The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2000

Deadline for the Aprll OIB: March 15 email address: The 1999-2000 OWMU project video is available by contacting Sue Mille r at 614-875-41 28. Dave and Pat Warren Whal s J!oul' W,sh L,sf? Can Pa,.rnel'ing Help? fter the Confe rence in Iowa next ummer, then what? It ha been encouraging to hear hO\\' our chur hes in Ohi o have u ed thei r :ummer. to help one another. Y c.1u \v i l l rejoice with the Vi enna Bapti , t Church when you read how a group fron1 the Faith Bapt i t Church in Boli var brought Noah to YBS in Vienna . You wi 11 al o rejoice with the people from Fellow hip Bapti t in Dublin, when you read about the group of 1nen from Emmanuel Bapti ~ t in Toledo who a i ted with Dublin' , ne\v additi on. How n1any more of you would app rec iate help wi th a VBS program? Ho\v 1nany of your churche have a need for fre ·h paint? Or a fix-it projec t that hang over your head ? Perhap~you wi h a group wou ld come and do a tract di tributi on in : our comn1unity or a te lephone can1paign, or help with ome other community outreach. And then there are other of you \\ ho are looking for projec t for you r ) oung people, young married fe llow– hip . senior adult , or fo r your lad ie or n1en fo r mi ' ion · group . Let u~· help you connec t with one another! It ' not Chri tma , but plea e end u your "Wish List.'' Di cu~· your need with your dea– con and other church leader and dee ide ~ hat wouId be on top of your l I t. Then let us know. :\I o~ let u know what kinds of groups are looking for summer projects or ministries. Tell us about some of the talents in your ') - 0 group. There' no need to feel tre ed or tretched over VBS when another group i looking for an opportunity to try their wing in teaching and working with young people. There' no need for paint to be peeling on your build– ing, when wi lling 1nen, wornen, or young people might want to erve the Lord by meeting your need. We can't promi e to meet everyone' need or wi he . But when all of the Body of Chri t i functioning appropriately, there hould be no lack. What' on your Wi h Li t? Well , here's our Wi h Li t - to ee how many of u can partner to erve one ru1other thi coming summer. $tretch and $ow: A Few Words About Support e want to thank tho e churches who have already made commitment to increa e their giving to the OARBC. Some have actually doubled their giving, in order to cover the alary for a econd man on our staff, the Church Pl anting Coordinator. Other have al o increa ed their giving toward our need and the general offi ce expen e . Thi wil I go a long way toward recovering any hortfall noticed in la t year' operation . We al o want to thank those churche who are adding the OARBC to their budget for the very fir t time. What a bles ing it would be if every church added the OARBC to their budget. Even a very mall amount wi ll peak volume about your de ire to partner with u in thi church planting effort and beyond . This i where the $tretch come in. More of u giving ome– and ome of u giving more. Some have asked how they can be ure that their new monie will go pec ifically to the Stretch and Sow program. Let me peak a few word to that ubject. The general fun.d of the OARBC i the fund from which al l salaries, in urance , OIB, ecretarial, and offi ce expen es are paid. It is to be expected that office expense , as well a alary expen e , wil l increase with the addition of a econd full -time per on on staff. In thi pa t year, your generou gift for peaking engagement have more than covered all office and travel expen e for Pat and me. All of the e gift are over and above the regular budgeted giving by churche . Thi allow the regular budgeted monie to cover alarie , in urance, and OIB expen e . Therefore, it can be fairl y well a ured that additional monie budgeted for the OARBC will go toward covering the salary package and ecretarial help required for the Church– Planting Coordinator, a well a office and travel expense he may incur. Since thi new Coordinator will be working with church plants, it i unlikely that the e young groups will be able to reimbur e many of hi travel expen e , nor i it expected. However, increa ed giving by all of our churche will enable the Church Planting Coordi– nator to put the Church Planting Program into high gear. Thi i where the $ow come in. More church planting effort in more pl ace around our tate, new place to $ow the eed of God' Word, as well a the tand our fellow hip takes on the Word. May thi word about $Support$ gi ve you the confidence to $tretch and $011-· with u !