The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2002

l'hc (;race Bnptist hu rc h of f'>ort lint on has L'.1ll~d Joe \\, 1ll111cr ,l~ .u1 assoc1ntc pastor of)outh and ,, orship. Joe is a re ·cnt graduate or '- l3apt i~t Bible ("ollcgc in l ' larl--.~ , un1111it. Pcnnsyl, nnia. P.1~t(,r Peter l)ocJd report: that Joe grc,, up ,n the l "'.11, ar~ Baptist l ' hurch of S41ndu~k). ()hio. the ·hur ' h that started <.,rnc · in Port l ' linlon. Faith Bapti t C hurch, . \ n1he r t , ha called ~l il--.c Plog a~· s~nior pastor. Willi and Ruth 11ull are no,, Cf\ ing in a n1ini . tf\ to . cnior, at Faith. - hri ,' arlton i: the ne\\ you th pa tor at Fello,v hip Bapti t , Lora in . Chri i n1arri~d to !'\ nge la. the daughter of Pa:tor · Ir . Laird Bald,\ in of Engle,, ood. Jack I on erve a enior .... pa tor at FB . On June 9. Faith Bapti t of Ga llipolis broke ground fo r a tructure to pro ide ne,v cla roon1 , re troom and a nev gvmna iun1 fo r the .._~ need of the church' grov\ ing you th mi ni tr ie . In addition. there \\'ill be a ne,v ki tchen, banquet room and tage area for fello,, hip dinner and pecial progra n, The ite ,, ork i alread 1 undervvay for the 12.000 qua re foot bu iIding. whi ch i cheduled for completion be fore the end of the )·ear. Jim Lu her i enior pa tor at Faith. and Jeff Reed ef\e a a i tan t. Bib le Bapti t of orth Madison i plea ed to announce the ordination of Pa tor Robert Ladygo to the go pel 1ni ni try . Robert ,va exa111ined by an ordination counci I on May 21 at the Bible Bapti t Church. after\\ hich he\\ a unanimou ly rccon11nended for ordination . Partic ipati ng 1n the ordinati on ~en ice on June 9 \\ ere forn1er pa tor Roland Globig, Don Bennett. Bill .Aiken ( e,, Lyn1e) and ~ 1artin . hott. Lad 1 go pre" iou I y ser, cd a ) outh pa~tor of Bible Bapti t. Jame Burnett no,, er\ e~ as you th pa tor. 6 Jnson C es terIing join~ the sta rr or l\,l cn1orial Baptist in olumbus a · as ·oc iatc pa . tor in hris tia n edu ca tion and n1u ic. Ja on is a graduate or edarvi ll e .... niver ity and i. engaged in graduate tudie. al Li be rty Uni er ity. Jon Mc inni . ervc, a, youth pa tor and Ton, Wri ght ·er\ c. a. eni or pa, tor at MB Immanuel Baptist C hurch, Columbu , we lcon,e Rick Hanna a as i tant pa tor of\vor hip and di scip le hip. Pa tor Rick i a graduate of Purdue Uni ver ity and Bapli t Bible eminary of Clark ummit Penn yl ania. Pa tor Rick and hi s wife. Heather have three children. Che! ea Ca leb and Chri tian. Prior to coming to Immanuel, Pa tor Ri ck erved a pa toral intern in famil y 111 ini trie at Ko uth treet Bapti t Church in Lafayette. He began hi mini try at lrnmanuel on June I . "We are e cited about the pa ion fo r God and the gift Pa tor Rick bring to 1I11 111anuel,' commented Bill Abe rnathy, I1n manuel' enior pas tor. Bailey Road Baptist C hurch, orth Jackson, ordained Tom Wood, ard on unday, March 24. Participating in the ordination er ice were Dr. Dav id Warren OARBC tale Repre entati ve, Rev. Gary Marburger of Ba iley Road, and Rev. ei l Appe ll of Ba iley Road. Ton1 pre iou ly erved a pa tor o f Ga li lee Bapti t Churc h in Young town, Ohio. l--l e i currently eeking God' di rection fo r future mini try. Ca lvary Baptist C hurch of alem recent ly held re i al erv ice wi th Evange li t Charl e Tenney of Exchange, West Virgin ia. Tenney i the director of Vic tory Mountain Bapti t Camp in We t Virgi nia. Da id Landqui t of pringfie ld , Ma achu~ett , is the ne,v pa tor of Riley C r eek Bapti t, Bluffton. An in tallati on er ice ,va he ld July 2 1, with Pa tor Ron Rcnauro of Upper andu ky and Dr. Dwight Allen of Findl ay conduct ing the ervice. Landqui t graduated from Pill bu ry Bapti t Bible Co ll ege in 0\vatonna, Minne ota and i pur uing a Ma ter of Di inity degree fro,11 eminary of the Ea tin Auburn, Ma sachu ett . He and hi wife, Paul a, are the parent of three on . The Landqu i t are looking forward to er ing in the con1munity. F irs t Bapti t C hurch Bellefontaine, ha called Mark Ka hu ba a enior pa tor. Hi , ife Lori , serve al ongs ide hin,. "Je u Offer You JOY" \.Vas the theme of Faith Baptist of Kenton 's Mother– Daughter banquet. The program included a tyle how with dre e n1odeled by church member . Denni Burn i enior pa tor at Faith. r------------, Attention: "Calendar Marking In Progress" MEN OF GOD 200, Saturda_y, March 1 Speaker: John Greening Ca Iva r_y .E,aptist 5el letonta i ne I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Watch for details in the mai l! L ___________ _J