The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1999

Ohio Women D ar Ladies, 1.u 1, tht' '-.l,nHnl,n thrc.1d th,1t ucs h.,1!ethc1 the tl, J1 ,,1 ,, 1ng harhc ~ ~ l~n.,,, n l U\.' \ . l 1nu, . .'nl' t'P). x \\ 'l,,,d,h)( '"(~ l)tld ,\11~\\ Cl '[hey ,111 .1ppt·.1r 111 the Pc.1nul~ cn1111 • ~trip .. rr, ,ll1t, the1 <.'Ill' . trn1nhnnc. trurnpct. tub,l. b.1r1h,nc .•1nd French hnrn 1 "Yes, the~ .ire ,1 p.1rt t11 the hrl1~-. section of the l'r'-·hc lrJ .. l)nc 111\, rc . l\l ltrc1n El n1orc. h1rlcy F'r1c nd . 8.1rh \ \ ',1l . ... u, ic Fu rl. Dorrctta \\ ' ti 'l'' · Di.1nc \ '.1rncr. Roxane Brock. \ ~tr1d .1 Kuhn ·. El.unc ccnhui-, Cathy l) urhan1 . Ben, D, .1k. Pat Warren. Ruth • # Sh,'l' .... u. ..1n John~nn. and ue Miller? ""\o. the, \\Cre not the nur ·c · that ·erved ,, llh Fl oren ·c r1ght1ngnlc during the Cn1nc.1n \\'.1r. 't' e~. the) have all . crved as Q\\·:,..1 L· offi cer 1n the las t ten years. 't 't)u· ,c done ,, ell. Read the las t group of n.1n1c. ag.11n . : lov;I) . Do you know any of thc~c ,, orncn ? \\' tl l \ OU ·ee thcn1 in the ~ nc,t fcv. da\ ~ or \i.,·eek·? If ·o. a ·k them to . h.1rc ,, llh ) ou ~· on1e of the ble ·ing · they ha, c incurred v. hile erving in the OWMU n11 n1~lI) Let thcn1 te ll you why they' re God called them and all owed them the pr1, 1lcge of u ing thei r ab ilit ies l o , t>r, e H1n1 tn this \vav. , \\ 'h~ do I \\ ant you to do tlus? Remem- ber hov. the U 'f\.1anne need "a few good men )" \\'ell. the OWMU. each area fell ov. -hip and every local church mis ion– .if) group. need "a fe, good women" to ~er, e a officer ·. These are not posiuon to be filled. the\ 're n11n1str ies to be ~ ~n1braceJ i\11nL trie · tha t promi ·e eternal hie , 1ng~. la ung JO) and forever fri end– h1r a. tnnge bene fit -. Ye. . these are OWMUOFFICERS 1998-99 Presi dent· Mrs Sue Miller 1750 Filnth1II Dnve Columbus OH 43223 614-875-4128 \ 1ce-Pres1dent. Mrs. Susan Johnson Box 247 Huntsburg OH 44046-0247 440-636-5543 Secretary Mrs Betty Dyak 1911 Eldridge Avenue Akron OH 44301 330-724-9676 Treasurer· Mrs Ruth Shoe 8859 State Rt #47 West DeGraff OH 43318 937·585·6255 1n1n1~tric~ that rc4u1rc ~otnc sacri fice of l1tllC .. lnd energy. hut . please believe n1c, it 1s t1n1c and energy " e ll -invested. o, ,vhcn you·re approached and asked to ~c rve. don' t say the followi ng: I . ' 'No. way Jose." 2. "If you don· t find anyone else. I wi ll con. idcr Vice-president or Trea ·urcr. but I ab olutely will not be ccrctary or President." 3. "Not me. Ask ------- ." 4. "I hope you·re kidd ing. You arc k 'dd ' ' ')'' 1 1ng.. ..aren t you . In ·tcad say : "Let me pray about it. Let rne ·ce if God might be calling n1e to serve. And. if He i., j u t which office He has in n1ind for me." I'm ·ure that after he' · re ived, the nominating committee member ,vi ii agree to pray wi th you and for you until you know God' · leading. Belter yet, pray now and hould God lead you to serve, voluntecr. Ren1en1 ber. Isaiah responded by ay ing ''Here am I. Lord. end mc.''not ·'Here am I, Lord. Come and get me !" God needs "A Few Good Women:· Are you willing to be n1ade will ing? I hope o. In Hi Love, Sue Miller P.S. Keep fi lling those quarter savers and begin malci ng plans to attend the OWMU Spring Meeting. No..-theast Ohio W oMe t'\ 's M iss iot'\at<y Fellowship S ,-,.·in9 M ee iint1 M c., •·c h 2-.,, 1999 1 0 0 . ...., • - ~ F' . l l-\ . / \ )o tt11, t1 h o n, Bc., plis f C h 1..11·c h 2921 B is h o F l~oc..d \.\Jillou9hby t-lill s, Of-I 440 9 2 5 ,-,~c.'\ke ..-: M..-s. CH·L.'tc hcn R oof, ..r\BW6 OWMU ~ Sp.,-in9 Meeting Ap ... il 20, 1999 , B l"o \Vn S t ....e e t ,-.,.~ . ) ) Bap tist Chu ··- ~ 5 4 1 B ..-o ,v n S t..-e el A krotr1 O t-1 Li Li 311 • Theme: "Fo" SL\ch r\ Ti ,-ne A s This .. . R ec,c h in9 Fo .... t h" S peake r : M o l" c i C\ 6.l n,o ,·e Lun c h & nursery p rovid e d hroughout history, the go pel ha been communicated in ,nany form . Hand– written crolls, printed page , and modern airwave have all been u ed a media to pread the gospel. At Cedarville College, tudents u e the medium of their generation to reach the ,vorld for Chri t. F rom every re ~idenl:e hall room on campu • student u e the ne,ve t computer technology to acce data \>\'Orld\.·vide, order library material , read the late t magazine or journal, correspond \.Vith fan1ily a nd friend , and pread the go pel-24 hour a day, 7 day a \.Veek. All thi and more i available at no extra co t through Cedarville's a,vard– "vinning computer network. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE