The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2002

L to R, Steve Rocky, Dave Kincaid, Pastor Dan Friesner, Dr. David Little + Fir t Baptist of Elyria he ld it 4 1 h annual Wild Game Dinner on February 2 with 320 men and women ports enthu ia t in attendance. The speaker v:a. teve Rocky, who i beginning a min is try with Bapti l ~hurch Pl anters, holding thi s type or dinner and pre~entati on of the gospe l a an outreach to the sporting comrnuni ty. Four people from Fir. t Bapti st and two <i tudent fro1n Fai th Bapti st Bible College participated in Medals fo r Glory in Utah. . Februa_ry IO _was Heart unday at F1r~t Bapt1 \ t, w1 th a specia l e rn phas is on attendance. With an attendance of 532. the congregati on surpassed its goal. + The Fir. t Baptist hurch Medina held it~annual mi ssion\ confe~cncc ' March 17-20. The confe rence then1e, "The H arvcst i\ Great ... Lord . ~ end Me~" v.a\ highligh ted by Dr. Rex Roger\. (~orner\tone Un iversi ty: l)r. Da, id Warren, OARB : Jeff & I)ebbie I)~~ i\.. Egypt: Gary & Becky Kuh~. Ph1lipp1nc\: ~arl & Mari lyn <;haf fe1 . . <>lu n1bu \: Bri an Th igpen, SE A\ta Bill and 13arbara unninghan1 lead I i, ~t Bapti\t. Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quali ty tor less at ~f'J!J"t:f Transportation 1/1,;liJjw tiJ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Searnan Ad Oregon OH 43618 419·83b 2835 Toll· free nationwide 1-800 227-3572 '' 819 church discounts" ask for Bud Graham j As You Go From a reader in Hancock County: li ke Lo walk ea rl y in the 111orning. At that hour. though the convenience stores are open, ,nuch of our town is ju. t tarting to wake up. Tt wa. at one or tho e c.on eni ence store: where I began lo befri end a c lerk. We learned a bit about each other during tho:e brief ti n1es but l w~s burdened fo r an opportunity to share.with her the Go ' pe l. Ear ly one 1norn1ng when I arri ved at the store, she was fini . hing the end o f her shift. l asked if . he had e er accepted Jesus as her a ior. he sa id. " I don' t know how to do thal." So, to ha e ti1ne to ' hare God 's Wor~ wi th her. I invited her to n1y horne for dinner. To n1y surpri se, n1y clerk .Friend accepted. he was equall y . urpr1 scd that a woman, practical I y a stranger, would open he r ho1ne with an invitati on for dinne r. But he can1c, and stayed for . everal hours during whi ch l told .her the way - the on ly way to forg1 ene. s and eternal Ii fe. Though she 111 adc no dec ision that e ening, she rece ived from me a dinne r, the good news or . al ati on and sonic gospel literatu re. I received fro1n her a thank · and a pro1ni sc to con1e aga in to my home to learn 1nore. 1 a lso have a pron1ise fron1 God. His Word will not retu rn void. Al way, be ready to gi e an answer........ A s You Go. *************** Let .\'OUr OARB ./c1111ily knoll ' a/Jou/ tho! ··01Jen door" Goel ga\'e you to n·i111ess t!uring _vour 11or111al routines <~f'l(fe. Senti vour testi111011v so that our rearl<;r.\· 111(~!,1 be e;1co11rage<I in 1heir OH'II ii ·itne.\.\ing <~/the gootl neu·.,. E- 111a i I: fo\ tori ahaptist (d> , Da id harrnan ... PO Bo>. I 0()5 1-'o~tori a, () 1-l 44830 - -- . . FELTY, HEINLEN ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 336 Sturges Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44903 Phone : (419)526-1988 Fax: (419)526-1989 website: "Fe!IJ'-Heinlen Architects ancl Planners, }10t1rprofessional pc11111er in church grou;/b." OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13 1 000 to your State Association ~ d1nini stcrcd by R PP f\ gcncy ( olun1bus, Ohio 614-486-5911 lo ll -Cree : 1-800-28 1 -9258 F.t\X : 614-486- .., 492 J e"Wisl1 1\.,va1·c11css ~li1-iistrics of ()l1ic) "(;,/irri11~7 t/1L~ /JL'll '~ ./~1r tf1c /L'lc~" ---- for inforn1ation contact: ll i II l\ I c\ 't~, J606 ( ' cdarl>ro<lk Rd. C' lc\cland. ()II -l-l l 18 2 l 6-9J2-502l) - ··=====..:..:..:========::-:-----:-=-=--~- Our purpose is to glorify God through our excellence in Design/Build Services. S·fE·m / BRENTWOOD Our goal is to delight our clients with the process as well as the finished product. 167 Sou1h Stale S1roet Wtislerv1lle, Ohto 4308 I 611 7&.1 3100 David S e e111a11, AIA 61 Colun1bu:. r,i..a Cedarville Ohio 4 5..l 14 937 766 5585 M Jos~ph H.trktem.Jd PrtJi;ttlt!nl Jack A Chttp!n, Jr AIA Greyory D Eller AIA ~ ~ build design Church and Christian School Design and Constri,ction 7 -