The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2002
d.4e:._t B pt•~t The Newsletter Promoting Interdependence Among The Ohio Association ofRegular Baptist Churches Vol. 75 No. 4 "W ereT ocated on the northeastern edge of ....._.., C leveland , Will o ughb.Y Hills st_yles itse lf a s the place "Where th e C it_y Meets the Co untr_y . " O ur Fell owsh ip ha s c hurc hes in va rious loca les ac ro ss o ur s t a t e - fro m inn e r - cit_y to ve r_y rura l t o "rurba n .» Wh e th e r _yo u a re fro m th e ci t_y o r t he c o untr_y , _yo u will find a feel ing o f "ho me " a t th e Notti ng ha m E>a pt is t c hurc h in Wi ll o ug hb_y Hill s , ho me fo r our Fa ll O ARE> C Confe re nc e. Ma rk _y o ur ca lend ars a nd come o n "up» t o t h is ho me a wa _y fro m ho me. Rese rve _y o u r mote l or guest lo d,gi ng f o r October 21- 22 tod a_y . From t he farml a nd s of Cedarvi ll e , Pat a nd I look forward to f e ll ows h ip pi ng wit h _you on t he edge of the c 1t_y . --Dave August 2002 e Cit Meets T e Countr ' ' Dear Sister Churches of the OARBC, Jesus said, ' 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' ' and I a1n glad that at the 75 111 an11iversary of ot1r state fellowship we will be reh1ming to tl1e ti1nely theme of prayer in the Pastor Michael Spiegel local Church. JiITI Jeffery, pre ident of Bapti t Bible College and Seminary, Clarks Su1n111it, Penn ylvania, will be ot1r guest speaker. His theme, ' 'The Power ofA P1·ay ing Church." We hope that you, too, will be ot1r gt1e t to r the October 21-22 conference to be held l1e1·e at Nottingham Bapti t Church. We are located j t1 '" t 011e– half mile outh of Route 90 ( it I 7., Bi sl1op Roa(i). We look forward to ecing y LI h re tl1is tall . M iL' l1 ,1c I t) Jc(>cl t b Sc 11 it) r I>, 1st t) r
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