The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1999

, Tb~<> The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 72 No. 2 • his issue of the 018 is dedicated to vision, miss ion and purpose s tatements . Their central va lue in any organization is that they keep people focused on the main tasks of the group. Rabbit trails and side tracks drain off much energy tha t should be invested in these cor e activities. Vis ion s tate– ments remind us that the good is always the enemy of the best. 0Ltr OARBC vis ion sta tement is no excep tion. It brings LlS back to what we are al l about: "We are the OARBC. We are dedicated to the building of New Testament churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission locally and t,'1roughout the world. No one of our churches can accomplish this alone. We draw together to strengthen and sharpen one another through mutual encouragement and edification-. As a fellowship we will impact our state and the world for Christ. 11 O b v io u s ly, the C rea t Commission is ottr miss io n . In M a tthew 28 the Lord ta u g l1t us to evan g li /..e, bap tize, a nd ca lechi/..e. Evan ge lis m results i n sa lva tion ; baptism res ults in identi – fi ca ti on; ca tech ism r stilts 1n edu ca tio1 . Each ch t trch 1~ both a ligh thouse a nd a schoolho use; w e a re to reach all w e can and teach a ll w e reach . O ttr vis io n mus t be bo th local a nd unive rs al. We are irlte res ted in the whole s ta te o f Ohio and the who le w o rld. The li gl1t that s h ines fa rthes t aw ay shin s brig htes t al l1c)m . W s lres~ irtl rti .,p cnc nce April 1999 In This Issue • Are you going to the Seattle Conference? page 2 • Churches share thei r visions page 3 • "ONE R WE" is their logo page 4 • An exciting ministry is opening up at Baptist Chi ldren's Home page 6 • Ohio women prepare to gather in Akron page 8 while h on o ring inde penden ce. We are aLtton om o t1s Baptis t g ro ups wl10 realize, no t begrudgin g ly, that w e ac tua 11 y n eed each o the r to a ccomplis h the tas k. We a re g lad to have each othe r; we like each o the r. Vo lL1ntary coop e r a tio11 and f riend– s hip ar e the halln1arks of 0 L1r polit)'· We a re ot1t to m ake a11 impac t for C hri s t t1ot n1e re ly a11 impression abo L1t o t1rselv 'S. We wa1 t to r11c1kc a diffe renc fo r C l1ris t in this \\ 'L) rlLi . We a rc no t s lLtck ()1 t)Lt r s l\'C~ bt1t on Him. 111 a sc11sc, hr is t H in1~t' lf i~ OL1r ' tl li r ' vi s io1 a1 d n1i~s i<)t1 1 I le.' is vvorth ,1 11 tl1c f<.)Ct1scd cfforl ,\I1Li a ttc1 t101 vvc ,111 n1t1~ ter 1 - L)\\