The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 2000

Don't forget to check out our web si te at Conference Highlights Association Honors Faithful Laborers t our 73 rd Annual Conference he ld at the E111n1anue l Bapti l Church in To ledo on October 23-24, 2000, we honored t\vo very special couple who labor an1ong u . On Monday evening we honored Dav id and Shirley Sh i1n p who have erved the Lord through our As ociation for over 40 years. Rev. Shimp currently erve a pa tor of the Litchfiel d Baptis t Church in Litchfield. His on-in -law, Rev. Ti,n He inrich pastor of the Vermilli on Bapti t Church in Perrys ille, read a detai led account of the Shimp ' li fe and n1ini try to the mes en– gers in att endance on Monday evening. On Tuesday even ing \Ve honored Phil and Sue Mill er, fa ithfu l member of the In1111anuel Bapti t Church in Co lun1 bu . Phil erve David & Shirley Shimp behind the cenes a a istant trea urer/ accountant for our A oc iati on in add ition to hi role a deacon and youth ponsor at the church. Sue i 1n uch loved and we ll – known by the ladie aero the tate a the pre ident of the OWMU. Sue travel the tate, attend ladies' meeting , peak at various occa ion and carri e on an ac ti ve n1ini try with the youth '--s-ue_ &_P__:,h_i_l M-ill_e_r __J in her church as well. You would think he i a paid men1 ber of the OARBC taff a much a he " how up" at A soc iati on e ent . Rev. Bill Abernathy, pas tor at In1manueL read a detai led account of the Mi ll er ' mini stri es to the messenger on Tue day evening. We give honor to whom it is due, and these certa inly de "erve our noti ce. We prai c the Lord for the1n ! Messengers Choose New Council Members An i,nportant fea ture o f our annual conference is the ea ting of the ne,v Council or T'wel, e. Thi year four new members we re e lected . The 2000-200 I Counc il o f T~ 1 elve is as fo ll ows: Bill Abernathy (Peggy), l1nn1anuel Baptisl, olu1nbu '. ('01) Dennis Bums (Jana), Faith Bapti st, Kenton ('O I ) Merlyn Jones (Nancy}, Faith Bapti st. Mount V crnon ( ·o 1) JeffW1llett~(Kathy), Calvary Baptist, Bellefonta ine ( 'O 1) T3 ill I)av1s(June). Bible Baptis t, Bed ford ( '02) J1111 Mc ' lain (Janice) 'alva ry Bapti st Nor,va lk ( ' 02) Ben Recd (Pam) r" ir..,t Baptist. Nile5 ( '02) 1 orn Wright, Jr. (Sue) Mcn1orial Baptist. ('olurnbus ('02) Mark A ')hlcy (Deb) Northfield I3apl i~ t. Northfield ( ' 03) l)a\,e ('hapn1an (Linda) l·olitoria [3apti~t. 1,ostoria ( ' 03) 'f1n1 Kenoyer (Judith) Maranatha [3apti 1., t. ( 'olun1bus ( '03) Jin1 flead (f)ottie) f>l ea\ant 11cights 13apti~t. l· ni.,t L1\crpool ('OJ) Rittman First Baptist Wins State Rep's Award 'ongratulat1on') to J· ,r~t 13apt1!) t of R1tt1nan for taking hon1c the State 1iep's /\ ttenuancc Award wreath I he local area Jello\\ \htJJ \.\ 1th the hi ghest percentage or it -; churche~ represented at the con ference l ", the Vv tnn1ng area I hi \ ycu r that ,vas the 'an ton area . ·r he chu rch fi·on1 that a, ea 'hhtch ha " the h1 ghe~l ind1 v1dua l at tendance an1ong tho"c churc.:hcs lakes hon1e the pr tLe \Vreu th Pa"itor li re tt and K1n1 l)cffenbaugh rcprescnLed the J{ittr11an church 111 c..latn11ng At lca.., l eight peop le fron1 l· 1r.., t 111 l{1Ltn1 l1n attended sonH: part of the c..onlcrence Need a gift idea for your missionary friend? Subscribe to the 018: the perfect way to keep up on news of Ohio churches! See page 5 for rates. CHURCHLOANS The American Heritage Group long Term Fixed Rates wllowest Fees Contact: Garry Reasinger (800) 207-0699 OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association Admini stered by RUPP Agency 'o lun1bu . Oh io 614-486-591 1 1011-frce: 1-800-' 2-9258 FAX: 6 14-486-249, Gilman Springs Baptist Camp Gladwin, Ml $600,000 in First Mortgage Bo11ds Dated May 20, 2000 • A Limited # of Bonds with Yields up to 9.78°/o ·rh,~ 1s neithe r an o fie r lo ,;ell nor a '><>hc1Lal11)n o l an o ile r to buy 1hesc sccunt1 cc; Bond, -,ub1cc1 10 pno r ..,ale This o tlc r 1,; old b, PROSPLC l'US (>N I Y t ·or ,\Jore 11,fornUJtion and a copy of the /'rospeL1US. c:onJac:t : Garry Beasinger American Heritage Church Finance. Inc. 2008 ( , urr~· Ford Road , Orlando, FL 32806 1/800-207-0699 Mc1nbcr NASf). SIP<.. . NA 'U (.' ( l __ _, Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult For inf onnat1on call Ken Dady at 937-592-2358 (Kdady@clubs wol org) WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whol e Church Family