The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2002
CampPattnos 920 ~1on.1gan Rd k.ellevs l:sl<1nd OH 43438 -l 19 .....46 221 4 Reo1stral1on 1nrorn1at1on - 920 ~1onagan Rd Kelle\s Island OH 43438 41 9-746-221 4 e-mail edn1@can1ppa tmos con, v. ,, ,v camppatn1os com ~al 111 1-+5 :4 "()ne genera t ion ·hnII ~ pra1. c th) ,, ork: to another and ~hall declare th) 111 ight) ncL·... This ha, hccn the bn~i. or our ~un1 111cr thcn1c. " In, c-..ung l n Future Gene rati on, ." One .._ l lr llll r 2.o,1L· thi ,· ·un1n1c r hn · been to ~ h ~l \ (' J 11 C11 l i r C ' la rr \\ h i Ch i S 111 i ll i ' t ry - n11n dcd and focu ·ed on ~r, i ng the Lord , ,, hich 111, ol, es going be, ond ,vhat their .._ ..... ~ ..nor111al job.. requi re . 1 ·111 C'-:citcd to report that th is ha happened. [t ha · been a huge ble. ·ing e~ing ho,, · the Lord j ~ ,,orking through our entire taff .._ .._ to rca · h soul : for 11 i,n. and to encourage tho ·e ,, ho arc bclic, er of the re pon · ibi l i ty the) ha\e to hare the gospel ,, i th th i r fri end ·. By do ing th i , the\ arc ·· i n, e t i ng i n Futu re ~ ..... Generation ... I ,, ant to thank tho e ,vho ha, e been faithful l 1 pra) i ng fo r the mi ni try of Can1p Pat 1110 . \\"C have been preparing for ou r -0 111 A nni vcr ary Celebration on Augu t I Q 1 h. I ' ve enjoyed going through many o ld p ic ture and hearing te timonie.. from fo lk ,, ho \\'ere ..... here,, hen the ca,np fi r t tarted. O \ cr and o,er again. I ha\,.e been reminded of ho,, the Lord ha u ed many of you in getung the camp\\ here it i today. Our ca1np ha been a " Light for thi Generation·· for "'O yea r and that \\' ill al,\ av be ou r goa l. Our n1i , ion ., '- ta tement a)' . ' 'Camp Patrno cxi t to upport the l ocal church by challengi ng can1per to kno,, the Lord Je u Chri t a U\ iour and to l i ve for Him.'· Plea e continue to pray a \Ve endeavor to carry out our mi ion i n the yea r to co1n e. 2002 Camp Schedule Aug . 5-10 Family Camp speaker: Dr. Mark Jackson Aug . 12-17 Family Camp speaker: Cal Searl es Aug . 19-23 Senior Citizens speaker: Bill Abernathy Sr. Aug . 23-25 Singles Retreat director: Steve Rae Sept. 13-14 Marri age Clinic speaker: Kevin Boggs 4 S iew Rat1ch 7241 TR 319 Millersburg, OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-mail foreverexperience@skyv,ewranch org www skyviewranch .org Oh, Wow! Dining Hall under construct ion e ha e an expre , ion here at the Ranch- i t i a very i n1p I e one- " 0 h, vv o ,v !" I t talk about the greatne o f our Lord and avior Jc u Chri t and H i 1nighty " ork . When camper wal k through the \\ 'OOd and fi nd omething nea t the expre ion i , ·'Oh , wow! ' ' When they are ri ding the bor e and ee the beauty or God' creati on the e pre ion i , " Oh, 'Ai OW !" When coun elor explain about the work o f God in the Ii e of one of our carnper the expre ion i , ' 'Oh ,,vow !" When a young per on come to know Je u Chri t a a ior after .. truggl ing v;ith that deci ion, the expre ion i , " Oh, wow! " Right no,v we are experi enci ng " Oh wovv" ,v i th the Di ni ng Hal l a v el l. T he po t are in the ground and ,ve can dai ly ee the progre a the tructure begin to Lake hape. We mar el how God ha pro ided for u each tep along the way , and o \Ve can ay, " Oh ,vow!" Through hi peop le we k now God \,v i ii .pro ide the remai ning finance to corn pl ete the proj ect. Upcoming Events Overnight Ho rse Trail #1 Aug 22-23 Overnight Ho rse Trail #2 Aug 23-24 Lad ies Retreat Sept 19-21 Go lf Marathon & Scramb!e with PGA Wally Armstrong Sept 27-28 Marriage Enrichment Retreat October 11-12 Senior Citizen Days October 8 , 10, 15 The Gromacki Expositor_ySeries Pastors, teache rs, Bible schoo ls and colleges, and s tudy g roups will benefit f rom these fine expositions. Ba sed on the English text (KJV), Dr. Gromacki uses his expert ise and gifting to present the meaning of the epistle in a c lear and straightforward manne r. Necessary techn ical matte rs and notes on the Greek are included in the footnotes. These books are divided into th irteen chapters, each of which is fol lowed by d iscussion quest ions . These books can be bought indivi duall y o r in the series of seven through the Cedarvil le Unive rsi ty bookstore . The seven commentaries are : I Corinthians - Called to be Saints 2 Corinthians - Stand Firm in the Faith Galat ians - Stand Fast in Liberty Phi lippians - Stand United in Joy Colossians and Ph ilemon - Stand Perfect in Wisdom I Timothy - Stand True to the Charge Hebrews - Stand Bold in Grace About the Author: Dr. Robert Gromacki is Distinguished Professor o f Bible and Greek at Cedarville Universit y and Pastor of Grace Community Baptist Church in Wash ington Court House, Ohio . He is the author of 15 books incl ud ing h is popular textbook New Testament Survey. He is a graduate of Da llas Theological Seminary (Th .M.) and Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana (Th .D .). r-----------., I Lower Your Phone Bill! 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