The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 2001
Consider a gift subscription of the 018 to one of your missionaries. One-year subscription : $15 foreign , $10 USA. Send subscriptions to: Dr. David Warren, 360 College Hill Dr. Cedarville OH 45314 As You Go From a reader in Medina: The antique trac tor cxpl o~ ion at th e Medina Count)' Fair go t c\·eryone ' . att~n t1on. Four di~d and O\ er I00 v;crc hurt . Just the dav be fo re, and C\'en clos~r ; to our hon1c v,:as the " tragedy' ' of our neighbor· ~, jfc suddenl y take n hornc to Glory. In my at1c1npt~ to \\·itness to anoth~r neighboring fan1ily, a Serbian (Eastern Orthodox) fan1i ly. tho~c recent traumatic even t'.') helped open the door o f opportu– nity to talk 10 them about ho\\. fragile li fe can be. <)ftcn l v.:ou ld see the n1othcr place her young children in the car and not huck lc the1n in their sca ts. Perhaps in her culture. ~eat belts arc "optional. ·· My neighborly concern for their ~are ty an(l the reali ty of s. uddcn dea th in our co1n1nu– ni ty bc1.:ame 1ny open door to v.i tnc~s. Cirahb1 ng. th e ncw!-.pape r about the fair incident, l \vent n~. t tloor. After talk ing to th is young rnother about each trag ic event anti ho\v uncerta in life can be, I exp lained my cer1ai nty of kno\v ing for s ure that I an1 going to heaven bccuusc of n1y personal tru. t in Jesus (' hris t as Savior. J then asked, .. , f you di ec..l tonight, do you know for sure yo u vvotild go to I-l eaven? Andi f God as ked you. Why should I let you into my heaven? \.vhat \\'Otild you '.')ay?" Please pruy for her salvat ion und our continued Vlitncss in our neighborhood. ***** What current events in your con1n1unity can you use to vv itncss for (_' hrist "J\s You Go' ''! us nu<lgc euch other tu "_;1 /,.i·tr.1 ·s Be Reacf.i'. .. .s·e11<I _1 ·0 111 · lt:stin1011) ' o/'/10, r c;o,I 11.,·<!<I i ·ou to H·i111 e.\·s /u sonl l'Olll'. E-n1u i I: chU /JS] ( a.ju 110. c, 1111 Da, ·ill C'ha1J11uo1 P() Bo.r J 005 f 'o., toria ()// .J.J/,'30 From Our Heart (Ties Tliat Bind), co111i1111e(1 their v .. ~ight arouncJ" or cJcn1and subr11 is– -..1tn1 ba .... cd on ra\\. authority. fhc p~oplc in the pi:v. vi~~ their pa~tors as 1nen ca ll~J uf C,ocJ vvho~t lcadcr::-.hip they tru~L and fol lo\\ . We re\pcct th~ autonnn1y t)f each church unJ honor 11~ righ t to n1ak L' 1t , O\-\ n Ul.!<.:is1on~ anJ tu go\ cm its o\,·n afrdlf.... J\ I I ~CC'-1 fit. And ti nall) . our ··hon1c" i\ n1arkl:d by an aprrt:ciat1un for the "one another~" or the ~l'\\ ·rL· ~ta111,:n t \\ 1 L' .__ire nol I ,Oil~ J<~ngcr" I 1\ 1ng ~1n cJ\ 1ng in i~ulat1on; \\L' ate Sp11Jcr Men 011a v\L'h of inteff1l't – -..o,1.d n.:lu t1on,h1p. Nor are the "onl' anotht:r\ ., ~i I nr J)" l hi: IO Ik, j 11 Oll r ov. 11 local Lhurch , th L·j tncluclL· uther b~llc\ er~ .Jc,,isl1 1\,,r.1rc11c~s ltli11ist1•ics C)IIIC» l•st,rr,ng the pews for the Jews., s,11 Mcvey 3606 Cedarbrook Rd Cleveland. OH 441 18 216-932-5029 of like faith across our Sti.ltc . \>./c du lo \ con~ another. va lue th~ input of one unother, and ~eek to he an cncoura!!c- ~ n1cnt lt) one anothe r. \\ 1 c cooperat e lHl " larger than j ust our\e l \ c-.." projec t\ unJ a~con1plish good things tugcth cr. ·rhcsc arc th e Lies that bind u~ togL·thcr and pro\ icJc at least part or our rca !--un for heing ( >r to ~ay it in ,ltl l>lhcr \\'H) '" \\:c arc hound by the \\/nr<l and to each nthcr." r-----------., I Lower Your Phone Bill! I lfla 4.9~ a minute ••• ••• long distance : • 1 ! ,.. I • r , ' r· . · 1 r I I • ( JI fr [ J ' L • ,lttll I 1- ,,,.. I • l l r11 tt! 1,) 1 ·r \ • • .. • • i • Irr· · ,. ·' 1 1 •la • .1 ·: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,l '"• ' I - •' • I• '·' ' ',. . ,. , I ·, •i ' I 1. 1 ' • I· ~ r lflr •1 • 'I, llr'! ,. , ..> i- .... r .~I 1· r 111: 111·· d I .- , ' I I I L-------------J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Send u&your • • • • church new&! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n 1>r•- ,- - 1-.:y,,· ,,..... -,1.,- - . •J f\ l 1_ I 1 , l '\ I .. - , ) J - If rzot , tl1is 1nan11al offers adi.J ice a11d insights orz • JJ r1:par1ng \vorkt•r,.: ~tand.1rd. ..: and n11ni~try dv:--t'ription~ · l{ t•cruiting. tr:1ining . :lnd n1 (It i \'at ing r l': u· 11 t • r.:-- • (' ondurt i ng lt'H<'h1·r:-;' m,·Pting~ · l' ron1oting _rnur ~UlllLly S('ho11J · l·:\·nlunt in g :ind n1aking l'h;1ngt 1 :-– . ( :ro\\·ing y1)t11· nttt•111?anct· Kcgu l.1 r B~ipt i~t l' n ·~s I' 1ild ti.., I 1,,· .., ll• I I l,t111h. REMNANT MINISTRIES Since 1904 P.O. Box 21100 Cleveland, OH 44121 (440) 684-0220 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes , the whole fa rnrl y 1n the sc1n1e passage ye t each a t their own level o f con1p rehens1on1 Grades 1-2; 3-4~ 5-6 , Teen/Adult For 1nfo1n1s1t1nn call KPn 0<1dy ctl l)J7 ')l) :_> ") i")H (Kd.tdy l<f l lubs w u l u 1 q l WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Fc:1,n1lv l
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