The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1999

, se- Skyview Ranch S kyview Ranch exi ts to erve and glorify the Lord Je us Chri t by erving as a upporting arm of local churches for the presentation of God' Truth for the purpose of evangeliz– ing, di scipling and motivating individuals to return and serve the Lord. Mission statements are often perceived as mere words with little meaning. They are more than the defining purpose, di rection, and measuring tick for an organization . We must go beyond the word to the people- the li ves that are affected by these words. When we consider this, the words begi n to take on a whole new and preciou 1neaning. "Evangeli zing, di scipling, and n1otivat– ing indi viduals to return and erve the Camp Patmos W hy s~ould we give of ourselves, our lime, our money, our sacred honor to perpetuate Camp Patmo ? It is becau e of our mission! The trustees of Patmos defin ed our Mission to be: P.. . Challenging campers to know the Lord Jesus Christ and li ve for Him. B. Providing an atmosphere for fellowship and encouragement. A teenager 's mother phoned a couple weeks after her son had attended Patrnos to ay, "Jack came home a different boy! Thank you for your ,ninistry." That' s what we . . view as our m1~~1on. Of the un \ nved children and young people enroll ed for one week at Pat rnos, 95-98% of the1n will return ho1ne as born– aga1n believer~. THAT IS OUR MISSION ! Over our 47-year history. rnany young people have found their life 's partner at Carnp Paunos THA 1· TOO JS OUl< MISSION! 1~ vcryonc who <.:o n1es to P,un1os rnust con1c ac ros~ 1 Lo I O n11lc~ o f Lake Erie. 'I'he fc 11·yhoat or airplane I ide is JUSl part of the exper1cnl.e. Once Lhe, e you enjoy the pnvacy and Lhc ro1nance that travel over L.ake l~r1e to an island affords. When on the island, you arl sl1ll three n1tles f rorn J)aln1os. An open tJ ru11 can 1es you the final leg of the Journey That , loo, 1s special. We hJvc son1e exce llent fac1lit1e~· a brand new j un io, ()l y1np1c i 11ed 1:,w11nn11ng puol, ti,e speed boat~. ten ~J tl hout~. a sand • • 1ve IV\IS Lord ." These word mean so much more if you consider how many have received Christ as Savior, learned and grown in their fai th , and made life-changing re e lves at Skyvicw Ranch. How many of you were one of these "individuals" that God changed through your experience here? To many of us, the work God is doing at Skyview i part of our per onal testimony . We are energized and excited about the approaching summer. With the addition of another youth week, many young people' live will be changed this summer. Our ummer then1e wi ll be "Take up your cross and follow me." Now i the time to gel those registrations in for camp thi summer. Don' t delay! volleyball court, bl acktop basketball court and volleybal I court, 25 i ngle and 12 tandem bikes (and a two mile by five mile flat island to ride them on), putt-pull course, softball/kickball diamond and more. Patmos provide a perfect setting to make new fri ends and a place to get to know old fri end better. Camp Palmo ha been ministering for 47 year , each year trying to do our job a little better ! Scioto Hills M iss ion Statcn1en1 : Sc ioto Hills is an ar1n or the local church in which a Christ-centered progra,n in an outdoor sett ing is used lo develop the guest (spirituall y, mentally , physically and soc ially) in accordance to the Word of God . Exc1tcn1ent 1s ,noun ting as the final preparation~ arc he1 ng n1a<l c for Sun1n1c1 ' 99 . We have a grea t s tart on a new interactive playground that will be a great additi on to the Junior progra1n schedu le. on1e and uiscover Scioto H,11 ~, "A Place for you to G, ow!!" WWW .~c iotohi , 1~.COtll Cedarville College P urpose: to offer tudent an education consistent with biblical truth . Obj ecti ves: I . To undergird the student in the funda– mentals of the Chri stian faith , and to stimulate him to evaluate knowledge in the li ght of scriptural truth . 2. To encourage growth in Chri tian character in each student , and to help the student accept hi s re pon ibi lity in faithfu l Chri stian service . 3. To increase the student 's awarenc s of the world of ideas and eve nts which arc inn uencing our conten1porary culture, and to prepare the student to knowledgeably partic ipate in our soc iety. 4. To enable the student to develop ound cr itical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide ufficienl opportunities for tudents to practice the kill o f communicati on. 6. To offer opportunitic for academic ·peciali zation and preparation for graduate ·tudy , and to assist the !> tud.cnt in elec ting and preparing for a vocati on. 7. To fo ter the student · s appreciati on of , and partic ipation in, wholesome avoca tional and cultural ac ti vi tie ·. Ohio Independent .Baptist is a publicati on of the O hi o As ociation of Regular Baptis t hurchc · Edito r State Rcpre entn1ivc David W,1rrcn Man aging Editor Li nda Thornas Proofread er Deborah 81 55Cll 'frchnica) Assis tance Rcg1~1cr Graphi c~ Randolph. Ne,~ Y 01 ~ Pl c.11,c di rect all L·on1111cnt:--, conc\ponucnce, and nc..' \\ .., to Olli<> l11depe11dent liapti~t P O Box 29 ~058 K clll:nng, 0 11 -+5429 917 294 02lJ ~ 0 1 c n1d il dav lindn~1'Ju no.c..tHll 'l'hc ()IB ,.., puhli,hc:tl "', 11111t:, pc.:1 ) l'<ll h) thc: < ,l11n ,\ ..,,ul 1.11 1011 ol ~l·gul.u H.1p1, ... , ('IHllllll·, '27 1 ,l'il l )11\l' , l ),1~l,lll ()fl 1, 11'1 \uh,1..11p11u11, .111.:." l'!>X li>ll'lgn) fll'I }l,11