The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2000
Tb~<> t :Bcapti.s.t . " •. ' . . . ... . . .l The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 73 No. 1 February 2000 n n1y travel s around Ohio I have noticed a neat phenomena in the world of advertising. Many companies are now cooperating rather than compeung with one another when it comes to s1gn~ and buildings. It 1s not unusual to see on the ~an1c pole bolh a Shell and a Subway ~ign. Many Wahnarts include in thei r ·tores a Mac.Donald 's Res taurant. MCI hares the same logo with Continental Airlines and offers air 1niJes to those v.~ho use their phone system. In other words, businesses today arc tea1ning up for the sake of n1ax1murn eJ f 1cien y and pro tl. r-fhcy are n<> longer interested in 1e-inventing all the wheel on their own. "oope1 ati ve t ntut es a, e in and everyone bene tls f rorn thern... f'he n1oder n tcrrn for this is connectivil) 1• In reality, they are simply catching up with the New Testament model. This issue of "-""- the OIB highlights ........._ the idea of "-.L__J connecti vity among our churches. It mean that ~_J we are bound together and supportive of one another,s endeavors. Partnering would be another word for it. We work together for maximum efficiency and profit for the Kingdom. It · very New Testament ! Though we arc saved a · indi viduals, upon our salvation we immedi ately become a part of a group-a very large group. Even though we do not reali ze it, it happen . The group i called "one another." Did you realize that the term one c1.norher occurs 68 times in the New Teslamen l and is one of the core values of the Chri ·tian life? Nor are the New Testament writers speaki ng only of the other believers \vho are a part of our particular local church. The "one anolhcrs" of the New Testan1ent stretch us to the very edge of the Body of Christ; they draw us out of our own sn1allne1.,~ and 1n t\ t we he "connt'cfe(l " in In This Issue • Supporting Stretch and Sow page 2 • Partnering paid off for these churches page 3 • Women announce spring rally page 5 • Talents for Christ is coming page 6 • Ohio welcomes two new pastors page 7 • Brian Kenyon says his wife deserves a break page 8 ·ome n1eaningf ul way to the brethren and "·i ·tern ." on1e examples are: Speak to one another Pray fo r one luzother Edify one a11 c>ther Love one anorher Sen 1 e one anorher Greet one an<>ther A-1i111srer to one a1101he1 f ~o rg i\•e one llnorher Be at ,,eace H'tlh one (lll<>lhe, Rellli~e He are 111 e 111her\ 011£ <~/ a11othe1 E.t ltort one anorher Bu~1nc,sc~ totlay ha, c l,l~t:n a p.1g~ l llll of our gdn1c hook. . the Ne\\ I c,t.1111~111 Not only \hould "' c he nn the ''-,..1111~ page ," ,vc ,hould he le.1u1ng tht• ,, ,t\ 111 "' 01 ~1ng together ,, tth lH1t' ant)lht'I I>\\ - -
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