The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2002

Tb~ <>hi.<> I~c:I~p~ ti.~ The Newsletter Promoting Interdependence Among The Ohio Association ofRegular Baptist Churches Vol. 75 No. 5 October 2002 - - •• ~ Su.pportLll'vg our Pastor "\/ /P • (). /e vv1 C-1111 !--1 o.r, v{ 1 Cf"" · r Is. / J VI I Cl , P ,.. t ' V\.,(A I" L !., Vvt Cr L. !/\., ~ V1 PL. t oJ vJV\.. rt. • r L'\11\..V 1/" /. . Cfyi? ecidiP1 !/\., · vie (.) .. '\I T (' tJ(/1/\.:· r e () 1 Cl r I f II e 1 C 1 t'" ~ ( ; • t'" v{ 1, 1 ( I Y.J e /v I ~ ,. Vl e L. I V\., /l Cl I e( r t. Vvt L,( ( 1/v\ P 1 1 I tlv\. r e V:v<.,C/: Vvtevv. , P1,. vieV'vt .,L e . '-""li11C1 Cl re L-j {;( II\, { e,1,e., r_j(L,( , v<.T 1, I Regular Baptists Reaching Post-Moderns c encouraged! We have a story to tell! We can reach the post-n1odem . the younger peop le of our day i r vvc under tand thei r di rrcrcnt approach to Ii ing and thinking. They arc that generation or A n1crican~ bon1~ince 1981 . also called the Mi llenial . How do po t-moderns think? Po~t-rnodcrns approach life and thinking different I) . The phi lo ophy of po t niodcrn . ca lled post-n1odcrni ·111, rejects reason and rat iona l it) a~ tile foundation for reality. Post- 111oder11~belie, e that all hun1an reason i raul ty and relati, e. Every thing depends on one· point or vie,v and no one idea is inherent!)' better or 111ore correct than another. AL o, the po ·t-n1odcn1 sub~tit utc the cn1ot ional f()r the rati onu l. Per ·onal experience and feeling are the n1ain thing, e\en n1ore in1portant than the 1l1ct~. Po ·t-n1odcrns can h<) ld Lo t\\O con trad ictory, ie,\~ at the san1e tin1c and lecl no tcn~ron bet\\ cen then1 since nothing i~ finall y certain any,,·ay. The) ,,ould thcref<.)re "'a 1 then: should be no critiquing or other, ic,, ~ si nce al I , ie,, s enjoy an equal ~tatu~ in their thinking. To those of us ,vho ha, c been bo111 bel<.)re 198 1 ( l3oon1cr~. 19 1 7-19-lS, 13ab 1 l3u-..tcr~. 1946- 19(>4. General i()n X, 1965-1980) ~uch an approach to Ii fe n1akc" ab-.,o lutel) no scn~c. In our cars it probably sound~ n1ore like nonsense ! l3ut to the po~t-111odcrn that 1-.. exactl y the point. They ha\c gi\cn up on reason or scn~e. a~,, c kno,, 1t. rhc) n1 ight c, en redefine our notion of co1n111011 ~cnsc. l·ro111 their, ie,, point. it 1""iblc pL'oplL' \\ ho hn,c brought thi s \Vorld to the brink or nuclear dc-..truct 1on. It 1~ ....en~1blL' people vv ho ha, e spa,, ncd rac ial hatred. It is ~en~iblc people,, ho ha, c u.... cd their rca-..l)Jl tll abuse J)O\\ Cr. It i~ .... cn~ib le people,, ho ha, e been the grca tc~t di-..appn1nt1nL·nt to thcn1 ·r o the po~l - 1110<.lcrn. scn~c ~cc n1~ 11011-~cn~ical. So ho\, do ,, c reach people ,, ho rcfu~c to accept logic or rt\a~<>n '! l 1 0,t-n1o<l t• rn, a rt' open to the e,pt•rie1 tial, to the cn1otional, to stor~. l'hat ·..., ri ght ll) "ll)I > \nd ,, L' can u~c .... tor 1 a~ the "port or entry' ' to reach thL·1n l<.)r ( 'hn-..t I ,pl'.l" Ill)\\ nl ··')" 111 1,,0 ">Cl1 ">C~ )Our o,, n pcr~onnl .... 10 1) ol' l~11th and Ii i~ a, ,,cll ,1-.. thL' ll iblL' it-..L·ll'a, ,hlt) " I I 1~" Story f>o,t-,nodern, ,,ill respond to )Our 0,,11 pt•r,onal ~tor~. I hL'"-L' ,ou11g PL'llplL' ,,.inl ll) kno,, the "il01) o r )our ptlgrin1agc thruug.h lilL' I he, .ire l'j)L'll lll ' '"'l'll ttl ~t)t11 pl·t-..llll,tl lL''>l 11110ll) bot h or) our " ,\ at 1011 "" \\ L'II ~l\ ho,, lhL' l l ll d h.i, IL·d .111d p1 l l\ llk·d I\ )J \ \lll and \·ou, f~1111il\. \ ' ou ca111H)( n11111">tcr Il l thL'lll l1u111 ,\ d,...,t.,nlL' ) llll llHt-..t !..'l'l t l\l'\,.' l1..l ~ ~ thc111 dlld c1 I In,, thc1n lll get clll\L' tu \ lHI I hL') ll lllF 11.)I , L'.1111 \ .111d 1uthl'lll I\. 11, 111 IIIL' and l1d1n11c lolk..., ,, Ill> ltrL' rL'<tl P.1ul opL'llt'd h1111"L'II up lt"l' th1" lll I tllhltl\, ,, hl·11 hl· ",11d to h1111, ' '13ut \.Oll h.1, t: lull\ ktll )\\ 11111\ d0Ll1111t· 111.111t1l'I lll l1IL\ pt11p1..b,l'. I.11th . longsufll.!11ng hl\L'. fh..'l'"L'\L'l.lllLL'. pL't-..L'Lt1l1un-.. .llll1l·t1011s ' ' (II I 1111. , . 1() 11) \ " I i111oth) kllL'\\ thL gL· nu111 ~t1l'"'" ut P,1ul, · 1ph.: ,, II l1"'h.·11 ,l · \ ~ s H " ,, l ' tht) , ($ that ) ou a1 ~ .1 gL'lllll llL' PL' l"\llll.