The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1999
, Across the State L to R, Carl & Ethel Thomason, Lee & Alva Grosh, Joel & Janet Harriman During the month of October, Mount Pleas– ant Baptist celebrated its 35 th anniversary with the theme, "Faithfulness to God and His Word.' On October 3, former pastors participated in the services. The month– long celebration concluded with a Bible conference with Dr. Milo Thompson, president of Baptist Bible College of Penn sy I vani a. The church began in 1964 wi th a Bible study under the leadership of Dale Tilton of Salem. In September of 1966, the group organi zed into the Mount Pleasant Bapti st Fellowship, using the fonner Mount Pleasant School, an old brick school bui lding on Route 183. The pre~ent facility was constructed in 1987- 88. With the help of missionary builder and much work on the part of the church famil y, the building was ready, debt-free, for 1ts first service on December 8, 1988 . Joel Harriman is pas tor at Mount Pl easant Bapti st. Calvary Baptist held Promotion/Rally Day on September 5. The church went over its goal of 50 in Sunday school. Si nger Eri c John Hawout provided special music. The children all rcc..ei ved ba ll oons. J)a!:>lor at alvary is Nei l Appell. Hon1eco1ning at Ambrose Bapti t was held on October 17, with the lherne, "Facing the New Mll lenn1 un1 ." Speaker for the day was Rev. Clarence Townsend , pa~lor at A1nbrose Bapti st from 1952- 58 ~eve1al f orme1 n1ember!:> were pre!:>ent for the day's events. Alan Beal 1~ pastor at An1brose. On November 14 the New Richland Baptist Church of Be lle Center celebrated it 60th anniversary . Gues t speaker for the day was Dr. Mark Jack on. The congregati on enj oyed a carry in din ner at the c hu rch, foll owed by an earl y aft ernoon se rvice with Dr. Jackson bringing another message . Everyone in at tendance received a key chai n comme n1 orati ng the 60th anniversary. Willi am Ru ssell is pas tor at Be ll e Ce nte r Pastor Timothy & Susan Hein rich, Janae and Samantha Vermillion Baptist Church of Perrysvill e has called Timothy Heinric h as it enior pastor. Pastor Heinri ch comes to Yennillion from the First Bapti t Church of Hud on, Michigan . He succeeds Rev . Albert S. Yos t, who retired March 22, 1998. Pas tor Paul Mayo erved the church a interim pas tor for one year. Pastor Heinrich and his wife, Su an (Shimp) are both graduates of Cedarville College. They, along with their daughters, Janae (4) and Samantha (2) began their mini stry at Vermilli on October 3, 1999. An Augu t 13 Fan1ily and Fri ends BBQ brought 300 people to Faith Baptist for chicken, hot dogs and pork chops. Speaker for Lhe evening wa Travi s asper, a edarvil le o llcgc student and n1cmber at Faith , who gave the Gospel message us ing rope as an objec t lesson. Pastor Denn is Burns notes that rai n predicted for the evening he ld off un til the progran1 was co1nplcte and the grounds cleared- an answer lo prayer. On Scpten1ber 26-28 the church hos ted a prephec:y sen1inar with l{cv . Gary andlish, exccut1 vc c.Jircctor for Bapllsts for Israel. Bagtist Children's Home & Family Ministries Ill> Adoption (including foreign} Ill> Group Homes Ill> Maternity/ Paternity Counseling Ill> Family Counseling 40 ryears of Caring Ohio Offi ce· 937.322.0006 ('harlcs Monroe, Ohio Director OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association! Administered by RUPP Agency Columbus, Ohio 614-486-5911 toll-free: 1-800-282-9258 FAX: 614-486-2492 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult For information call Ken Dady at 937-592-2358 Cecil Cairns at 440-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehi cles av,11lable Buy quality for less at :'tl'Jt,1',:'f Transportation IJ~.,J~t.,i Equip. Sales Corp. G40 t Se, 1111.i n Rd Orcg<)n O~I ·13t, 1B -11 9 H !t .?B:l~ Toll -free nat,onwrde 1 800 2 J 7 3572 "819 church discount!:> ash for Bud G1c1hc11n 7
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