The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2000
Pastors!! Don't forget to register for the Pastors & Wives Retreat April 10-11. Send your registration fee to Pastor Mark Ash ley at Northfield Baptist. Lessons In Partnering he Greek word koinono mean ·'to have in common." Our English v.'ord for thi i pa rtner. The Apo tl c Paul ays of T itu , "he is 111~ parLner and fe ll owhe lpe r concerning \ ou... ·· II Corin th ian 8:23. Paul over Jnd O\er again mention · those whom he counted as ..partner ·" or he!pers in the fa nh To use a c liche. ·'no n1an i an island unto him ·e lf.' . We may at ti1n e think v. e have accomplished a lot a lone, hut 1n rea lity it has been partne rship along the v. ay: our parent and teacher. v. hen grov.. 1ng up, pa tors and church leader~ in the fa ith and fri ends the Lord ha':> pu t in our li\ cs. Thi · ame pr inc ipl e 1\ true of ou r churchc · o f like fai th . This 1~ v..hat I v.,ould like to re late concerning our Vacation Bible School thi · past \Ummer On February 15. Dr. and Mr . Warren can1c to our church to 1nect with the leadcr\ h1p and our v.. ives. W c had a great ti 1nc of fe ll owshi p and ge tting to kno v, one anothe r better. It had bee n \DJlll~ tune ~1nce our church had a real \ B 5 \O v. c a~~cd Brother Warren for ~on1c ,u..l \ ice in v.. ha t to do. He gave u~ a churLh to contact who U\ed VBS as a su rnrncr n1 1n1, lr) fo r the ir young people. \Vhl!n v. c contacted thcrn they were alrcad) Lon1 n11ttcd. hu l gave U\ the 11an1c of another < rch v. h1 ch \VU!-1 , tarting '1 ,1111ilar nuni\ l1 ) 'fh 1, church v. as J~ai th 13aplist of BolJ\ We contacted thcni. and af tc1 \C\ era ) date change\ v. c set up a d'-llc. W c n1e t ~C\ era) tin1cs and their young pcopl <.; helped u~ can\ as~ our area and pa\\ out O\ er 5()() hrochurl's. Whtt l J hle,1., 1ng th1, v. a tc inc, to sec those )oung people t:XC !leO about ~el\ 1ng lhL l ,Ol"U . C)u1 \ <1catio11 Ilihle sLhool v, as held Jul) 26 28 \>../c did not ha\ e ..i high .1ltt"ndt111Le \-\C expected thi - but tho~~ v,hn ca111e v..cre reallv i.:xcllcd . • (Ju, 1lien1e v.a "' s \\'01ld ,' '" hornc 1nach:- progrdlll of J·allh 13apti st. I\1 uch v. or t \\ e nt 11110 thi s, l'as to1 SlanfrJI and c rcv. g,t\e u~ ~1 full -hluv.11 p1ug1t1n1 fl ee111ed .,t 111 ~1 thl") \\ e I c reIocat rng lo our t hu I ch v. ll h ~ti I the pr op~ ,111d rnate1 1.1] the 1 b1 uughl ()ur O\\ n people \\ e,e there to he lp but n1o~tl) sat hdck and leai ned \\ 1th tl1e Lhild1t'n 1 he 1nate11dl l.'On ·~r,ung LI c.. H1 on dlld the uni, e 1 sal fl ood v. as t ce lle ,11 " Pe nn s, )\ an,a J>c 11: the A, l - " oJogist" really set the a tmosphere! He (Mr. Dan) is a deacon of Fa ith Baptist and took ome pe r ona l day off work to be with us. Thi part nership with Fa ith Bapti t accon1plished a couple thing for our c hurch. Firs t, it encouraged us to pursue a children·s n1i ni lry. The church ha~ not had an outreach to children for cveral years. We are now in the process of ·etting up a Joy Club mini s try tha t Fai th Bap ti t ha used with succe ·s. Second . it has he lped us ·ee the in1portance of other churches of like faith. Be ing indepe ndent , fundan1enta l e speak thousands of throw– away words eve ry day, but once in a while ·0111eonc speak s words tha t become fix ed in our pe rn1anent n1en1 ori cs. So,nc ti n1es, the 1111pac t i\ li ke a ragged laceration n1 adc hy ncgativc words that cut deep and don' t hea l. ornc ti n1es we ex pc ricncc those rare, las tt ng conversati ons dc\cribcd in Proverbs 25: 11 : ' 'Like apples or gold in settings of ~il vcr 1s a word ~r oken 1n right c ircun1s tanccs." One such exchange had to do with the plan~ our church wa\ rn aking to hcg in a daunt ing hui ld1ng proJCCL, and the n1cn1ory 1s or a pas tor who offe red <trp lc, o l gold hy say ing. "When you ge t to that poi nt, call n1c and our church v.. ii I conic do\vn to heIp you huild i t. " ·r111 ~ 1, a story of how God 1~ .issc n1- hl1ng a network of ta lcnl~ and re~ources to accon1pli \ h a proJcct togcthct th,ll Olli \lllttll churLh Loul<l not tttckle on ll, o\, n. (, od ht•g,111 V. 1th the g, oup or gene, uus and dl·d1catl.'.d pL'or lc that n1akl' up ou1 chur ch fa1nil) \ \ ' 1th .i \ l\llH1 basl·d on la1th , the pl.'.oplL dcn1on\t1.tted thl'11 co1n1111t111L'1ll h) g1v111g :-.acril1l.'1all) and vo t 111 g una 111111 u u\ I) for t h l' p I o I l l l (,od al J 11 rnt>d 1h~ 11 de<lll' .tt11111 th1 uugh .t $1(},CHJ() gtdnt 110111 the li.1pt1 s t BurldL' I ~ C'luh tl11 s pas t s un1n1c1 . ; \ !IHll t g.igc \\ .ts .tpp10\ed v. rth ,11uaz111g spl.:'ed. aftt'I v. J11c li God d11 ec ted u~ l1, . t local ( ' l111 s l1 .111 t:Ollll.tCIOI ,,Jin d!;!ll'l'd lo Baptist Bible Seminary Ohio Extension will offer the last of four courses for this academic year on Feb 28-March 3. "Preaching through Genesis," with w: Dr. Gary Gromacki, wi ll meet from ErA 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more 1nformat1on call BBSat 570-586-2400. Bap ti · t · , we sorn c ll mcs ge t into the mind ·c t that we do nol need other churches. We ge l the ' 'is land unto ourse lves" mentality and n1 1~s out on a lot of he ir and blc'is1 ngs othe r churche~ . can gi ve. We hope we ca n one day he li ke Fai th Bapti s t. to reach out to he lp another church, revealing Ju st ho\v rn uch we ha ve in comn1on. bound hy the \ \ 'ord and to eac h othe r in the hody o f the Lord Jc ·us. -- Pasto r Arch McC/une. Vienna BaJJlist Church. \ 1 ic11110 supe rvise the project and heir coord i– na te vo lunteer labor. Worker, f ron1 E1nn1anue l Baptist Chu rch in Tolcdn trave led do ,Nn on \C\'Cral 0L·cas1on,. JUSt like the ir pas tor pro1111"cd. to 10111 the 11 expe rt ~ 1-.JI I\ v..1th our O\\ n church labore r~ a" con, truct1 on hc~,111 l\ te1 ll' ... ancJ Do ri ~ R1chard \on. rcllrcd rn1""llH1.1r ic~ fron1 our church. retu rned lo he lp u.... with con~truc tion ,tnd n1cal, . The pi ctures you sec ~ho\\ that Gud ·, \VOrk 1s s t ii I In progress . We anll c1rJ tc th at He· 11 con ltnue to ,llll.l/e LI\ \\ 1th l-[1 , p rO\l\lO!l 111 the n1unt h, ahc,td .ts l le IH1, up to th1, pu1n1 C) nL' f I n.d rnn I 11111.1t1lln ol (10<.J', ,o\c1c1gn pl.111 l.',lllll' ,1111~ Olll' \\l'C"' .tlll'I lllll !.!ll>lllld .. hrL'.l"'lll ~ ',l'I \ lt'l' ' J 111.• 111(. tl • p.tpL'1 1 cpt H ll'd that ., ~', ,up (l l 1 J L111d l1\\ 111.·1, l llllt1,1ll1n~ 701) .. ,1L·1c, d11L1. ll\ ,l\.'h' ' ' Lill· ,t,l'l'l lt,llll Olli l' llllll'h IJ,l\l' .lpJ'lit•d Ill! j)l'lllll\~l\lll IU dl.'\l.'ldp .l puhlrl· g,lll L 11u, .... l. .ind I U(l() t honll·,, 11 L111d c;od 1, no t 0111, .1,,1.1t1bl111 1 I h l' ll l' l' d l' d I C:-. t I UI l l'" , l 11 d l. ti l' 11 t, • l l l.· I , .tl,n .l\...,1.'111bl 111g .t Ill'\\ Ill!\ 1011 lll·ld' J,,11 } II I < /lo u ,lll/J llu/111 ,1 ( lt111, It t, ,, d/1 ,/ 1 th, ,, , ,r < ti~, o/ / Ju/ /111 ( J/114, I , 11 I \c11ilh ) <Jl t1l t: ltll\ t 1111111 ,1, I< cl II 1/ t ,lt111cli \Ill<< J<)l))
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