The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2000

Across the·State L to R. Ray Brown, Gary Storm, Don Boggs, Don Grollimund Wheelersburg Baptist celebrated the faithfu l– nes of God with a mortgage-burning ervice on November 2 1. In 1990 the church constructed a new cla sroon,. audi torium and office facility with an e timated mortgage pay-off date of 2005. God . 1n His grace, prov ided the necessary funds to pay off the facility six years early. The congregation i grateful to have a debt-free facility with which to serve God. Pastor-teacher at Wheeler ·burg i Bradley Brandt. On September 5, David Mull ins became pas tor of Millersburg Baptist. David and hi s wife, Crystal, can1e to Millersbu rg from Pleasant Hill Bapll \t, where David had ~er\ cd a\ youth pastor. The church is grov.1ng and I \ seeking land for new fac il1t1 c\ . The congregati on a~ks prayer that God will give w1sdo1n , provide neLe\sary fund and send a buyer for prc\ent facil1 t1 e\. Bethel Baptist parti ci– pated in "Opening Ni ght," Warren's famil y New Y car . \ r~ v c cc Ich rati on. ~J'he church \Crvcd chil i and hot dogs to the con11nu nity as one of the food venue\ fur the ce lebration. Bethel I\ located on the outskirts of the downtov. n a,ca. \O v.c used the facilities o f the 1'1 c\b) tcr1c.1n church. Po'i tc, 'i, handout, and ap, on\ v..e,e \!1nhl.11oncd wi th " 13 cthcl [3apll\t ' hur ch'' so the con1n1unll)' v. ou ld knov. \.\ ho \\'as pt ov1d1 ng the food Over t\l.enty v..orkc1:-; took part in the e,c: rung 's work preparing food, ~CI\tng, lle,1n1ng tables, di str ihu ting trac t~. and 1nuk1ng Lontacts with tht. peopl e \.\' ho can1c . Bethel 1s pa, t of th, Bethany l"'c ll ov..sh1p . Run Sla,chc1 1s tile pas tot at 13e1he I. Pastor Bill and Penny Tunick, Jamie & Bill , Jr. Rev. Bill Trunick has been called a pastor of Struthers Baptist Tabernacle. Trunick attended Howland Bible In titute and rece ived degree from Georgia Baptist College and Bapti t Theo logical Semi – nary. A dinner wa held in the Trunicks' honor following the morning service on December 5, fa llowed by an in tall ation servi ce with Pa tor Ron Starcher of Warren peaking. - - L to R Adolph Dom, Clyde Hicks, Steve Richmond, Dr. Eldon Stevens, Grover Westover, Mike Mcl aughlin, Dr. David Warren It wa with joy and exaltati on that Baptist Bible Church of Pari s burned it. mortgage on Dece,nbcr 12 . For,ncr pa ·tor Mike McLaughl in. former member and COME pres ide nt. Dr. Eldo n Stevens, and tate Reprc. entat ivc Dav id Warren parti ci– pated in their day of ce lebrati on. The church building burned in 1978 but was rehuill by fai thful n1embers under the leadership of Pas tor Mike Ri chmond. When the church fe ll behind in it mortgages in 1985 it was helped by Bapti~l Bu ilders and the OARB Adopt-A-Church. God 's people at BBC say thank~ \.\'llh grate ful hearts for the help of both Baptist Bui lder~ and A<lor t– A-Church. BBC 1s prc~c ntly \v thout a pa~tor . On Dccc ,nbcr 12- 13, ·rhc fi'irs t llap ti t adult choir and dran1a tcarn and Patch the T'11 ate children '..., cho11 p1c,entc<l the Chr1 ,untt\ 111 u, 1c .1 I. " ' J'hc R1che, t 1: t11lltl) 111 ·1 O\\. n " On l) cLe1nhcr 11. the l3aile 1 Road Bapti,t choir~ Lo1nb1nc<l v.1th the Nile, churl·h for the pre\c nt ,1t1 on, and Ill\ lll' <l thl' Bet hany A\\OLJdtion of l{L'gul ,11 B,tpt1 \ t ( ' hurLhc, Mo, c than 490 dttcndcd thl' t"' o pt c~e nt ,ll1 o n~ . C, l3e n l{ceu ,~ pa,to1 at N tic , Bagtist Children's Home & Family Ministries ..,. Adoption (including foreign) ..,. Group Homes ..,. Maternity/ Paternity Counseling ..,. Family Counseling 40 rtears of Caring Ohi o Office· 937.322.0006 C' harles Monroe, Ohio Director OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual d ividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association! Administered by RUPP Agency Columbus , Ohio 614-486-59 11 to ll-free: 1-800-282-9258 FAX: 614-486-2492 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult For information call Ken Dady at 937-592-2358 Cecil Cai rns at 440-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Who le Church Family Buses & Van s For Sale 15 8•1 pcl!:>Senyer vel L,L5 l\ ,l l~ll) tJ Buy qudl1ty for '~"s nt ~l'J!'J!3,:f Transportat ion IJl,;.,J~,;,/ Equi p. Sa les Corp. b·I 1 St: dr llcJ' nu Ott::,, r O tl I Hl 18 11 9 !31t .!H3· 1 oll- fr ce n, t1 on\v1clc 1-800 227-3572 '819 chur c l1 discounts .:1sA for Buel C1rc1h 1n1 7