The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2001

<>hie> I.,.de!!:p~-d4e.. t Hc1lpt.l.~t The Newsleuer Promoting Interdependence Within The Ohio Association ofRegular Baptist Churches Vol. 74 No. 4 August 2001 ' ' v n tin..,._.,,,,_ ~orint ~on • zan ' ' Theme for our Fall Conference, October 22-23, 2001 eatured speaker Dr. Robert Gromacki was born and reared in Erie, Pennsylvania. Sensing God' s call into the gospel mini stry, he declined a scholarship to Yale University, and instead enrolled at Baptist Bible Seminary, from which he earned his Bachelor of Theology decree in 1956. He then went to Dallas Theological Seminary and completed his Master of Please consider this issue of the OIB your personal invitation to the OARBC Conference in Westerville, Ohio, October 22-23,2001. Our featured speaker, Dr. Robert Gromacki, will instruct us regarding Corinthian Challenges in our own day. The following information will better acquaint you with this fine man of God. Please join us in Columbus. Theology progran1 in 1960. In the fall term of 1960, Professor Gromacki began his forty-year teaching ministry at Cedarvill e College. During the first few years at Cedarville, he j uggled teaching courses in Bible, Greek, and theo logy, with a fu ll load of doctoral studies at Grace Theologica l Seminary and the constant responsi– bi li ties for a growing fam ily. In 1966 he received his Doctor of Theology degree after cornpleting hi dissertation entit led " A criptural valuation of the Modem Tongue Movernent." been named the Honorary Alumnus of the Year. Throughout hi teaching career Dr. Gromacki ha main– tained the di cipline of a cholar. His dai ly regimen of re ea rch and writing has produced 15 books, fi ve of wh ich have been translated into other language , and over l00 art icle for a wide variety of publications. In addition, he ha given cholarly lecture series at five co lleges and eminarie . Hi mo t recent book is a major tudy of the Holy Sp iri t, publi hed in 1999 a part of the Swindoll Leader hip Library. Students who at under Dr. Gromacki ' teaching n1ini try even in his earl y year at Cedarvi Ile en ed that hi cholar' mind wa wedded to a pa tor' heart. Hi compa ion for tudent and his foc u on the practical living of biblica l tnnh often prompted him to hare frorn hi heart le on that \Ve re truly li fe changing. Th is pa toral gift opened up a wider arena of n1ini try , when in 1990 Dr. Gromacki wa a ked to lead a Bible tudy in a home in Wa hington ourt l lou e. Over the pa t ten year ' that n1ini try ha grown dran1ati– ca lly a he ha ~ erved a the pa tor ofGrace Comn1unity Bapti t hurch. The church has increa ed to everal hundred, and it has had an inci · ive effect upon c unti e ·s live · th roughout Faye tte County. olleague \Vho ha e sen'ed on the t~1cu lty with Dr. Gro1nacki tc tify to his con1 n1itn1ent to bu ilding the nex t generation of tcacher- rom 1966 to 1993 Dr. Gromacki served as cha1nnan of the Biblical ducation Depart1nent. Or. Robert Gromacki scho I ar, . Dr. ' ron1ack1n1entorcd a \Vholc: generation of Bible Dcpartn1cnt fac ulty. Ian~ long- tenn profe · ·ors ren1cn1bcr h O\\ he \\ ould 1nake a point of ' lopping by thei r o ffi ' CS about once a ,veck, just to ask hO\\ things \\ ere go1ng. to give a \Vord of encouragcn1cnt or chalh:ngc, and always to share a ,vord l f pra) er. .\ s he began to arrange for hi s rct1rcn1cnt, Under hi&skilled direction the department tripled 1n siLe, expanded it~ range of courses and programs, and bccarne a national leader 1n both professional and pre-seminary education. During the past seven years he has he ld the tit le of Di stinguished Pro ei, 0 1 oi Bible and Greek, an honor that he alone among the edaTV1lle ollege faculty has rece ived. Dr. romacki has received nu1nerou~add1t1onal honors. I lis al1na mate1, Bapti~t Bible 'ollege, recogn1,ed hin, ,n 1985 wi th the Alun1n1 utstand1 ng erv1ce Award I ron, 'cdarv1lle Uni er ity, he has received the Al un1n1 D1~t1ngu1shed l·ducator Avtard and the aculty Men1ber of the Year Awa,d, and he ha') Dr. ,ron1acki olunteered to tcuch a ...,cric" of fi1cult 1 thcolog 1 se1n inars to new ( ~cdar tile professors. ftcr fo rt} . ears l)r invc ting in Ii, es at C'c<larvillc (.'ollegc, he\\ ante i co ~ont1nuc to do hi ~ part to assu1e that the thcolog1t:a l future of(.'ed,H\tllt' ni ersi ty could be bright. Throughout hts long n11nP,tr 1 , L)1 (;rl)n1ac1'.1 's t:un,l, ha-.. al,vays n1a1nta1 ned tir .... t place in h,-.. ltl~. l or} \e,u .... h1-.. ,vi le, Ci lor1a, has ...,hared in h1..., n11n1 st1 1 <1 .... his -..CL' teta1) , tra n...,forn11ng hi~ hdnd\, r1tten n1tinu-.;cr1pt ~ 1nlt) dL)rttnlt'llt .... 1cady fo r publicdt1on 1 he C,ron1ac"-1'i h<1,~ t\\\) rhdd1~n . (iary and (ia il , and ~,, g1andchild1~n