The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1999

- ' On September 22, Mrs. Helen Drullinger went to be with her Savior. Helen was the wife of Dr. David Drullinger, associate professor of Bible at Cedarvi lle College and preaching associate at Washington Heights Bapt ist in Dayton. - LA r See you at the OARBC Conference in Portsmouth October 25-26. ~ - W~ Remember, attire is "dressy casual." •'-'-..\;.I············· Hannah's Home Becon1ing Reality by Pastor Doug Reeder T he Bible contains many promises from God. One of those promises is, "With God all things arc poss ible ." This promise could not be any more straight– forward. God oftentimes wants His children to watch Him do the unexpected. Carol Beresford of Eastl ake, Ohio, has watched God do what vvas believed to be the impossible. Carol is the wife of Rev. Paul Beres[ord , pastor of Cal \ ary Fellowship Baptis t Church in Pai nesville, about 40 mi les eas t of Cleveland . For several years Carol searched for the answer to the ques tion of how Christians could best impact the social •~sue of abortion which plagues America. God'~ answer to Carol was to establi sh a hon1c for unwed mothers. Gr-wing In Grace -Thi.5 ar1icle if the four1h in a series on d1 'l ctplerhtJ> '.1- riuen by 1ne111bers of the Counctl vf 12. R ecentl y I inquired concerning the well-being of the pastor that I grew up under. "Pra1~1ng the Lord," was the reply . When I wa!:) a teenager, the Lord brought lo the Evan~v illc Bapti~l Church a n1an v.,ho wa!:> wi lling to 1nve~ l his life 111 n1ine. Hi\ na,ne wa\ Donald Loon1i \. While Don influenced n1y life for uodltncs!). there were al\o deacon~ 1n that church who contributed greatl y in the rnaking of n1y you ng life. JC!:)SC l{obcrtson saw the potential for rny hccorni ng a preacher of the go\pc l. God useu 1-larvcy McCorn1ick, Cliff W1gg1n\, anu \\ 1 ar rcn L.aw1 encc l o prov 1dc Lt an spor lat ion lo the scr, ice~ and acti viti1.: s of the church a seen11ngly insignificant n1inistry that helped n1c catch a vision of servi ng the Lord . l\1any are serving the l_ord today because of those fa1thf ul pa, tor\ ctnd deacons who were there to hl!I p you ng people like inc "Gr ow 111 (j r ,tLe " / Jt1)to1 \Villit1111 I / )ai1\ lJ1ble Ha[Jltlf ( hu,, It. /Jetl/01tl The answer involved money-lots of it- bri ck , mortar, and a locati on. Mrs. Beresford committed this vision to prayer, personal ly and co ll ecti vely, as she shared her burden with the church. She prayed about it for 13 years and then di scussed her vision with a C leve– land area doctor who challenged her to make her vis ion a reality. Thus Hannah 's Home was born in Mrs. Beresford 's heart. The hard part came next: pulling her hands and feel to her faith. She knew he needed a board of director · and people skilled in counseling and med ic ine. With the board in place, Hannah 's Home needed a location lo call home. Mrs. Beresford, known for her persis tence and not taking "no" for an answer, approached a Mentor businessman , Jerome T. Osborne. 0 -borne donated a fi ve-acre site in Mentor to the project. She also ap– proached a contractor from her church, Dave Barr, to over ee construction of the building as God worked I-Iis n1iraclc. Next ca,ne approval fo r the plans by Mentor City Counc il. which came wi th few problems. And with God's help. donated materials literally poured into Hannah 's Home . Caro l received a crash course in ra1 ~ing n1oney when th e board decided it needed $20(),000 in the hank to pay for Memo to Church Secretaries & Treasurers: Just a reminder that all contribu– tions to the OARBC General Fund & the OIB should be sent to the OARBC bookkeeper: OARBC clo Mr. Phil Miiier 1750 Fllnthlll Columbus OH 43223 Checks sent to other addresses may mean delay In processing Thanks f or your cooperation! construction items not donated. She organiLed ~everal f und-raiscrs, including an auction, Mother's Day gift -wrapping at a loca l ma ll, a rib cook-o ff. and a go lf outing. She has been diligent in request– ing he lp fron1 groups, and ~cvcral large donations have come into Hann ah· s Honie unsolic ited . Even though initial fund-raisi ng goals have been met, the need continues. Once the home is bui It and opened, there arc n1onthl y obligation~. Hannah ·s Horne is separate fro n1 Calvary Fellow– ship , so it must he a sclf-s u ·taining mi n1 stry. If you wou ld like to know 1norc about Hannah's Horne, contact Pas tor Doug Reeder at 440-354-8994. Project Needs Volunteers A BWE's new Mi ss ionary Tra1n1ng Center 1s already undcrv., ay al tl~e Admini strative office 1n Harr, ~burg, Pennsy lvania. Under the leadership of Bob Dyer. this add iti on w1 II house ABWE's nc\v prograrn to provide haste. prac ti cal field training for pre-field n1i ss ionarics and continuing education ... for ve teran n1i ssionarics Though n1t11..:h ... of the training will be done on the fie ld. the new facilit1c"i arc designed lo accon1n1odatc the ii arri~hurg pnrt1on~ ol lh1 i.; progran1. Volunteer~ arc needed to help \\ llh construc t1 ~) n. Skills part1cul.u I) c11L1c.1 l inc lude bricklayer~. HYAC. plu1nh1n!! anc.J electrical and carpet 1n,t,1ller, '!'here is al!-lo a great nccJ for f1 a1n1ng an<l finish carpcnlr), 1oolcr,. d t)\v,111 1nstall cr,, drop ce iling rnstalh~r "· painters. cook~. kitchen helper, ..,nd .111 ~Ort s of general l,\horcr\ An 1 one 1ntcrc~ tcd 1n helping ,, 1th lht~ proJCCl rna) cont dL't C'loc ~lllLhcll .ll A 8 Wl~ ( J>honl' 7 I 7 77..l t H)O, t' \ t 187 , t' lll ,HI Lhloc@ .. 1b,"c u1g ) .\13 \\ I 1, llHlk.lnl:! l or -4() \lllunlct'l\ pc1 \\L'l'k. l'ho,c \.\ho dc,1rt' to p, b 1 ,uppl\ 1ng. 111.uc , 1,\l, ,hnuld t nnt .tl' l I )1L k t\11lt hell .11 7 17 77-l l-100 L' l ·102. ' '