The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 2002

Deadline torApnl 0 1B March 15 erna1l address: Or write 327 East Dnve Dayton OH 45419 From Our Hearts To Yours Dave and PatWarren State Representative " More Than Rhetoric; Ya Done Good !" ) 'ou probab l>' have heard n1e ta lk qu ite a btt about our .;.\,· ociation of churche b~ing an "e"<.tended f1ie nd hip." I have ot_ten tated tn public that ,ve are a group ot churche ~ that believe e enti ally the . an1c doctrine - and \vho like each other. l hil \ c ~ tre ed the va lue of one anotheri ~m. comaraderie, teamne , etc. Perhap" you could e,·en tire of it. Ho,, e, er, I ju t ,,·ant you to kno,v that all tha~ talk i really 1nore than j u t rheton~. I ha, e not been trying to create omethtng or to project an image of -omething \\'hich really doe not exi t a,nonQu . ...., To be very candid ,vith you- I am very proud of our A ociation in the best en e of that \Vord ..proud." You have ,-ho,vn me that there i real ub tance beneath tho e \\·ord and l am so plea ed ,, ith you all. Over the pa t t\vo month v.,e informed our churche of two pastoral fan1ilie in financial need. Due to over– ~,·helmi~g medica l expense the Kenyon tn Oberlin and the \ 'aughan in Columbus needed our Fello,v hip to help them. We put out a call a king you to end fund directl),' to thei r churche and de ignated forthe1n. \\,'el I. you did: on1e wou ld say "Ya done good!" I arn plea ed to let you kno,v that bet\veen the two fami lies you contrib– uted \\ell over S 10,000- hawing that our togetheme goe far beyond mere word . Your re ponse ful ft II the exhortati on the Apo tie John gave to the believer of hi day \\·hen he \\Tote. "My little chi ldren, let u not love in ,vord or in tongue, but in deed and in truth" (I John 3: 18). You demon ~trated the reality of the olidari ty I ha, e been trumpeting aero s the land the e pa. t fou r year . Ju t wanted you to knov, hO\\ proud of you I a,n. We really are ..Bound b) the Word and to each other.. ! Tho e ~ord are more than rhetoric. they are reality. Ya done good! , - Max and PhyllisTucker ChurchPlanting Coordinator Spirit-filled Prayer In 1904 a group of mi s ionarie in pired by the prayer li fe of John Hyde laid out fi ve itnple princi ples for what we today ,vouId ca l 1 "Church Pl anting." 1. Are J'Oll praJ/ing for quickening in )'Our oivn l((e, and in the life ofyour .felloii· ivorker? -· Are) ou longing .for greater JJ011•er of the Ho(v Spirit in J'Our 0'1vn l(fe and ivork, anc/ c,re _vou convinced that }'OU cannot go on H'ithout thi pol1'er? 3. Will J'OU pra.v that ; ·ou may· not be ashanzed o.f'Je us? 4. Do J'OU believe that pra_yer is the great ,neans for securing spiritual ivisdonz ? 5. Will )'OU set apart one ha(fhour each cla; 1 to pra;•.for i1 1 isdon1 and direction, and are )'OU ivilling to pra,v until God can ,nake _vou useable? . Though th is i nearly 100 year later, a di ffe rent pl ace, and a di fferent tin1e we need to apply the e acred principle on behalf of our church plants in progre s. Perhap those pa tors and 1nembers who are in the Mid-Bethel Fell owship could take our n1i sionary coup le, Don and Carol Burton. and make them and their mi nistry an object of prayer. Those who are in the Hebron and Canton Fellow hips could join in prayer for Dan and Rebecca immon a they begin thi s gr~at new mini stry," outhQwest, along \Vtth Plea ant Hill Bapt ist Church at S1ni thville. The Hebron folk could also Since 1904 REMNANT. MINISTRIES P.O. Box 21100 Cleveland , OH 44121 (440) 684-0220 Cleveland • Cincinnati • Phoenix • Florida • A,o de Jane,ro,Brazll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Send u5 your : • church new5/ • •••••••••••••••••• include t~c great work already in progre s 111 Avon wi th Brian and haron Gardiner. ITow about that great West Moriah Fell?w hip praying eame tly fo r Ea rl and Marilyn haffer at Dayspring Bapti st hurch and fo r John and Michelle Morgan at Northeast Community Bapt i t Church. We don' t want to leave out Ro sand Shirley Defelice up there in the no1 h count ry of Geneva, a part of the ortheast Fellow hip. Al o be in prayer fo r Steve and Gail Jones deep down in southern Ohio. Our other.fellowships could pray to find a hot pot 111 your area and start a church– wi th.the right pl ace, the right people, and the right commi tments. We all need to join together in prayer fo r per onnel to fi ll th e need of thi ministry. We have recently spoken to three different missionary agencie . None i ~ush with people eeking to fulfi ll this need. We recently received a plea from another state that has a place, churches ready to help, but no one to plant the church. Why should we pray new churches into being? New churches are part of God' plan forfulfi ll ingtheGreat Com– n1is ion. They become outpo ts for evangeli tic outreach and are the means for bringing the Word of God to the people of a given communi ty. We all can parti.cipate by praying both indi vidually and 111 group , and by giving financially to help . upport the work . Though we do not be~1eve that prayer is everything, we do believe that everything is gotten through prayer. How To Reach Us... State Representative David & Pat Warren 360 College Hill Drive Cedarville OH 45314 937-766-5913 Church Planting Coordinator Max & Phyllis Tucker 9163 Steamboat Way West Chester, OH 45069 513-942-1295