The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1999
; Ohio Women Dear Ladies, P lease match the person named in column one with the most appro– priate de cripti on in column two. 1. Cain a. Peter's brother 2. Timothy 3. Andrew b. David's giant "victim" c. Solomon's friend 4 . Zabud d. Abel 's murderer 5. Gol iath e. Eunice's son I' m wondering how many of you matched " 4" with "c" by proce s of elimination. In other words, only after you paired the other did you know that Zabud was Solomon's fri end . It ' not a commonly known fact, is it? Nonethe– less, it is a fact. God says so in I Kings 4:5. Recently as I was reading rapidly through the Ii t of names in I King 4, that phrase at the end of ver e 5 made me low down, reread and then meditate on its full meaning. "...and Zabud the son of Nathan was pri ncipal officer, and the King ' friend ." Webster defines a friend as" 1) a person whom one knows well and i fond of; a close acquaintance; 2) A person on the same side in a struggle ; an al1 y; 3) a upporter or sympathizer." Zabud was perhaps al] of these and more to Solomon. He was the one who listened , encouraged, advised and just "was there without a word ' at other times. He was Solomon's friend . I smiled as I wondered to 1nyself if "Zabud" was the origin of the term "buddy ." You remember the "buddy ~ystem" at camp, don' t you? You knew when the whistle blew, you had to find your buddy . The two of you had been paired off in a partnership arrangement for mutual help and protecti on. OWMU OFFICERS 1999-2000 President. Mrs Sue Miller 1750 Fl1n th1II Drive Columbus OH 43223 614-875-41 28 V1ce-Pres1dent. Mrs Susan Johnson Box 247 Huntsburg OH 44046-0247 440-636-5543 Secretary Mrs Betty Dyak 1911 Eldridge Avenue Akron OH 44301 330-724-9676 Treasurer· Mrs Ruth Shoe 8859 State At #47 West DeGraff OH 43318 937 585 6255 Isn' t that what we, the members of the OWMU, are all about? Reread the definiti ons of friend and buddies. They fil , don' t Lhey? And as friends and buddies of our missionaries, we count it a privi lege to pray for them, write them, call them, listen to their hurt and concern with open hearts and closed lips, get to know Lhem better by attending local, area and state mis ionary meetings and as isl them as opportunities arise. After all of the pondering I did that day, I humbly prayed, "Lord, may You be able to ay of me, ' She was a missionary 's friend.' " May we all be "Zabuds" today! In His Love, Sue Mi ller RETREATS AUTUMN EVEnTS 11 A Persona l Encounter with Christ" is the theme chosen by Linworth Baptist for the Scioto Hills Women' s Retreat Sept. 9-11 Speaker: Crystal Giffin ; small group leader: Diane Linger . Registration is $25, none taken after 8/23 . Cabins $35 on arrival ; lodge (double occupancy) $40 on arrival. Partial attendance rates available. Contact Linda Kushnir, 9290 Cheshire Rd., Sunbury, OH 43074 . Call 740-965-9250 (local call from Columbus); lkushnir12 @juno .com September 16-18 are the dates set for the Skyview Ranch Women's Retreat. Gloria Dayton is speaking on the topic, 11 ln Search of the Hidden Treasure... In addition. three workshops are planned : 11 Marriage Is Like Baking a Cake," 11 Searching the Map to Find your Treasure." and 11 Decorating on a Budget." The cost is $45. with $1 O N/R deposit by 9/3 & $35 due at registration. Make checks payable to Faith Baptist and send to the church at Box 896, Mount Vernon. OH 43050. "Sitting at His Feet: The Bountiful Blessings of Communion with God" is the theme of the Ohio women's retreat November 11 -12 at the Inn at Amish Door in Wilmot. Deb Searles wi ll speak and minister in music. The cost is $42--4/ room; $47--3/ room; $55--2/room. Includes full hotel amenities, full Amish family style meal on Thursday evening; deluxe continental breakfast on Friday. Two workshops are offered: Tabernacle Praying and Paper Twist Woven Basket. CedaNille College will provide bookstore seNice. Full payment due by October 1. Make check payable and send to Diane Varner. P.O. Box 1229, Norton, Ohio 44203. Inquires can be directed to Diane by phone (330-825-7888) or e-mail (nortonbaptist @ Juno com) OWMU Fall Rally Tuesday,October26 2:00 pm Temple Baptist, Chu rch 1148 Gallia Street, Portsmouth Speaker : Mrs . Juleen Hayes BMM, Ghana Theme: "For Such A Time As Thi s... Reaching Forth" Project: $10.000 for a Kawasaki Mule for missionary Debbie Tobias in Papua New Guinea Come prepared to help us reach our goal! Fall Rally Northeast Ohio Area WMF September 28 10 a.m. - 2 pm Calvary Fellowship Baptist Church 727 Mentor Avenue. Painesville Speaker: Mary Gardner Project: Faith Community Center. Cleveland Bring sandwich for you & your children Salad, dessert & beverage provided. Ohio Independent Baptist is a publication of the Ohio Association of Regu lar Baptis t Churche Editor Stale Reprc. enlati ve David Warren Managing Editor Linda Thomas Proofreader Deborah Bis~cll Techni cal Assistance Regi~lcr Graphics Randolph. New York Please tltrec1 all con11nenl~ . corre~pondcnce. and ne\v~ to Ohio lndepe11de11t Baptist P O Bo, 29J058 Kcuenng, 0 11 45429 9~7 294-0291 or C n1a1I uavlinua@)JUrlO.l'Olll 1'he 018 1, puhli,ht>d ,1\ 11111c, pc1 \t·.11 ti, tht! ()h10 A,slh .. tulton of Rt·gul~u B ,tpll'1t ( ' hur t he, , 127 1::a,t l)rl\t' l),1,10 11 ()II 4"14llJ Sub,"'np11ons ate l,) ( 8 lort>tgn) p t·1 \t'Jt ___ , )
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