The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1998
hi M 11 To S rve On 1111 il of Eighteen T1w .1dmrn1,11.lll\" ,mn nl 1hc G,\RBC " the Cou11<:ll o r bghtcc n. a body o r men ck· tcd .lt the .,nnu,,I L' t)nl crc nL·c inc ,trc clcctcJ c,H.:h ye ar for u t\vo-ycar tem1. t )hh,.1n , r >.1, 1d l 1ttlL'. pre~ tdent 1.) f Bapt1~t hu rch Pl anters. and tatc Representati ve l).1, 1d \\ .111en ,, L'rt' elected tht !-- ~ c.1r. 1'hc) Join Da, td Grahan, , Grace Baptist. l ' 'd,ll,illc.• 1nd 11 r.1dlc> Qu1L' i-.. . 1~1rst Baptist. Elyr ia, \Vho arc servi ng thei r second year \''1 the (\,un(tl <..)th'I llh.'ll 1...'le~·ted th ,, \ C,l r ,UC 1 ,,n, RL'L' l--l'll. C'Lu l-.., Su1n1111t. . 1\.'nn,, I, .1111 .1 \\ ii I 1.un \ C lur) Be, nh~1rd . Pc,\ ,1ukcc. \ \ 1,1... 1.ln ,1n ('urt1, l)cC,r.1.1 tt. S il , c1d ..1lc. \\..1,h Ing l\111 ... ('r,lH! G1.lldc n. c,, .irk \ f al le\ . .. ~ ~c,, '\' ork J D1.1n Jennings. 1\ 1 ·on1 a. ... \\ ',1~h1 ngton .. [)1.)n r, lcr. Bro,, nsburg. Ind iana . ... Rt ·h,1rJ \ ',1nHcukclun1. Ro ·hcstcr. ~c,, ) '1.)r l-,, ·rhc~c rncn , i 11 conti nuc anolher year on the C-.ouncd: Bryce B. Augs burge r. Northglenn, olorado John Bl odgetL. Elkhart , Indiana Dav id P. Grahan, . Cedarville. Ohi o Chris L. Hi ndal, Fort Myers, Florida Jan1e · D. Maxwe ll , North Lake, Wi sconsin Bradley W. Quick, Elyri a, Ohi o Da td Strope, Norwich, New York Milo Thompson, Clarks umn1il , Pcnnsy I van ia James Vogel. Flint, Michigan Cedarville College News C dar\' tlle College . \caden1ic Vice- ... rre::-1denl Dr Duane R. Wood ha· announced ne\\' chair appointme nts of ,c, cral acadc n1 1c department . The five ne,, chair arc: Dr Flo\ d Elmore. chairman o f the . Departn1ent of B1 bltca l Educati on. Elinore replace Dr. Jac k Ri gg · . who \\ .::i nan1ed dean of the choo I of Human1ue~. Fine Art _· and Bi ble at the Colle2e ... Dr. \\'. Ph i II Ip Ba _ eu. chairman of the Departn1ent of Education. He replJce · Dr. ~1erlin Age r. who assu111e re pons ibt ltt) a dean of the Schoo l of octal cience and Pro fe sional Studie Dr Denni ~Flentge. chairman of the Department o f Science and Mat hen1atic ·. He replace Dr. Dani el \Ve ttel. who ha been named dean of the Schoo l of Eng1neer1ng. Nur ing and Sc ience. Ed\\ard Spencer. interim chai rman of the Departn1ent of Language and Literature John ~1cG1 II ivar\i. cha irman o f the , Department of Exerc i ·e and Sport Sc1enLC. He replace Dr. Donald Call an, recent!, named dean of the Schoo l of HcJlth and Human Performance. In addiuon. Pete Ree e. direc tor of J thleth. f c.1Ltl1t1e and Js . 1 lanl head oa ·h of the men· ,ar!)1Lv ba ketba ll , tean1. ha been named Cedarvi ll e College athlet11... d1rcltC'r Rec!)c a sumes these dutle 1n the \tead of Dr Donald Callan. The Cedar\ 11le College Ethanol \ 'eh1 .... 1e Challenge team recently returned from the natJon' ~ capital after ten day of corn petition. The team wa vy ing ,vi th teams from 13 other college and uni vers itie aero s the country in a contes t o f engi neering kill and knowl– edge, ·pon·ored by the U.S. Department o f Energy . ··The College team did very well in seve ra l categori e of Lhe competition,'' aid Chuck Allport , a soc iate profe or of mechanical engineering. "Our ·tudc nt. placed fir t in de ign, whi ch covered craft manship, innovati on, and knowledge o f the technology. They also placed first in dri veabi li ty.' ' The College team ' s entry \vas al o j udged third in the oral and written de ign report and fourth in the autocros aspect of the competiti on. Other high I ight of the competiti on for the Cedarville College tean1 were wi nn ing the competiti on' sport man hip trophy and a personal visit from Ohi o Senator Mike DeWine . Last chance! Only 20 left! FREE BOOK OFFER The Peacemaker by Ken Sande write 018 PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429 or call 937-294-0293 hroughout hi tory, the gospel has been communicated in many form . Hand– \\l ritten croll , printed pages and modern airwave have all been used a media to spread the go pel. At Cedarville College, students use the medium of their generation to reach the world for Christ. From every residence hall room on campu , tudents use the newes t computer technology to acce s data worldwide, order library materials read the latest magazine or journal, correspond with family and friend , and pread the go pel-24 hour a day, 7 days a week. All this and more is available at no extra cost through Cedarville's award– winning computer network. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions I-BOO-CEDARVILLE or visit
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