Ohi o. and 81.:-l .('() ha" helped churches out~ioc the area beu111 :::: MRC~ as ,ve il. On Novc1nhcr 7. 1998. BFLC'l) ,, ,II ce lebrate it s I 0th anni ve r~n r\ "'1th a banque t 1n Colun1 hu'> Mar" .13 1ochcr direc tor or ati onal s1:1 's ( 'en ter IP1 B1hl1cal B1oc th1 cs. ,viii be the lcatu rl'd ~pcJker. Marl-. ,vas the di rector ol the Nati onal Bl-:- l . organ1 1at1on 10 vca,~ .n!l) . ~ and \V.\S 111 \ lru1nc nLal In he I p1 ng 13(·l ( '() hcg1 n . ..._ J-:'or n1orc 1nforn1atio11 about thL' batHILIL't Or ahOUt i.l ll y or £31 :[ ('() ' ', 111 1111 .._(rlL'" tll churchc-.;. contact thc111 .\I ,..t 17 l\ 1ln1cttP Street. ( 'olun1bu \, ()11 -+ 120-t : 61-t 27-i 2()8' Our purposB is 5 •E·MI BRENTWOOD to providB God-honoring 0Bsignl8ui/d SBrvicBS Desi gn I Bulld \ • 7