The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 2002

, ..,,.,,,,, 0111· H ea ts To Yours D tt, e an d Pl~ t \,\. c.111 en S t~1 te Repr e~en t,1 t,ve Getting To Cedarville In The "Cedarvi lle Cadillac"! II , nu ,trc ,, <1ndcr1ng h(1\\ you arc going . .. . h.l ~ct lll the L'dar\ illc C'onrcrcncc. .. rL'lll'ct rnr a n1lH11cnl on Roger and and) l lt,rtnn ·" ...,tnr, ··B,t1..· h. ,n tlie 7() ,, hen our t \ \ o girl ,. .... f-. .1, c ~ind Cherie.,, ere talh. ing about .... \.' l)ilc~c. 111\ ,,·ifc and 1 told the girls that ... . ,, e L'\pl'cted then1 hoth to attend a Chr, ti.1n C<)llcgc fo r at lea~t ()nc year. f L\\ e. our olde~L ,, an ted to go to ... Ct.:dar, illc Col lege. and \ \ C \\Crc thri lled. .... \\ 'hen Fa\ e ~tarted in the fa lI of 1978 ., Cherie aid ...Dad. 1 do not ,vant to go to college at all." Than h. full) our c lde. t ... ,, anted to return for her ~econd 1 ear . o Cherie ,, ould kno,, at lca~t one per, on chere. After the fir t quarter wa. con1pleted. Che rie blo . on1ed Ii kc a rose. Frl)Jll that point on both gir l: wanted to fini h. \\'e had an old car and n1a ny ti 1ne ,, onde red if\,\ e ,, otil d n1ake it back hon1e after, 1,iti nQthen, at the 'Vi lle. My wife and I pra),ed abou l purchasi ng another car. The appra iser at the bank where l ,, a e111plo) ed o ld hi..., car every other )ear and a~ked if I \VOuld li ke to purchase hi 197 Cadi !l ac edan De , iIle. loaded. He \\ anted 6000 and \Ve onl y had 2000. I a ked hirr1 if \VC coul d pray about iL for t,, o \\ eek, and he agreed to hold the car. ~ \\'e prayed but did not have peace about the purcha e. U, in a Cad illac?! .,.\ t the end of the t\VO \\:eek. .\1r. E) ring a. ked if I till wanted his ca r: How To Reach Us ... State Representative David & Pat Warren 360 College Hil l Drive Cedarville OH 45314 937-766-5913 Church Planting Coordinator Max & Phyllis Tucker 9163 Steamboat Way West Chester. OH 45069 513-942-1295 I a, if I cou ld have another l \\o da) !--. to pra 1 not ,vi II i ng to let l hi ~ca r get tt\\ a\ . In the nex t two days I prayed ,er'). carnc1.,t l) and as ked the l__,oru if thi ..., ,, a~ the car for u~ that I-le \J ould pu t the title in our ~afct.. d 'po~ it box; that 111cant it ,, ould he pai d fo r. The la .... t day n1y unt l)o lorc~ Finl ey. not "no,ving vvc we re looking for an<.1thcr car. call ed and . a id, 'You now have t\VO in edar, illc Coll ege and you arc dri \ ing an old car. l think you shou ld ha vc ~0 111eth in g nc,ver. I arn .. d) ing of cancer and want to he lp you. I have , 400() for you to purchase another c~u· - \O start looking!' The Lord i: so good. We pureha. ed that Cadill ac and dro e back and forth agai n and aga in to Cedar iIle. We na1ned that car our Cedarville Cadill ac!!" The Lord can provide fo r you too !! Max and Phyl lis Tucker Church Planting Coordinator America The Beautiful o one in thi life will e er full y know why it ha pleased God to bless the Uni ted State of Ameri ca beyond al l that we could a k or think . Prai , e God He ha: g iven us freedom beyond mea. ure and prosperity which is the en y of the world. Chri . ti anity ha been at the very heart of our great nati on from the ·poken word of Co lurnbu. to the prayer of thank. gi ing at Plymouth Landing. In 169 I the Maynower Con1pact helped lay Ameri ca ' · foundati on for law and order. Our hi tory i f illed with the impact of Chri tian po liticians and Bible-believ ing preacher. who have placed the Bi ble center tage, which is why America i · not onl y blessed but bountiful. Today, lis tening to n1any fro1n the liberal pre s and the news rnedi a, one would think that Chri sti anity is the cur. e of the uni verse and should be relegated Lo the Lra h heap. The fir5 t Pre ·ident of the United State · in hi. Farewe ll Addre. ga e a warning to the Ameri can people. ·'Reason and ex perience both fo rbid u t~ e.x pect th~t national morality can prevail ,n exclu ion or rc li gi<>U\ pri nci ple." In l 780 the ..ongre~\ or the Un i tcd Stale\ ,aid that the u~c or the Hih lc ~a, ...,o un iv cr\a l and it, irn portancc ~o great th at C'ongre~s would order 20,0()0 Bi ble\ fron1 Holl and , Scotl and , or elsewhere. to be di stribuled in d iffe rent part~ or the talcs of the Union. an you i111agi ne the TV pund its of our day receiv ing ~uch in fo rmati on? We would have to \crape thc1n off the ce iling wi th a \pa tul a. l the heart or our present day cri sis brought on by Ii bcral thinkers i~ lhe Firs t An1endment or the U. . Constituti on. which : tates th at "Congress shall 1nake no law re~pecting an establi hment of religion or prohibiting the free excrci~e thereo f. ' ' It i\ e ident from our fir\ t President 'George' as well as from our current Pre. ident 'George· that the, e word do not prohibi t a president from be ing a Chri s ti an or from proclaiming biblical alue, . Alex is de Tocqueville , French political phil o. opher, vi ited A1neri ca to search for that quality of greatne . that had enabl ed a handful of peopl e to defeat the mi ghty Briti sh Empire. It wa not, he said until he went into the churches of Ameri ca and heard the pul pit ··aflame with ri ghteou ne. ., that he could put his finger on the ~ecret of our trength . Thi . , of cour e, i sti ll the trength of "One Nati on under God.·· The churche of a nation land a · the backbone of it · piritual life. If you will take our 2001 -2002 OARBC Directory you will ee that place. like We t Che te r, Fairf ield, Middl etown. Lebanon. Circleville, Logan (and the Ii t goe on) are con picuou by their ab ·ence. We do not impl y that there are not churche in the e area preaching the go pe l, but they are few and far between. Many un aved folk who never darken their door urround them. There i roo1n fo r churche like our - to enable An1eri ca to remain trong and beautiful ! Andrew Ni choll, a member of Hope Chape l Bapti t Church in Piqua, and a 1nu ic educat ion 1najor at Cedarvilie Uni ver ity, i heading up Operat ion G.I.F.T . (Gi ving In. trument for the avior). Thi i a proj ect to take mu, ical in trument to Togo, Africa. If you can donate any type of 1nu ical in trument , no matter its condition, plea e contact Andrew Nicholl at 937-773- 1899 or by e-mail at operationgift