The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2002

75th Annual OARBC Conference ' 'Die Jim Jeffery fA October 2 1-22 2002 oltingham Bapti t Church Wil lougl1by Hill Our conference peaker thi year i Re . Jim Jeffery Pre ident, Bapti t Bible Co ll ege and eminary Clark u1n 1nit, Penn y l vania 11n Jeffery became the pre ident of Bapti t Bible Co llege & eminary on Augu t 1, 200 I . I-le erved a a me,nber of the board of tru tee fo r eleven years prior to hi appointment and Conference Schedule Monday 12:00 1:00 2 :00 2 :30 Registration Opening Session: Dr. David Warren Association Business First Ladies' Tea \\ a chairman for three yea r . 2 :45 for all pastors' w ives Workshop Sessions for men & women Workshop Sessions fo r men & women 3 :35 '' Pre ident Jeffery is an a lu1nnu of BBC, earning hi Bac he lor of cience degree in 1979. He i al o a graduate of Practica l Bi ble Co ll ege, earning a Ma te r of Rc ligiou Education in Pa toral Mini stry degree at Grand Rapid Bapti t 5 :00 Church Investment Banquet Church Fel lowship Hall e,n inary, and has done doctora l tudie at Grand Rapid Bapti t e1ni nary and Grace eminary. He erved a a Bapti st pa tor for tv. 1 enty- ix years, inc luding 1n in i trie at Grace Baptist Church. Binghamton, New York : Calvary Bapti t Church, andu ky, Ohio: and Lakev .. ood Park Bapti t C' hurch, Auburn , Indiana. Mo t recently he was the pa tor o f al ary Bapti t (' hurch. Grand Rapids, Mi chigan. He \Va ordained into the mini stry in October 1978 by Grace Bapti st hurch. Binghamton, e,v York . Jim 1narried hi s hi gh ·choo l ~v.·cethea rt , Alberta "Bert' ' Dart , in 1973. They ha\ e three children: Daniel , Amy and Rachel. Dan is 1narricd to l:. lizabe th . and Lhc 1 have a son. Will. Arny i5 n1arri ed to Kurt Land. and they have t ,vo son~, Kurt and Cody. Itachcl ,~a junior at 1313( . J 1111 "'a.., born in ( 'onnccti cut, but he cal ls LJp::,tate e\.\ York hon1c . I l e ha5 'ier\ cd on Lhc boards of I3apti ~t Mid– \11 ..,..,1011..,, C an1p Patino~. and Oh 10. Indiana and M1ch1gan '>la te pa '> lOP) ' fclluv .. '>hip~. l pon hi ~appo1ntn1cnt a'-1 pte">tdcnt 111 Ma) 200 I, J 1n1 began lo con'-IHJcr hi~ pcr!)onal \ j..,ion fur the ( ollcgc, (1rad uatc Sl'hool and '°)e1nina1 )' f hi\ phra!)c surn1na11,c.., that\: 1~1un " l xcclh:ncc 111 lit blical lJducation fo1 1 ·11ccl1\<cnc..,.., in l\11111st 1 y l.,cader -ihip. ' ' I Iis ser, ant hct1rl and his UC '> tre lo scr, e C,t>d v. ith hun1ility and c >-.Lc llcncc ha,c cha1acter11ed Ji1n '.., life dnd 1nin is lt") . 1li s fl:1, enl dc'>IIC is that he,., ill ,, a Ik h u 111 bI) \\ i I h (, od . 7 :00 Tuesday 8 :30 9:00 10 :00 11 :15 12:00 2:00-4 :15 2:00-3 :00 3 :15-4 :15 5 :00 Evening Session: Rev. Jim Jeffe ry Praye r Session: Meeting at the Throne Dr. David Warren Mo rn ing Session: Rev . Jim Jeffe ry Association Business Visi t Displays Chu rch Gymnasium OWMU Leade rs' Lunch Church Fellowship Hall Ohio Women's Missionary Union Meeting Workshops fo r men Workshops for men Recognition Banquet fo r new pasto rs and wives & area leaders Church Fellowship Hall Closing Session: Rev. Jim Jeffery We invite you to invest in local churches Attend the Annual Church Investment Banquet at thi s year's conference Monday, October 21 , 5 00 p n, . $30 for one person OR one couple Group pnce $100/table of 8 Register by Sept 30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Deadline for October • • 018 • • September 15 • • • • write • • 018 • • 327 East Drive • • • • Dayton OH 4541 9 • • or email • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kids Are Getting Answers. Ih,s h J rcmJrl,.abk ~k h ,., b{11h umdc>s Jnd umch ;1nd ll hJ'> J me ~i.:e f,,r both ch,ldh·n Jnd th, Jdulls "ho ,hare II "llh them Thh I) the 0()(1k ,~, l~ "hen J fnt,htcncd Jnd b(w,lducd ~h,ld .isl..s '\\ ll\' 8;1rbJrJ DJ,l1l11, 11ni: 1>f our finest children ~ "rllt:r!> Jnd thb bc.,ol ,.. one of her best • \\ ARRt:\ \\ \\ II R\Bf Aulhor .1nd Conkrcn{c "P< Mv. 5tv{{y)! U ~ i {ovr,, R'BP5268 • 1$8 0-87227-716-X Since the C\'Cnt of 9-l l p.1rcn1, and 1c.1thcr.. have sought to ftnd \\ ays lO h,lndl1..• the , and concern!> of children ,\f, ·,u{f\ \ l n1J,1rn1 1s pro\'1d1ng ~,gn1f1c.1nt help for tho:>e <lc,tltng "11h the qucs11ons thJl conunuc tu w1.>rl) k1cb. Adults .ind lh tldren alike .ire f1n<l1ng tt extre1nel)' bcncf1c1al ~) order )Our lt>p}' 11..1d.l)' ' Regular Baptis t Pre Bu1ld1ng Laves bv thr Book 1.800.727.4440 · WW\ REMNANT MINISTRIES Si nce 1904 P.O. Box 21100 Cleveland , OH 44121 (440) 684-0220 Cleveland • C1nc1r nat, • Phoenix • Florida • Rio ae Janeiro.Brazil Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes. the whole family 1n the san1e passage yet each at their own level of con1prehens1on I Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6 ; Teen/Adult For 1nformat1on call Ken Dady a t 937 592 -2358 (Kdc1dy @ clubs wol org) WORD OF LIFE Tool s For The Whole Church Farnily 'I '