The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1999
, Talents For Christ '99 will soon be here! ~ ·1 Encourage your teens ...... ---=-., as they prepare for the April 17 contest. I I e ss1on, t.,\t4pos I 0 10 t.,\t4C es Our thanks to these c·hurches who shared their statements with us. ' 'The purpo e of Lhe Fo ·tori a Bap ti ' l Church i to bring glory to God in wor hip, disciple hip (evangeli 111 ) and fell owship. Since it is the Word of God which provides for man ' heartfelt need , it will be the pri ority of this church to know and make known the tru th of the Scriptures. Thu people wi ll be brought to Chri t, mature in Christ and witne s for Christ." --Fostoria Baprist, Fostoria Davie/ Chap111an, senior pastor "Our purpose tateme nt i located a l the bottom front of aImo ' t every bu ll eun . It read : ' Emmanuel ' purpose is to honor God and love people into a respon– ~tve and growing relati onship with Jesus Chri st. Matthew 22:36 - 40'" --E,nntanuel Baptist, Xenia R. Willia111 Wheeler, senior pastor "To worship and exper ience God, to love and care for each other and he1p one another grow ~pirituall y, cqu1pp1ng believer for 1nint !-,lry in the local church and throughou t the world , to lead people to a personal relat1onsh1p with Jcsu~.·· --Gran{/ ff eights, f 'airborn Rane/all Tt1te, JJ{Lstor ··we ha\c tried to develop a ~tatt:n1cnt that hoth hroadly and with \J)l!ttf I<.. ity c.aptu1 e\ ou r n1 iss1on in te, n1s of both outreach and ed if'i<..allon ·rhc ,nJ~\ ton sLatcn1cnt of John Piper·~ <: hu, ch, I3 cthlehe1n Baplt\t , 1n Minnesota helped to guide our thinking. Herc I l IS : ··ro ~p, cad a passion fo1 the gl<)J y of Goc.J f 0 1 the JO) of all people\ ."' Char{/011 !'1a1111!.il, Charc/011 Jejjre\ Niue A. e)', 1>a.\ to1 Vision: Growi ng in God' Word...Sowing in Our World . This vi ion will be reali zed by accompli hing our fi ve-fold purpose of exi tence: E.{alting: Throug h per onal and corporate wor hip that pleases God Edifying: Through buildi ng, strengthening, maturing and encouraging believer in Ch ri st Equipping: Through teaching/ trai ning believers Lo become ac ti ve ministers for Chri t Evangeli; Through our e ffort to influence our con11nunity for and toward Chri t E:rtencling: Through our effort to reach our late. nat ion, and world for Chr i t. -- Faith Bo/Jlist. Streetsboro Don Work,nan. senior JJastor "The Mi ss ion of Washington He ight Bapti st Church i to glorify God as a family of Chris– tian believers devoted to Christ's n1i ssion or sa lva ti on in our co1n1nunity arid worldwide with a growing love for God. the Bihl e and our neighbor ·. " -- Washingt<Jn Heights, Da_vton f)a\•icl Kisner, senior /Jastor "'n1c progran1s and 111inistrics of our local church arc designed lo help you personally know the Lord Jc~us Chri!) t and unucr!)land the sa lva t1on He offers, encourage you to sp1r1tually grow in knowledge a11d subn11ss1on to C,od 's revealed Word, and equip you to ~ervc I Ii111 as a Chilo of (~ou . Otl1C and wor\htp With U~." c;,a, e llll/JI/ .\(, K e111 I/ rue e ('houinar<I. \t'll tor />(l'i/01 Congratulations to Grace Baptist, Cedarville, upon completion of their Fami ly Life Center. David Graham, Mickey Farlow and Jeff Sanders minister together at Grace. ISi Ou r church exists to glorify God by making di sc iple · who love Christ, love one another, and live to reach the world for Christ. Thi impl ies a two– fold ministry of evange lism and education. By evangelism we mean reachi ng non-Christian with the gospel of Chrisl. By education we rnean leaching tho c who have conic to fa ith in Chri~ l to obey al l that he has co1n1nandcd. We intend to accon1pli h this by: J. Evange liLing 2. Edifying 3. Equipping 4. Encouraging - -Bailey Roa{/ BaJJlist, Nor1h Jackson Lester Webster. senior J>asror ' 'The purpose or E1nn1anuel Bapli~t Church shall be : I . To cvangehLc the lost through personal soul-winning, visitation and preach ing of the Word of Goc.J ; 2. To ed ify believers through the sys tcn1atic teaching of the Bible; 3. l 'o es tablish fund an1cntal Bapt is t churchc~ arounu the \vorlu through an energet ic 1111 s~1onar) progran1 ; 4. To carry out the ~cr1ptural responsibilities o f an autono1nnu~ Baptist church 111 accordance \\ 1th the pnnc1pl e!-, o f C1nd 's \Vord, 5. ·ro earnest ly conte nd fnr the faith \vh ich \\ a:-. once deli vered to the "aints (Jude 3. -+) - - f..'111111 < 1111 t c I 11 ll />I 1 ., t. A I a r, , \ 1 IIt 11111 Rll<'A. / Jt t.,101 • ' ' i\1/\C,N fl .') ' INC, C' IH1,t thr ou~h .. \VOr\htp and the \\' l ll d • MAKIN(, C' h11,t k.n ll\\ll tu n u1 nc1ghbo1, ttnd the n.1t1 un, • i\1()\ 1 1N(~ hL' IIL'\l' I\ tO\\ ~Ud (.' h11 ... tl1!-.e n\aturll\ .1nd 1111n, ... u, 1- cuth 11<1/>fl\f \/ou111 \ , 111011 J\./t'J /\ II )Ollt \ , \t I/IOI /'cl \{elf
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