The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1999

• • • 'II " .... ,,,.,," .. " . 0 Use pencil. c rr,ail or fax. l ut get your news to us ~ ~ . by March 15 f or the next OIBI Dave and Pat Warren , , F1r: l I lhank n1y God through Jc. u Chr1. t tor vou all." Pat and I ha ve J en.JO ) cd be tng oul and aboul ge lting ~,cqua1 nted \\ 1th ) ou. '·Making reque t 1 f. h) . o 111 c n1can:. no v. at I a. t I (we) may find .1 \\ U\ 1n the \\'Ill of God to come to J ) ou.. ... hen e our goal to have Leader- ~h tp Tenm feeling in all our churche · th1 · ) car "For I ( ,vc) long to ec you that I 1,\ c) n1a) irnparttoyou ·omc piritual g 1 fl. . o that ) ou may be e tab Ii hcd- that 1, . thal l (,, e ) ma 1 be e ncouraged loQcthcr \\ 1th 'r Ou." Our heart re onale .... J \\ llh Paul v. hen he v.,r rotc thi to the Ron1Jn be !te, er (Roman l : . 10- 12). T >4avel Ale..+ W e ha\e agreed wtth ASET Trav~I of Oa)- ton. Ohio. to ·et up pec1al airline fa re for the GARBC Confe rence 1n cattle. June 26-30. 1999 . I ) : - I oq d i!)count off any pub!ished fare . 2) - - I Ort additi onal di count if ucket are pu rcha ed 60 days pri or to departure. Feel frec to confer wi th Barbara Tucke r at 1- -454-5 I 45 for further detail · Be ure to tell her you are with the OARBC to obtain this discount. ~ 0v. 1 the lime to do ·omc "noodling" .1bout the June conference. Mission Ale..+ W e are preparing a direc tory o f al l m1-, 1onaries 5upported by our chur12 he .A.I \\.'eb~ter from the lmn1anuel Bapust Church in Columbu v. tll be heading up th1 project. A ur\e) l Lume your v. ay soon. Plea e fil ll out promplly and return it to Al. \ \ ' e apprec1ace 1 our work ing with us to n1;1ke th1 poss1ble ') W elcome Alert W e w~lcorne the foll owing new en1or pa tor : • Denni and Jan Ro t to Calvary Bapti st in Bye vi 11e • Dave and Linda Ryan to Grace Baptist in Canton • Mark and Kathy Fehrman to Emmanuel Bapti t in Dayton • Laird and Belinda Baldwin to Union Bapti t in Englewood • Tom and Chery l Garl ock to Faith Baptist in Wilmington N one of u really know what will be the full irnpacl of the Y2K · ituation. The leader hip of each o f our chu rches hould , however , confer with the ir church in urance company to check on Y2K exclu ions in their polic ie and the po sibility of buying them back. Thi need to be done espec ially for the protecti on of the leader in each church and any empl oy– ee · in our churches and chools. Confer with your insurance agent as a fir l step in checking this out. Love Ale..+ F ebruary is an appropriate month to expre our affecti on warml y for one another. Remember our Lord ' com111 and , "A new commandment I give co you. that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this al1wi 11 know that you are My d iscipl e , if you have love for one another" (John I3:34-35 NKJV). Is there omeone you are struggling to love ? Seri ous ly pray that the Lord wi ll enab le you lo seek that person's highest good and that He wil l kindle a park of love in your heart. Ladies, Don't forget your quarter savers for the BMM Women's Department proJectl Cedarville College News C edarville College will open a new 250-bed student dormitory complex in the fal I of 1999. Located north of the Athletic Center and next to Brock Hall , the new building will have two res idence wings adj oined by a conference center. The Board of Trustees has voted lo begin construction on the new 145,000 square foot Student Life Center. Project completion i cheduled for the fall of 2000. Thi facility will prov ide adequate space for a variety of tudcnt needs, including the dining hall, post offi ce. book lore, nack shop, career . ervice · center, lounge . and nu1nerous other tudent-centered offi ce . It will also include a full y-equipped theater to support the College' drama program and help prepare tudents for an impac t for Christ in the arts and media. This criticall y-needed facility will be the focu of Cedarvi lle' s next capital campaign. Eric Holmberg, pre idenl of Reel to Real Ministrie . was the gue ·t speaker at the November 6 chapel. Reel to Real Mini tries wa · created in 1987 as a vvay of using visual art (the ' 'reel" ) to addrcs the challenges and opportunities of today 's secular entertainment indu try (the "real" world ). Si nce it inception. Reel to Real Mini trie ha developed numerous video and multi-media pre enlation meant to encourage Christian di cemmenl on topics such a ecular rock and rap rnu ic. movie/ televi ion violence and abortion. John MacArthur, pa tor, teacher, and ho t of the radio program. ''Grace To You," spoke at the College' Winter Enrichment Conference January 13 and 14. Visit AWANA, Shepherds R ev. Paul Johnson, Senior Activitie · Coordinator at Fir t Baptist Church of Strongsvi lle, i planning a trip to Shepherd , the GARBC and AWANA headquarter on April 5-6. Co t i $72 per person to cover motel and bu . Meal are extra. If you are interested in joining in on this trip, contact Paul Johnson by phone a l 330-225-8459 or 440-238-5378 ; or by e-mail at :