The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 2000
Pastor Larry &Joanne Engle + The congregation of the Graham Road Bapti st Church in Cuyahoga Fa lls honored Pastor and Mrs. Larry Engle (Joanne) on the occasion of their compl eting 20 year ofministry there. In a pecial Saturday even ing gathering in Augu t the church gave the Engles a grandfather clock and a Thoma Kincaid painting. + Craig Parrow wa examined by an ordination counc il on October 6. The council unanimou ly recom- West Moriah • mended ordination to the Grace Baptist Church ofWesterville. Brother Parrow ,vas commended for hi s humble and teachable spirit. 1. Murray Murdoch is senior pa tor at Westerville. + An examining council comprised of 19 men repre enting 13 churches convened at theMillersburgBaptist Church on Oct 19 to examine the propriety of ordaining Pastor David Mullins to the gospel ministry. After a recommendation and commendat ion from the counci l, the church proceeded with ordination . An ordination service wa held Oct 22 wi th Pastor David Robe1t son, father-in- law of the cand idate, delivering the charge to the candidate. .Pastor Stephen Olsen deli vered the charge to the church and Pastor Tom Wright brought the message. Pastor Mullins previously served as a youth pa tor at Pica ant l-f ill Bapti st hurch and has served as senior pa~tor at Millersburg for just over a year. East Moriah • + l ' he Harmony Hill Bapti t hurch of ew Matamoras in ites you to attend their outdoor ( ...hr1st111as pageant. l · nt1tlcd, "An Old I ashioned ( 'hnstn1as." 1"hc 40-rninutc dran1a ~11 ll be pre~ented I·, ,day, Saturday and ~unday, £) ecen1ber 8, 9, and IOat 7·00 each C\ entng 111 the church parking lot l)ress wa1 n1ly and rekindle your lo\ e f 01 the ble!)scd hristn1as story. Max Helps M .. ax11n1ze M. . . 1111stries ev. Max Tuker wa the guest peaker at Fa ith Bapti st Church of ..... ..._enton on Sunday November 12 during the 1n oming worship serv ice and for the church ' "Progra1n of Progre " Banquet fo llowing the service. The banquet which was held at the church's original public ,neeting ite, the Veteran's Memorial GolfCour e Club– house, marked the offi cial begi nning of Faith's bui lding expansion progran1. Rev. Tucker presented his persona l testi1nony of God' s bJes ing through numerous bui lding programs with which he had been invo lved and pre ented a biblical n1odel fo r construction fund ing ba ed on the account of Joa h in 2 Kings 12 and 2 Chronic les 24. Joa h, charged with a bu ilding project, "did that wh ich was ri ght in the ight of the Lord ;" the people purposed in their heart what they should give; a plan was devi ed to make collection of their g ifts via depos it– ing money into ache t, from which it wa withdrawn to pay the expen e of the building program. Tho e in attendance at the banquet were challenged to con ider/ purpose in thei r own hearts what they wou ld trust God to help them give quarterly to the build ing expan ion proj ect. Following a tin1e of prayer and fami ly' huddles," those in attendance re ponded with un igned pledges totaling nearly $ 13,000 quarter ly. "Joa h bags" were distributed and a "Joa h chest" was displayed . The fir t offering is cheduled for February 200 l . Building expans ion plans have been in the malcing for several year as the church continue to experience consi.– tent and su taincd growth and ha no\v exhausted all currently avai lable ·pace. First Baptist Christian School A ministry of Fi rst Baptist Church Traditional K-12 School • Spanish teacher • High school science teacher Send resumeto RalphC.Duffy,administrator 11400LaGrangeRd ElyriaOH 44036-0929 440458-5185 Professional consulting an(/ sales.for .rourfinancial ancl insurance needs Auto • Church • !Jo,ne • Disahilitr • , L((e • Bus iness • Annuities PHELP F INANCIAL Dorr R. Phelp'>. GP, CFP. RFP. L 659- 11 Park Mca<lo\\.'> Dn, e \Vesten, t llc, ()h 10 4308 I PIIC) F 6 14-899-6000 FAX 6 14-899-60'.!2 TOLL FRI F: 1-877-471 -7997 '"'"""' phclpsfinancial com ERVICE , I C. TC F Gu1deOne~ Insurance Bagtist Children's Home & Family Ministries .,.. Adopt ion {inc luding foreign) .,.. Group Homes .,.. M aternity/ Paternity Counseling .,.. Family Counseling 40 'Years of Caring Ohio Office: 937 .322.0006 C harles Monroe, O hio Di rector Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at t,t,t,"r.f Transportation IJl,;lit,w.;J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd.. Oregon. OH 43618 41 9-836-2835 Toll-tree nationwide 1-800-227-3572 "Big church discounts" ask for Bud Graham Our purpose is to provide God-honoring Design/Build servi ces S E M I BRENTWOOD Our goal Is to delight our clients with the process as well as the finished product. 167 South Stuttl Strottt Wa:;11:1rv1lla Ohto 4JOB 1 (b141 79-l '3100 Wilham C. Prenos11 AtA Jack A Chapm Jr AIA Design/Build ot Columbu:. P,1,.0 Cttd,tr\-tllo Otuo 453 l·I (9 171 7bb 5'.>85 M Jo:.ttt1tl Hdri..l13ro,10 t 111:. llttrll ' Church and Christian School Design and Construction ~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~__._....l j 7
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