The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2000

Th~ <>hl.e> B.-pt.l~t The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churche Vol. 73 No. 4 A ugust 2000 Conference 2000: Doing Disciple • rp Church planting and disciple– ship go hand in hand. At our October 23-24 conference we will learn about discipleship from Dr. Milo Thompson, President ofBaptist Bible College and Seminary of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. ave you ever u ed those words, " It just so happened"? Most of us have, at one time or another. When we do we almost instinctively realize that there is more to li fe than random events. We realize that things do not "just happen." The more bibl ical way of saying it ounds like th i~ : God has a way of getting the right people to the right place, at the right time. ftenltme& the rea li ty of that statement is only clearly &een frotn the vantage point of hin<l !)1ght a~ we look back on people, placeb, and event s in our I ive~. But it is a uni er~aJl y true n1axin1. Fron, behind the scene~ of our lt vcf-> and without violating ou, real hun1an re~ponsibi lity and choice God ore;he~trate~ the flow of ou r l 1\ e~ We will also meet Rev. Max Tucker, our Churcl1 Planting Coordinator-designate. We will learn ofhis burden for this ministry of church planting. Join hands with us in Toledo in this good effort. according lo 1-1 i grand plan and de ign. And it all happen o natu rally and smoothly that we o ften do not e en real iLe what is going on unti I later. crtain ly Ru th and BoaL 1nust have thought of thi many times over as they refl ected on God 's direc tion o f thei r Ii\ cs together. Ru th had gone out th at 1norning to find work; she was sin1p ly being rout ine ly fl1ithfu l in ca ring for Naon1i, her n1othcr-in-la,v. ~he was seeking c1nployn1cnt virtua lly any, here they were "' hiring." And it ju ·t so ...happened" that she stopped at the ticld owned by l3oa, . It al~o "'Just ~o happened" that he \ howed up that day and, n1orc in1portantl y, that he \\ as a rich relat1 \ c . I le \Vou ld bccc.H11c her hu~band , the key pcr~on in he1 own per~onal future and in the on goi ng of th~ 11n1 tl} • From Max's Heart page 2 • Conference Workshop Schedule page 3 • Ohio Women N ews page 5 • Keeping Up With Our Camps page 6 • Across the State page 7 • Conference Directions and Hote l Information page nan1e. Both of thcn1 \VOtild pl ay a rol~ 111 the coining of the Jc\ ish Messiah through King Da id. Acc ident? Luci-.'! ( ' hnncc'! l lappcnstancc'? Not hardl y! In a \\ ay that boggles the n1ind, (j od had brough t these l\VO people to the right pince at the ri ght tin1c. l: en the \vell-kno\\ n ( 'hristn1a" '\lOr\ . illustra tes this un i\ crsal tru1sn1 t\ lar\ and Jo~cph \\ ere the right people ( a virgi n, re lated to King [)a\ 1d , !'10111 \\ ho~c 1:,n1 il} the l\ lc~~1ah \\ ou ld Cl)ll\e), thL') arri , cd al the right place ( Llcth lchL'lll a~ predicted by t\ ltcah) ; and the\ hit tt)\\ n ,ll the right tin1c (the deli\ L'rv nfhL'l t11 "tburn '°'on, uu I S, 1\. 1 nr) I\ I d, 'r and .I u'I 1..' p h \, l, uld nol norn1all) h,1\ c been 111 l{cthlchc1n .11 tht'I t1n1c l hL') had no cho1c1..· but tu