The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1999

Ohio Women D .111 ,l,u llll,h!t n c 1i , 1n1! 1n .1n .uc., , n fl llh'll' th,1t \ l'\I l · ,\ n th'\ I dt 1\ C f r , 11T\ there t,, .1n , ,, hr:1c cl,c • C~.,n , nu f.tthnn1 h.1, "'~ h' .:tl , l,u1 · h' ,\ gr,,l'cr~ , tprc ,, hen , u nc1..·"I ,uppltt·,' ·.1n \ l,u p1 1..· 1urc \Pt11 , --11 h1 1n~ lll J ('hurl' h n n c .1nJ one- . .. h.111 tl\lur, .ind t,, ,, .. Hh.l nn1.." h.1l t n1ounta1n, .,,, .1, .1nJ lindlll!! ."' _"() pc,\plc 1n .ntcndan~~ . . C\t"t\ Sund.t, • ''t° ,)U ~(ittld tt ~nu h,cJ 1n the ~11nh.u r~~llHl nf C\\ ,ut nca. 111.11 ·, ,, ht:rc l~ 111 and l)cbh1c ·roh,a~. 1\ B \ \ l · 1n1,,1,•n.u 1c ...; . h .1,c flll)\CU to hcg1n ""." n,tru1..·th,n ,,n .1 1111,,H,n ~ l.ll l\)rl thal ,vi ii ht•lp ~,:lac, 1..'r th~r~ rca l1 1c their g<)al of re l.htnf! J2 lll)() pt•np lc , , ith the g<,~pc l. ·\ nd ,, c .ire ~,,1n~ l (' '-·o labor \.\' llh thc1n .. ... thr",ugh l'Ur pr.1~cr, dnd our quarlcr, as tl'\C\ ' 'tl\ 1n " \.·c1n...;tru( tion ~4u1pmcnl clncJ . . tiulld th1 , nc, t , car. D~hh1c v. rile!\. "All the rain n1akc~ 1t a hu 1nuJJ, for v. alki n~ to the village, for . ... ... the l.1d1c, Ll,,~,c. I an1 leadi ng. It take~ n,c .th\ ,ut '- n~ .1nd nnc-hal r hl)Ur~ to walk l o tht' nc.irc,t , 1 lla~c . .i_nd then. o f course. L)ne .1nd 1"lflC h.l lt hour to \.\ alk hack home. If 1h.ll 1, the on l, , 1llagc I eo co. I can "' ... .... u,uall, ~c l hack lo our pl ace hcfore ll ..... ,t.1n: r:unang 111 the afternoon. If I go to the \ i!IJ\!C th.u ,~ f arthe: l av..·ay fron1 us on the .. . . ro.1d. H ta.kc . inc all da) . hccau. e 1l . two nd one-half hour· a\\.ay fron1 our hou e. It t s • ' killer' \\ ,ilk, tl)O I \.\ ondcr 1f the fact th.u r,11 n(H Qe tun~ an\ \ ounger has .... i._: ** ._ an) Lh1 ng tt, J~ , "' 1th Ill) hen, y hreath1ng .l lnng the ,,.1y ' " ,\II the rain we've hccn h., v1 ng lately r ,1u, cd u l,1nc.JshcJe on thi s 1u,\J. It \\'as ucJ... y to walk through. (Now , llU rnu:-. t rcali ,c that when I u ·e the word ., ·r,)ad' 1 an, u~tng 11 loo. cly! ) They keep sc1y1ng Lhcy arc going lo br ing an a bu ll – dn,cr, scrape tt. and n1akc it a hcucr road tn travel on. hut it hasn' t happened yet. ~ ·hat would rcall save ti111c i~ one of those Ka\:vasak1 t,;1utcs ! l coulcJ j ust 1.ip her e and there \.v ith it !!·· We OWTv1 officers agree : Dehbic need: a " n1u lc !" Nol the hay-eati ng. bray ing type. you under ' tand . he needs a Kov. a~a1"1 1ul c- an overland , chicle that wtlJ shor ten her tin1c in lravc l anti enable her to reach the v1 Jl agcs with enough breath to share the precious good news 1n God' s Word. J arn o excited ! Our thcrne for the year will be ' 'For Such A Ti rne As Thi ... Reaching Forth.' ' How appropriate. As we approach the year 20(}(), we w11J a i t our brothers and i. ten~ in Christ in New Guinea as they "reach fo1 th" and continue to obey the Great Conllni ~~ ion. It will take 2.000 Jilled quarter- avers to purcha~c the "Mu le." and all of us inter– ceding for those involved in thi · an1bit iou~ construction project. But jusl keep i n n1i nd and heart the rejoicing when we stand together 1n Glory and ·cc the •·fruit." Thank you. 1n advance, for all you wi ll do ., in the coin ing year . In His Lo\ c. .'uc t il ler RETREATS ..S,t 1ng al His Feet: The Bountiful Blessings of Communion with God" is the theme of the Ohio women's AUTUMN EVEnTS ~ retrea No'vember 11-12 at The Inn at the Am ish Door ,n Wilmot. "A Personal Encounter wi th Christ" 1s the theme chosen by Linworth Baptist for the 1999 Scioto Hills Women ' s Retreat . Speaker Crystal Giff in and small group leader Oh,c Deb Searles will speak and min s er 1n music Cindy Strickland, re rea· cha1r\,voman. notes that the retreat ,;os ~,II be comparable wi th retreats held ai A "'ood and Salt Fork in past years . Sep ember 16-18 are the dates set for t~e Skyview Ranch Women's Retrea t. Glona Da rton s soeak1ng on the topic, ''In Search ot ·~e H dden Treasure ' In addition. three vorksrops are planned: "Marriage Is Like Ba 1ng a Cake, Searching the Map to Find your Treasure. and 'Decorating on a 8 .. dget. The cost ,s $45, \V1th $10 N/R oepos by 9 3 & $35 due at registration. .'ai<e checks pa~ab e to Faith Baptist and send ,o he church at Box 896. Mount 'l ernon OH 43050 Diane Linger will lead a study of women who have had an encounter with the Savior. Come enjoy the fellowship of others . create an easy craft and have the weekend of your life. Your church i? . encouraged to bring and pay for m1ss1~n– aries home on furlough. Cost for a cabin is $20 before 8/2, $35 on arrival. Lodge (double occupancy) cost is $20 before 8/2, $40 on arriva l. Registrations due by 8/2 none accepted after 8/23. Include em~il or mail address for confirmation. Make check payable to Linworth B?-ptist; mai l to Linda Kushnir, 9290 Che.shire Rd., Sunbury, OH 43074. 740-965-9250 (local call from Columbus) lkushni r12@j --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---, • L At press time. the 1998-99 project total was $8,390 for ~ ~ .., the Womens Department of Baptist Mid-Missions. to the z=escue! Regular · CEDARVILLE COLLEGE r O l ot 601 , c, dorvlllt, OH 45314 060I 937·766-2211 fU 937,166-2760 • Worldwide Christian ministries • Financial aid available • Award-winning computer network • 2,650 students from all over the world • Bibfically·integrated curriculum spanning 90 areas of study • Accredited Baptist college of arts, sciences, and professional programs • A U.S. News & World Report .,Best College" Educat io11 Co,isistent with Biblical Tn, th... i,1 the Miam i Valley si11ce 1887