The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1999
Across the State Pastor Curt is and Patty Richardson Graham Road Baptise ha , called Curtis J. Richardson as its associate pastor of youth. Curtis attended Word or Life Bi ble Institute where he graduated with honors in 1993. In 1996 he graduated from Cedarvi lle College, havi ng earned a Bachel or of Art Degree wi th a Bible Comprehensive . He and hi~ wife, Patty, began their min isLry at Grahan1 Road in March . Senior pas tor a l Grahan1 Road i LaiTy Engle. On April I I , Temple Baptist wclco1ned Dan Rase as its new youth pastor. Dan 1s a graduate of Cedarvi ll e College and serves al\ area repre entat1 vc for CDR Radio. Chr1 \ Pilct. fonncr youlh pastor at Tc1nplc. i~ now involved in full -tin1e prc– f1c lc..l n1in1 ~try with ABWE to Mongolia . Senior pa!) tor at Ten1ple Baptist is John Gowdy. Midview Baptist hosted a m, s~1on · conference Apr, I 17-2 1. M issionaric~ part1C.: 1paling included 1)1 , Ji1n and Esther l~ntncr. J)r John and W1ll1c Mac Wi1l1 tn11\ , Lordcll an<l Bianca l{ush, and Ken and Angela Baker . l ' irn Mayo 1, pa~tcn at Mi<lv1cw. Hebron News rrhe Hebron Fellowshjp of Churches 1. (Northern Ohio) he. Id its annual n1ceting at the Hartvi lle Kitchen on May 15. "rhc 278 in attendance enjoyed a delicious 1ncal, a 1nus1cal presentation hy the Abundant Life Singers of Cedarville College and stirring chall enge hy John Greening\ National Reprc entati vc of the GARBC. Pastor Greening challenged the fe llowship to "Leverage our In ves tments" by ' 'Partnering in Carry ing Out The Great Commi sion." The Hebron Qui t. L.eaguc held ils chan1pionship quiz meet at the banquet with Abbe Road Bapti st hurch defeating First Bapt is t Church of Spencer 220 - 150. The winners, four high shoo! seni ors, were awarded college scholarships of $500 each fron1 the Hebron Youth Con1n1i tt cc. They are : Jared Faircl1ild, Faith Baptist. Amherst; Kimberly Fulks, Fir t Bapti t, Elyri n; Lee Bodenmiller, Berea Baptist , Berea; Andrew Johnston , Cavury Baptist. Sandusky In March 1998, First Baptist purchased a 15- passengcr van, for which mcn1 hers had given to a fu nd that paid half the purcha, c pri ce . By January 1999 the church was able to pay the balance and bum the note. The van ts used on Sundays and Wcdne ·days to transport children t (l unday School and AW ANA as we ll a · to transport you_ng people and adu lts to church outin g~ . Dennis Marttn is pastor at First Raptl . t. In the April issue of the 0 18, Henry Halblaub was not listed as pastor of Bible Baptist Church of Madison. We regret the error. Our purpose is to provide God-honoring Desfgn/Bulld serv ices 5 E M I BRENTWOOD Our gos/ Is to del ght our cllente wJth the process as well as the finished product . 16'1 So 11h S1.. 10 5tt,,ut W1111tt11 ~11111 011111 ii i081 (6111 7t,4 JIOtJ W1t1,um C Prltnoi.11 AiA Jo ,. A Ct1ap,11 11 Al;\ Oeslgn/Bulld 1 , r 1:111m,1,w, P,kt• . . t 11011,v,1111 0111., 4 ·n 1.1 I~ l I I t, 1!.>li', M Jo!luJJh I h1rkh110,111 l'1t1b1111 ,11 Church and Christian School Design and Construction Baptist ( ' hild rcn ~s I tome ...._ ____ & Fan,ilY M inistr, . . (>r<,vic.li11g ( : l,ri s tia11 11 <>11,e, f<>r ,,c( · c l,il c. l rcr, . ( )hi() < ) tfi l'l' (CJ '{ 7) '{22 -()()( )(, t :t1arl es M<lnr<>l' , () l1i <> l ) irect <>r RUPP AGENCY, INC. .\),ec" 1Ii-:, 111 ~ in c Ir u r el, I, ro JJ<' ,·r,· <.~ lioh1/1r,· i 11suro11 ce. H'itlr o \ er / .. 1()() c /J ' " <Ir e\' i n.\'11 r<)<I slot (' \,1 t£fe (Jver 9() (Jr\l?Br c/111rt hes are currently partici11ati11g in the Grou11 l'lan. ( 'all for a free a1JJJraist1/ and 110 obligation, co111petiti ve quote. J 1S7 Wc~ l Lane A venue ('o lun1h t1 '1 , OJl ..i 3 1 21 (~:111 to ll · I n~c : 1-800 282-92 58 ll l () 14 ..t86-5911 C'nntac t l~c n Rurr Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult For information call Ken Dady at 937-592-2358 Cecil Cairns at 440-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Books tat tered anti worn l We' ll repdir them to be more 1iurdble thdn new ' • I lyn111,1/ · • 011/ ol print /1! /c.f •ll1l>lt'. .. We: u r beth·, to r, ... b,,ttrr lJStn ~1s brttrr ~luc... bC'tti·r e C'rylhtni~ Aband llook 330-67 I 7679 UuJlt_!t R.cp ,111 ..:_ I rl·~ j ~t,n1.1tt·) 7
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