The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2001

+ 1-' ir. t Baptist, Bo,, ling • rCl' ll . report" ~t "spi r1 t-fi I led .ind run \ rl3, " led b\ Jo\ Brcs: lcr an<l Ja, nc tcKanna. • Kc, in Jordon has jotned the \\ ord ofLile n1ini ·tf) tc.11n. " ()pcr.1uon Reach l ut' ' on a short– tcn11 1n1~s11.1ns trip to anada . David Fath p.1, tor;'\ F1 rs l B,1ptist. + hardon Bapti t hurch in hardon \\elcon1e · it ne\v pa: tor and \\ ife. Jim and u ·an Haye , in ugu t. Jin, and u an ar returning to Ohio after a tin1e ofmini try in Florida . + Bethany pa tor gathered at the \ ' ienna Baptist Church on June l l for the ir final meeting of the ea on . Da c \Varren poke to them on the ubject of "The Pa ·tor ' Addiction .·· Arch and Cindy McCune lead the \\'Ork at Vienna. + On Jul v l, Dr. R.H. Le ciliu from Georgia Bapti t Bible College wa the ·peaker at truthers Baptist Taber– nacle. Chri tina Goforth, mu ic in tructor from the co llege, pre cnted a ocal concert . Bill and Penny Trunick erve at the Tabernac le. + LakeviewBaptist Church ofDundee continue to hold "go pel ing ' every other Saturday evening at their church . The mu ician pecialize in outhem go pel mu ic. Con ult Pa tor David Carroll or hi v.·ife 'ancy for complete detail . + Plea ant Hill Bapti t held a commi - ion1ng ~ef\ ice fo r Robert & Loi '-" Gille pie. mi ionarie with Evangelical Bapttst Mi ion~. They are going to the International Chri tian Academy in Cote d' l \orie. \\le t Afri ca. The ef\·ice ,vas held 1n conJunction v. ith PHBC' Mi ssion Conference. "Bearing Preciou Seed.' ' 6 + Faith Baptist hurch of Kenton entered a float in the Kenton Ju ly 4th parade and in the Fore. t Tree Town Fe tival parade . The fl oat v on the "Be t Youth Float" and " Be t Overall Float" award at the Fore t parade. Denn i and Jana Bum lead the Kenton church. + Calvary Bapti t Bellefontaine, c lebrated it 70th anniver ary April I \Vilh a total of 9 4 in attendance at the two n1oming crvice . John R. Wood and Barry Grahl, both former pa tor of the church, poke. and Ti n1 & Diane Co by and Dave & Darlene Murdoch, both former mu ic director , mini tered in mu ic. Pau l Wi h and Eula Houchin were recognized a charter member of the church. Jeffery Willett i enior pastor at Calvary. + Pa tor Mika! Kildal, a oc iate pa tor for adu lt mini trie at Washington Heights Baptist in Dayton, received hi Ma ter ofDivinity from Bethel Serninary in Minneapoli , Minne ota, on June 2. The Kildal have been at Wa hington Height ince 1998. [n addition to hi dutie at the church, Mika! volunteer at a local midd le chool , working with the cro s country and track team . + The Hope Chapel Baptist Church in Piqua recently called Tim and Loma Tucker to lead thei r work. Tim wi ll be erving part time and upplementing hi income fron1 other emp loyment. Plea e pray for the Lord to ble and prosper thei r111i ni try. East Moriah + Thi July six teen from Harmony Hill Baptist Church in ewMatamoras conducted VBS for the Open Bible Baptist Church, a new church plant in Central Village Connecticut. Pa tor and Mrs. Marv Wenger led the group. The teens also enjoyed a number of scenic sight in the Ea t, including Plymouth Rock. + Fa ith Baptist of mher t has called David l~ngle to 1ninister to their youth. I Jc joins the learn led by Willis and Ruth l-1u11. + The l lcbron pastor , wives, and people clo ed off their sea on with a banquet held at the 1 loliday Inn at We. tl ake on May 18. Dr. Paul Dixon , pre idcnt of edarvi lle niversity was the speaker and pcc ial mu ic ca1ne from edarvillc 's Kingsmen Quartet. + Camden Baptist, Wellington wel– comed it new a ociate pastor and his wife, Bill and Jeanne Kopa . The Kopa es team up with Larry and Lori ocella at Can1den. + Calvary Bapti t in Oberlin welcomed Curti and Sue Kenyon a full -time a oc iate pa tor th i summer. Brian and Candy Kenyon lead thi work. + On May 20, First Baptist ofElyria held a groundbreaking ervice for a $3 mill ion addition that wi 11 provide an 1100 seat auditorium, foyer, office . nur ery and clas rooom . One of the groundbreaking scene involved member representing different age of peop le who are a part of Fir t Baptist. At one hovel wa a man who, in 1916 wa part of the cradle roll. + Kate chenck ofOrville, Ohio pre- ented Mar; 1 's Song to the congregation of First Baptist, Brunswick. Mary· Song i a portrayal ofMary from the time the birth of Jesus was announced to her, through the time of Hi death and re urrection. The program included congregational inging, olos and monologue . The Dorca Lad ie Goup invited the won1en ofCommunity Bapti t, Ea t Cleveland, to be gue t at the Ladie Spring Banquet. Thi rty-two of the Communi ty Bapti t women attended the dinner. + Pa tor Tim & Su an Heinrich of Vermillion Baptist in Perrysville, recently welcon1ed baby Aly a May to their fam ily. Grandparents are Pa tor & Mr . David Sh imp ofLitchfield and Pa tor & Mrs. William Heinri ch ofCere , California. + This summer the Calvary Baptist Church in Chillicothe welcomed it new pa tor and hi wife, Rev. Dwayne Gib on and Rachel. The Gibson come to Chill icothe from a church in Michigan.