The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1999
- . . ..... ···~····___,. U!:-c r ncll1 e-n,all or phone but el your new--j t us t,y JUL 15 for the next OIBI Dave and Pat Warren W l1cn l li t ,t inter, tC\\ cd \\ ith the l.llUn ' ti of 12 rc~arJ1no Lhe tate ... c- R~·rr ' 'l"Ot .\l l \ C' rLlStlion I a'>-..ured thc1n th.u ,1hhl,u~h l J1J not feel churt: h ... J'l:lnllng ,, .1, Ill) partt~ular "strong suit ," l ,, ,uld he , cr~ ,upport ive o f a church I IJnt1ng ~nJc~, 1..,r in Oh io. I ,v\1s well .1,~ Jft' c, t "'u r ~u ·l't'~S in plantl ng nc,,· ~·hur~hc, under Earl Utllhaugh· · h:.1,.h:1 , h1 p 1n the '60. and '70s. Also, r J.. ncv. th~tl , ornc .1Lttn1pl · hall been n1ade 1n thl· c.1rl\ l lJ90~ but the efforts had to . he l.11d a, 1de 1n nrJer co focus attenti on L'rl ,t~itc.:,, 1dc c, aun1as thnt can1c unex – rc t --JI) tll ll) ch~ p1 ·turc . .J\ftcr confer– ring ,, 1th '-°hurc.:h planung age ncie and 1J ... 1cn1n~ tn the hearthcal of several of .. ,,ur pJ~t,lf" in the talc, It hccan1c ~\ 1dcn1 11.''I me that ( hurch planti ng nl'~J~J 10 b~ gt\~n a higher priority on Ill\ .. l1> d,,·· lt,L ~ .\~ ,, rd1ngl). the Council of 12 and 1 h~IJ ,c\cral hra1n~Lom1ing e ·sion to l1 n,1Jcr all ~1dc~ of the \Cnturc and '- r~ ,calt ,c our he,t thought ,. Following the ,e e,....1un,. I dra l'Led a rough skeLch , \t J ·c~hurch Planung Propo. al" and ,t.:nl II tn che Coun<.:i1 for thei r rcvieVt' .ind refinetne nl. Thank!\ to e-n1ail and to 'l:'l'f•. il rrofitJhl~ d1,cu. -.1nn>. thi~ prup, ,,.ii h.1 .... n, ) V. gone through four re, 1 IL'n" t: Lt~h c>ne trcngthcn1ng. Wr te . How To Reach Your State Rep 98 Ktle On 1 e Cedarville O d5314 Call: 937-766-5913 - e·ma,l WarrenOARBC@juno com ec,rt 0 clar1fy 1ng. and ~harpcn1ng its focu ·. ()n ·rucsday, Apr tl 27, 1999. after furt her d1. t: u~s1on. the Counc il voted 12-0 lo a<lopl the proposal and l hus tu begin 1nov ing in the direction of bringing it lo reality . Thi i uc of lhc 0 /B is a firs t step in infonning our constituency o f the di rection we arc hcad tng. Plea ~e read the t ,vo other re lated articles and pass the infonnation a lung a~ far and wide as possi hlc. At nur OARBC C<)nfe rcnce 1n Portsn1 outh • 10 M o l of us recogni ze Ohio's Great Seal, but can you guc s what the Ohio State Motto is? Believe it or not, adopted as recent ly as 1959, Ohio' tatc motto is, "With God all thing are po - ible.'' Sha II we shoul. ' 'Amen !' ' Corn ing up with a design for Ohio's Great Seal and tate Mollo turned out to he a difficult proces . stre tching out over I00 years. A first design for a state ·eal wa repealed in 1805. Bui 111 I 866 a new design wa finally accepted for the Great Seal. Incorporated into th i new seal, howe ver. wa a new tate rnotto: ·'ttnpcriun1 in Impcno," n1eaning "an empire within an empire." This tin1c tl1c motlo {;rcated a stir never fully resolved until 1959, nearly 100 years later. A young • choolboy nan1ed Jim1nic suggested thaL an idca1 state 1notto would be ' 'With God all thi ngs arc pos ·ibJc." Jin11nie ' · teacher and interested fr iends irnmediately began to circulate a petition that these encouragi ng word become the new s tate rnotto. State Senator William H. Dcdden of Cincinnati introduced a bill Lo this effecr in the legi ·Jature early in 1959. Remarkab ly. with biparti an. assis– tance. thi · bill had c lear sail ing. Governor Michael V. DiSalle igned the bilJ into law on Ju ly 2, 1959. Since then this new motto ha. remajned in use without critici 1n, hringi ng to mind the ver e, ··A Ii tLle child shall lead them:· HATS OFF to Champion Baptist of Warren (35 years) and to the First Baptist of Niles ( 109 years). on the celebration of their anniversaries on May 16. thi October we will fonnally present the proposal an<l ask the n1es~engcr~ to ra II f y t h C '0U n C ti ' cJ CC i Si On. Since good <lcci i on. are n1adc on Lhc strength of good inf ortnation, we \Vant all to under ·tand what thi . pro– posal is ahoul. We also want a broad sen e of ownership from our churches aero · the · tatc for this venture. It i a large ta k th al \V tl I demand wide involvc1n cnl 1f we are to ··pull it off ." So read and think and di scuss and share and pray. because here come Stretch a11d Sow. PASTORS If you have not yet sent the names of your missionaries to Al Webster. please do so ASAP. Send them to: 5309 Chickadee Circle Orient, Ohio 431 46. Th is will complete ou r missionary directory for the Portsmouth conference. As You Go... T he chiropractor in our Northwe l Ohio communi ty usually asks during rny appoi ntments if I have any big pl ans for the weekend. After ment ioning our family ac tivi tie I alway i nclude our church activi ti es a well. Knowing of our church involvement he asked me during one visi t if I though! people needed to confess to a priest. What a wonderfu l opportun ity was mine to tell her ahout the in1plicity of the gospel and the One Med iator, the Lord Jc u . God opened a door for me to witnes during a chiropractic appointmen t because I had "big plan~,. for the weekend . ln your normal routines of living. remember Lo "be ready a)ways to give an an. wer." - As You Go. Matthew 28: 19-20 --edited by David Chap1rw11
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