The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1999

For encouraging your teens to participate in this year's Talents for Christ •••••••••••••••••••• •• • Plan now to attend the OARBC • : Conference in Portsmouth • • October 25-26. Remember, : • attire is "dressy casual. " • •••••••••••••••••••••• Cedarville College News Present With The Lord ,• Ed Lewis of International Teams brought an enthusiastic message to the 1999 Missions Conference. (photo: Scott Huck) T he Col1e~e· · annual Mi . sions Conferer~cc, held during the week of March 22-26, ended wi th per onal re ponses made by 1nore than 200 ludcnts . In daily chapel and evening services, !\ ludents heard enthu ·iastic addrc ·cs hy Ed Lewis (International Teams) , Hans FinLcl (CBinternali onal ), Larry Bollba(;k (Word of Life), and Ken ('olc and Mi c.:hael Loftis (AB\VE). Students had the opportunity to choose f'ro1n a variety of addi tional topical ~ern,nar~ . l ~hosc who made decisions are tcan11 ng up with facu lty and staff fo r prayer and counsel. Ccdarv11lc College President J)a ul H. l)Jxon \Vas awarded the E.J. Nu1tcr Awartl at lhc ·renth Annual Greene County (~0111n1un 1ty [)inner on April 7. ·rhc annual award is presented to a c: 1t i1cn of (irccnc Coun ty who ha~ af fct: tcd and advanced the growth of the county . LJnder Dixon's leade rship sinl:c 1978 the Co llege has in1pac: tcd G1 t:e ne ounl} Lhrough a 162 percent 1ump in ~nrollnH: nl ,tnd the larges t ,tudcnt volunlecr p1ogran1 1n the nati on . C cdarvtllc t;c l,:hratcu the Na tional IJc.1) of P1 ay~1 ,vtth u numhc1 oJ ,peLtal prayLr gathl:r1ng,, both formal JnJ intu, n1al. throughou t the <lay l)u1111g the extended chapel hour, the ~.nnpu"' Lun11nunlly wa~ challcng1,;<l hy l'astor John Jc.1Ll .,on of l·ar 11111, Bapl tst hutL.h 1n IJ.l}'h>rt lt> fir,t begin revival an l>UI , > h l!ill' l ~ untl lives ' f'un1 u l{1L·h . v. 11~ ,t ahdu~:1cd New 'l r1hc, n11~~1ona1 y 1,11 l\ J H.: h, runc ludi;d the st~r , tLL wi th her lcsll111ony. 'J he t;.ongrcgi1tu,n pray\;d .spec1 really for 11,iss1onai11e\ Mark R1 th. J~1Ll f t'n~noff. and l)uvc Mun~1n~. \Vho h,1, t n , l hct: n ~t;cn ~,ncl! the tr abduction Jn Pana111a on Jan J I , l 9lJ3 H ELEN MARGARET HARE went to be with the L.ord on Mother ' Day . May 9, 1999 . Al ong wi th he r hus hand Don, she had served the Lord a a n1i ss ionary unde r ABWE for 34 years. he is survived by her hu sband , four daugh ters, one on, 16 grandc hi 1- dren. and 7 great- gra nd childre n. At her fun e ral at Grace Baptist Churc h in Cedarville, Pas tor Dav iJ Grahan1 read ... c rip ture and led in prayer , Dr. Wende l l Kcn1pt on brought gree tings and n1 emori es from the ABWE fan1il y, and in1111cdi ate fan1ily member s spoke of the ir rem embrances of He len . Her grandc hildre n formed a choir s inging, ' 'Sav ior , Like a Shep– herd T __ ead Us ." Bruce McDonald , one of He len's sons- in- law, presented a me sage rc1ninding the audi ence o f what He len is now experien c ing in heavc n– rcuni on, rest, reward. and reve lation . R ALPI-I HILL, founder of Lakev iew Bapti s1 in Dundee and Pl easant Hill Bapti l o f Sn1ithv illc. died F'cbruary 25 at age 95. A set f– c1npl oyed painte r/paperhange r for 35 years, after Ralph rnarri cd Cleveland Hebrew Miss ion mi ssionary Fl oy H ii I, he subsequentl y became a staff n1en1bc r at the Mi s ·ion , according to Or. Gerald S n1c lsc r . "He was a n1 os t hun1blc and grac ious man and knowl – edgcahl c in the Sc.:riplures. He was a great he lp in ca rin g for the needs o f' the rni ss ion prope rty, a nc.l also at Kamp Kidron. He fo und pleasure 1n sc rv i ng othe rs.' ' Ralph is urvi vcd hy two daugh ter~. Mrs . Robert G. (Nancy) Ri etl el of Fairvi ew Park . Ohio, and Mrs. George (Barbara) Purnc ll o f Erial. New Jersey . . ix grandchildren, 20 grcat – granuchildrcn and a great-g rea t grand cl au gh l cr. Talents for Christ Wi11ners Announced T alents for Chr1~1 is an opportunity fo r young people to use thei r Go<l– givcn talents effecti vcl y for the further– ance of God's kingdom. First place winners in the Ohio cnn1pctitinn rece ive $400, and sc<..:o rt d pla<..:c win ners , $200. In a<.ldnion . fir~ t plaec winners arc clig1blc to tornpc te 1n nallonal con1pctit1011 in Seattle on June 27 . The f o ll ow1ng arc lhc 1999 wi nners fo1 Lhc , tale of C)h10 : Piano: 1st, Sara Zavodney , Grace Bapt i~l, cdarvi ll e~ 2nd , B~th Sh1111tr. In1n1anucl Bapt i~t. ol urnhu~; Visua liz •d Bible Teachi ng: I ,t. rral·y Mruv.,rka, (Jrac:c J3apt1 ,t. Wc\t lak~. :!nll. Megan Mate, l~thlc Bap ti st. Mathson, '1.,emale Voic •: 1, t. 'I Urtl<lra 13crry, rel low,hip 13apu ,t. W ~,d~wort h, 2nt1 , Jt\s1c:~1 Goodrich, l;a,th BuptJ ,l, Street ,horo. MaJ oicc: ~1Hlt rr, (jr ~l lC 8apt1 ,l, (\!<l.irv11lc , Wood"vinds: I . t. ' hcll y Bowers. Grace Baptist. Li111a : 2nd. Chr1suc ~leKenna. Calvary Baptist , Sandu~ky; Strings: l~I. El 1Labrt h hnrtt. Cir.1cc Bapt ist, Cedarville : Bible Kno,vledge: J ~l. Jan int" l-lrln11L·h. . Abhc J{oad, Elyria: 2nd . Br~nl N 1~. 1~os lor1 a BaptI!\ l, Fostoria ; Writing: I 'it, (i 1na (iillc~p,~. Pl~a~ant I[ill L3apust. S1n1thvdlc . 2nJ . ., 1111th, 'a1nJcn Hapt1~t. {)he, lin ; l~cn1alc l>ublic Speaking: I ~t. K11nbt·rly Fulks. t:,r,t liapt1 ,t L~I r1~1 . 1 nd, Jenn, fer t~augh111.11l 1· 11 ... 1 Buptl\l , R1ttn1an , l\1all' Public Speaking: l ,t , l t'l' l3 odL"t11nillL"r, Hl:rcd l1aptl\l. l~t'll',l, 2nd. l)~1vLd \.\' 1ll 1tu11,. ( '.tnh.l~n l"idpltst, ()he1l111 ; ocaJ ~~n!'.er11ble : l ,t . Jllt.a,.u1t l l tll Baptt~l. Snuth,tllt· , 2nd, C'.d,.11 ) Hapta,t. ~.1ndu,h.y