The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1999
Prayer Advance Offered by Pastor Dwight Strickland, Norton Baptist Church aid Charles Spurgeon, "Prayer is a sure evidence of the pre ence of God, as the ri sing of the thermom– eter is evidence of an increase in tempera– ture. If God i near a church, it must pray. If He is not there, one of the first signs of Hi ab ence will be lethargy in prayer. ,, Christ Life Ministries is a ministry to the local church for its edification. At the heart of the opportunities of Christ Life Ministries are their Prayer Advance for men, women. couples, and teens. Harold Vaughan , founder of Christ Life ministries, ay , "God ha promised to reward those who diligently seek Hirn . The Scripture · declare that God-hungry people find God .' ' Last year, our congrega ti on became acquainted with thi tool for pi ritual growth and revival. We have seen first– hand that these Prayer Advances are a time for God's people to be tin·ed and take hold of God . Through rev ival preaching, tin1es of ferven t prayer, and Spirit-led se lf-examination, our people benefited from this intense concentration on thei r relationship with God. These ' 'seasons of deep and undisu·acted communion with God" served to help us combat lukewarn1ness , worldliness, and deception . Upon returning, people gave public tes timony of area~ in wh ich God had hun1bled them, and 1n which they had yielded to God . Many of our folks sensed conviction in their failure to daily fell ow hjp with God . Charles Moore In Heaven O n Augu~t 12, 1998, Rev . Charles Moore wa~ ushered into heaven. Moore had been pastor o f GARBC churches Struther~ Baptist Tabernac le and Boardman Bapti ~t Tahernac le , as we ll a\ an 1 n<lcpcndent Bapti~t church in Garf 1cld He ight ~. He and hi ~ wife, Mary Jo also sc ived a~ 1n1 \s1onar1es 1n l~iht:na Wc!> t Afri ca. Af le r "rct1r1ng" fro,n the 1n1n1stry 1n Garfield Height\ , the Ml)ore~ 111 ove<l back to Slru thers and se rved tn several Bapti st churches 1n the area a\ 1nte1 trn pas tor and al so as n1u sic diret.tor ~ong leadc1 ancJ choir <lircctor. Mc.1 ry Jo w, Iles, "He was 1n a nursing ho111c the la~ l f cw n1onths.. I 1111 ~~ hin1 n1ore than words could ever ex pre~~. but rl!joice that he 1~ now we ll and ~trong and present with the l..01 d Whon1 he lo\cd and served." Personally, I have been spiritually challenged and encouraged by the Spirit of God to draw closer to Him in prayer, to be open-hearted to n1y Saviour, and to be more spiritually responsible for rny family . The spiritual effect upon our church fam ily has been so significant , I strongly encourage Lhe believers of our sister churches to consider thi opportunity. The necessary detail of cost, accommo– dation , and registration can be obtained by writing to, or calling: Christ Life Ministries P.O. Box 399 Vinton, Virginia 24 179 (540) 890-6 100 Prayer Advances for 1999: Ladies April 12-14 Men May 20-22 Youth June 17- 19 Couples November 11 -13 Across The State, continued Pastor Charles Carswell Northfield Baptist has call ed Charles Carswell as its ass,ociate pa tor of youth . Chuck is a 1996 graduate of Bapti st Bibl e College of Pennsy lvani a. He moves into thi s mini stry, along with his wife. Jennife r, after serving the past few years as a layworker with youth in hi s local church. Chuck joins the pastoral Learn o f Mark Ashley, seni or pastor, and Brad Rickard , a sociate pastor of C.E. and worship . David Ryan began his ,n in istry as se nior pas tor at Grace Baptist on January 3. No stranger to the OARBC, Ryan grew up at En1 rnanucl Baptist of Toledo. He i · a 1990 graduate of Cedarville College and has an M . Div . fron1 Baptist Biblc Scrninary. Fron1 1990-91, he was assistant pastor under Earl haflcr al Good Shepherd 's Bap ti st in Sidney . He and his wife, Linda. have two daughters . On Dece,nber 6. 1998. First Bapti t of Blanchester hosted an appreciati on banquet for retiring secrclary Betty Ham,ner. Betty fai thfull y served her Lord and Hi ~ church for 15 years. Taped tcstimoni es were sent by forn1cr pa tors Kenneth Gentzler and Darin Struble , and n1any 111 the conoreaati on oave words of apprcc1a- o O O ti on . The church gave the Ha1 n1 ncr~ a gift towards a vaca ti on. Jan chaedcl ,~ ra~tor at Bl anche~tcr. Pastor Rick & Ch risty Howard , Bnannaand Christopher Rick Howard bc~an h1:,, ... n1inistry as ) outh pa:-i tn1 ,H Mogador Bapti t on Dcccn1bcr I . 1998. R 1c ~ 1:-, a graduate or Bapt1~1 l31hlc Collcgc anll Grand Rapid" Baptist cn1i nar) \\ 1th d h1"tcr or Theological tucJ i~s. Rici,. and hi s \\ 1 re, Chri!:>ty. have l\Vu chil<lrcn . Christopher and Brianna. Senior pa~tor at l\l og,1dt)rL' '" Rohcrt Scy 111our. Our purpose is to provide God-honoring Design/Build services S EM I BRENTWOOD Our goal is to delight our clients with the process as well as the finished product. 167 South $ 11110 Strool Wesl ervllle. Ohio 4308 1 (61 4) 794 ·3100 William C P1er1oi.11. AJA Jack A Chapin. Jr • NA Design/Build 61 Colurro us P1ka Cooarv1llt1 Oho:> 4 5,.J I 4 (937) 7tio- 558~ M Jo,,,,p h I rnad f'te:ud,1111 Church and Christian School Design and Construction --- - 7
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