The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1998

, Keeping Up With Our Camps 724 1 T.R. 319 Millersburg , OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAx 330-674-4606 E-mail svranch@valkyrie. net reetings from the Ranch in the midst of the holiday season! We look forward to thi time of the year and the opportuniti es it afford . With fewer groups scheduled , we have time to reflect on what Christ has done and to spend wi th our families. This is a season also to be busy preparing for the seasons of ministry to come. We would appreciate your prayer during this time. Our first project and prayer concern is the second pha e of the boy · shower house remode ling . The shower . toi lets, talls, nooring and plumbing will be upgraded and re– placed. Thi s project must be completed by January when the guest group return to use the Ranch. Please pray that the project will be done well, safely, and on time. Pray for the three who will be traveling and representing the Ranch. Bill Roloff and our Ranch Representa– tive. Bruce Baker. will begi n speaking at churches and representing the ministry . Kev in Boggs, our Ranch Evangelist, wi ll be maintaining a_ very full speaking schedule after the first of the year. We have a very busy year ahead of us. Pray for those who wi ll use the Ranch property to minister to their own groups . Also pray for the Skyview– ~pon'>ored retreats and the young people who w1 II attend . The three teen retreats will be · January 29-30, February 26-27. and March 12- 13 Our junior retreat will be March 5-6. Keep in mind the '>peakers for these ret reats, and pray that God wi JI u~e thcn1 1n a n11ghty way . Scioto Hills 1009 Martin Rd. Wheelersburg, OH 45694-8462 740-778-3279 FAX 740-778-2170 E-mail ~ cioto Hill s is more than j ust a fun camp. It is a Chri ti an education center for you and your fami ly, challenging you from the Word of God to shine in the world in which we li ve. Our purpose at Scioto Hi lls is to a sist the local church by providing a Christ– centered program in an outdoor etting used to develop the gues ts spirituall y, n1e ntall y, socially an,d phy ically in accord ance with the Word of God. We are trivi ng hard to meet the ever increasing need of our churches . Herc arc j ust a few of the new things we are doing lo be better prepared lo serve you : . . • Added two full - ttme Chr1sll an Education posi ti ons to our staff • Added two secretarie to serve you • Added another f u11-ti n,e buildi ng maintenance posit ion to better maintain the incredibl e bui ldings God has placed here We are currently seeking n1ore fu ll -li n1c help in these areas : • Food service • Building construction We have rearranged Matt Pear on's schedule, n1aking him more ava il able to rnini ster to youth groups, retreats and churches. A new web page is coming Decernber I . and a brand-new video is avai I able on request. The camp also has a n1ulti -n1ed ia program to share wi th churches w~ich would like an upda te o r contact with the can1p . . Sc ioto Hill s is a year-round , Chri st– ccntcred retreat can1ping n1inistry spcc iali1.– ing in outdoors experi ential adventures for everyone. Scioto Hills is a place to grow ! Camp Patmos ne- hundred twenty camp leaders fron1 aero s ou r nati on gathered at Lake Ann Bapti st Can1p , Lake Ann , Michi gan , November 2-5 . The occas ion was the National Assoc iati on of Regul ar Bap ti st Camps annual conference. Outstanding speakers and workshop leaders addressed the a~- sembled mes engers to provide in spira– tion and "know how" for the 1ninistry we've given our lives to advance. It 1nakes me very proud of our OARBC to watch Bill Roloff serve a~ the chairman and Gary Storm a · the treasurer of the associat ion. They provide key leader hip to t~i s group. The associati on shows obvi ous respect for Chap lain Harold Green as well. Can1p directors from aero ·· our country love and respect these ,nen. as you do. Pray for them and for all the like-111inded camps in An1er1ca. --Lynn Roger~ 1999 018 Deadlines 1-<= 1 To better serve you , the 018 will be published in six issues ~n '99. Following are dates by which we must receive your news: Copy deadline Issue January 15 February March 15 April April 15 May May 15 June July 15 August November 15 December Send your news to 0 18 PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429 or e-mai l l"inally , pray for the Ranch Expan– ~1on proJCCt We '> till need guidance conce rning the '>ewagc treatn1cnt sy!-i tern 'fhe EPA did nol approve the f11 st \}'\ ten1 we propo"ied . J:'und1ng f c>J the nev. l)1n1ng J-lall/C'hapc l building 1~ well underway . Our purpos9 is S•E·MI BRENTWOOD l1 a\ e a ble\sed Holiday ~eason as } OU Le lebrate our Savior·~ birth wi th your faintly and fri ends to provid9 God-honoring 09signl8uild S9rvices Design I Build ' . 7