The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2002
illeUniversity Dr. William E. Brown & Dr. Paul H. Dixon photo credit: Scott L. Huck/Cedarville University edan ille Univer ity recently announced the election of ~ Dr. Wil lia1n E. Brown, pre idenl of Bryan College in Dayton, Tenne ee, to ucceed Dr. Pau I Dixon a pre ident. The tran ition will take place in pri ng 2003. a Dr. Dixon become chance llor of the Uni\er ity. "I am excited about the board· choice:· aid Dixon...Bill Brown i exceptionall y v. el I-prepared to lead Cedan ille Univ er ity with hi cholar hip, admini trati e experi ence, As You Go From a reader in Seneca County: n exchange student from East Germany coming to our ho1ne (o r a year! Would she understand Engli h? Would he under tand our Chri tian home en\ ironment and readi ly go to church\\ ith u ? Would he understand her need o f sa l\ ation? Our gues t arrived, and English"' a no proble1n, fo r ~he spoke a fc\\ other languages as v. el I. , he becan1e a ·'sister" to our ch il<lren, attended church v. ith us, and freque ntl y asked questions regarding c\ o I u ti on ( v. hi ch \\ a~ a 11 shc v., a c\ cr taught). creati on, ~a lvation and other pa\')age~ rrorn pastor'') mc\sagcs. We so n1uc.:h v. anted her to understand sa lva ti on. I he n1onth\ f1cv. by and v. e kncv. that -.,oon -.,he 'Aou lc.J leave u~ to return to (1ern1any . ()ur heart\ \.\ere hea\y \\ 1th the thought of her lea\ ing U\ v. ilhout fir\l Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ff f'J1'/'J,:f Transportation 1/1,;f;J.;.;J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Sean1an Rd Oregon, OH 43618 419 836 2835 ·roll free nat1onw1de 1-800-227-3572 · 819 c.hurch discounts" ask for Bud Graham well -de erved reputati on, genui ne heart for God , and intense lo c fo r tudents. " BrO\.\' n earned hi undergraduate degree at the Univer ity of outh Florida and ho ld a 1na ter of theo logy degree and a Ph. D. from Da lla Theo logica l emi nary. He joined the Bryan fac ulty in 1984 a an as i tant profe or fo r bi bli cal tudi e , wa na1ned academi c ice pre ident and provo l in l 988, and ha erved a pre idenl ince 1992. Brown and hi \ ife, the fo r1ner Lynne Jone ·, have a daughter, A pr i I ( 17), and a on, Alex ( 13). 'Lea ing our beloved Bryan Co llege i the 1no t di ffic ul t decis ion we have e er made," BrO\\ n, age 4 , ai d. ··1 fi t were not fo r the be! ie r tha t God has a ignificant fu ture fo r u at Cedar ille, \Ve wou Id ne er ha e con idcrcd the pre idency of th i grea t in ti tut ion. Lynne April , Alex, and I look forward to the year ahead and bei ng a part of the exc iting and unique Chri ti an worl d iew education al Ceda rviIle." tru ting hri t. With ti1ne hort , v:e explained again how one recei e eternal Ii fc and asked her i r he under tood. he aid, '"ye ." We a ked i r he \vou Id trust Je u · a her a ior. he aid, " I did that about a month ago at Ea ter tin1e! ' ' With our \.\ 1 ho le fa111i ly in tear or rejoicing\\ c thanked the Lord that a stranger ca1nc into our ho,nc, bcca1ne a chiId or 1-1 is, and \VOLi Id return to Jennany a. a nc\.\' creation in Chr ist. Al\vays be ready to gi\'e an an ' \ er, "A, YOU GO." ***** Let your OARB fan1ily kno\, about that "open door" God gave you to \\'itncss during 1 our norn1a l routi nes or life. end your tcstin1ony 50 tha t our readers 111ight be encouraged in their O\\ n \\ itnc~~ing or .. the good nc\v~. L-1na1 I: ro~ton ahapu~t ra \\ l)a, id C.'hapnu1n. P() llo, I005 I O\tona. () I I -t-tX10 FELTY.HEINLEN ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 336 Sturges Avenue, Mansfield , Ohio 44903 Phone : (419)526-1988 Fax : (419)526-1989 website: fel ty-heinlen .com 11 Fell }'-Hei11/e11 Arcbilects and Planners, J'Otlrp~'Ofessional pa1111er i11 church grou 1 tb. 11 OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association Ad1nin1stercd b" RLIPP 1\ genc, . ~ . ( 'ol un1bu~. Ohio 6 l-t--t86-59 I I toll- free: 1-~00- ')82-9258 fAX. 6l-l--t86- 1 -t9 1 Jewish Awareness Hinisfries ol Ohio "Sfirrine fhe pews tor fhe Jews" for information contact: Bill McVey 3606 Cedarbrook Rd. Cleveland. OH 44118 216-932-5029 Our purpose is to glorify God through our excellence in Design/Build Services. S·EE·m I BRENTWOOD Our goal Is to delight our clients with the process as well as the finished product. 187 South Stato Streut Woste1v11te, Chlo 43081 614 794 3100 David S Beeman. AIA Jae.I,, A Chapin Jr • AIA Gregory D E'ltt1r Al~ design 61 Columbo::. P1ku l ed11rv1lle, Ohio 4531 ·I 9J7 766 5585 M Joseph HarklNOOu Preskh.'lnt build Church and Chris tian School Design and Constrt1ction 7
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