The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 2002

ftJiilJiiiJiiiili Deadline for February 018 January 15 email address : or write 327 East Drive Da ton OH 45419 Across theState Mid-Bethel Dougla E. Kranenburg a su1ned the dutie · of eni or pa~ tor o f Good hepherd' Bap ti t Church in idney on unda 1 . October 6. Kranenburg recei, ed a Bache lor of A rt degree fron1 Faith Bapt i t Bi ble Co llege in Ankeny, Io,, ·a: and graduated fro,n orth,ve. t Bapt i t en1 inary in Tacon1a. \\'a hington, ,, here he earned a Ma ter o f Di, ini ty degree. He and hi ,, ife, Jud , are the parents o f fi, e children. On Augu t 9. the Fa ith Bapti t Church of Kenton broke ground ror a maj or facility ex pan ion. lated fo r completion in earl) 1 003. the cx pan ion project ,v iii pro, ide ne,\ offi ce . c las roon1 , nu r~eri es and ,, orship center. Denni & Jana Burn lead the Kenton chu rc h. C)n October ,7, the congrega t ion or Fo ·toria Bapti t ho ted a urpri e apprec iation dinner in honor o f Pa tor and \ll r . [)a, id ( ' hapman f'or 17 yea rs o r faithful \er, ice . Along ,, ith tc ·timoni e fro ,n church n1e111ber , the Chap1na ns' daughter. Rebecca. and son Bri an and Mark. (, 1a e- n1ai l) ga, e thei r thoughts on the life ofa " preacher's kid' ' and exprc~sed appreciat ion to thei r parent~. Hebron [)an Parker recently JOlned the "ita rror I· ir~t Ba1>tisl of I<: Iyria a~ n1in1'->te r or 11,u ..,1c and ,,or hip. Dan and hi'> \\ilc , l3011n1c . arc parent '> or ">I.!\ en chil dren and ha\ c Jlllf11\tcre<l at r lr"it 13apl i'>t or Lapeer. ~1ichigan. fc> r the p,1'... t I CJ )Car4:>. l3ra<l <)t11ck is ~e n1 01 pastor at I irst llapti\t. Bethany Str uthct !') l3apt ist ·rabct nach: 1 eport~ being cha llcngc<l c.1nd c1H.:ouraged b) 1)1 \\ ill1anl I· iunigan f"ron1 the i\laho111n~ \, alle) l{cscuc f\1 i~ ion oil < )ctobe, 13. b\ \ 111-.c I{ 1ddlc fio1n the Institute ftll ( "1ca11on l{c~l·d1ch 011 o, e1nbl'1 5. and b) a n.: po1 t r, 0111 l ugcnc ttnd I ell it:ia C Jana on the 11 \\ ork an1unu thL· 1<.on1anian ( J) psit·s oil o\ c111hL'1 I 0 . - Marana tha Scutt and J1.:"n111ler l)uncan began th'-· 11 rnini lt) at <,t al'L' lJapt is t ( hu,ch 111 11nl<11d un Sunda, , ()c tobe1 6. I h1..· l)unt:an .ire cxp1?t~l1 ng lhL·1 r first child in Jdllllr!I \ . r to all who sponsored tables & attended the c hurch Investment D inn e r . We thank the Lo rd for the $826 .+1 profit cleared on that eve ning. As You Go From a reader in UnionCounty: or a local parade ,, c \,Vere building a fl oa t ,vith a rocke t . hip that could be rcn10, ed and used for Vacation Bible choo l. The hip ,va to be large enough for children to ride. While I v.·ork~d on the project, a ,nan ,.v hon, I did not knov.' topped to he lp! We talked 0111e and ,,·orked on the rocket the re t of the day. The nex t day the an1e n1an ca rne to he lp . After e\ cra l hour o f fabri ca ti on on the hip, we tarted put ting together ye t another fl oat fo r the parade. I ,vonde red if I hould I pre ent the Go pe l 111c age lo hi 111 . We ll , o r cour ·c l hould ! ! ! On that hot sun1111er day I ·aid . ··Do yo u like Moun tai n De,v? Let' take a oda break. I ha, c on1cthing I ,votdd like to . hare \v ith you". Then God ga, c me the opportunit y to pre. cnt the ..... . . Go pe l 111e age to hi n1. A ller ·haring the " Ron1an Road· · I said that l Ce lt 1od had brought us together fo r a rea_ on, and He agreed. I a ·ked ifhe,, ould like to a: k Je us to conic into hi s hea rt. He said, "Yes." ,,.//1, 1 (./ \ 's· he reo(h ' lo gi1 ·e an (II ISll 'er ... o., • • c: ) 'Oil l£0. Let 1·011r 0.-1RB( ' j(11nili· k110\\ ' uho11/ thui "oJJl'Jl cloor ,, ·(jo( / ,~o ,·e .\ 'Olf lo 1t ·itne.\s ll11rin(.S:!, ) 'Olfl' nornu ,I routine., of life:'. s,('11(! \'0l/r /eslin1011 ,· \'() lh(t / our r e£t(./er, 11ii<T/,/ he e11co11J·t1ael l in their t> (") 011 ·11 11 · 111x of the ,S:!,orn l JI<.'\\ ' \ . l.- -n,a il : fos toriabap tist ia ,, or,, ri te l)a , id ( ' ha pn1an P() l~o\ I005 I o~torr a. ()11..i..iXJO OARBC Property lnsura11ce Group Plan Participating churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Assoc iation - ----~- 1\d11111\1~l\.'l'l'd h, Rl PP \ L!l' t ll .. \ .... ( olu111hu~ ( >h 10 <, I ~--1 Xh- ~tJ I I 1011 1 t l.'I.' I soo :2~2 925~ I \ ,'\ h I ~-·1~<, _. jlJ2 ' \' ith Trailblazers: Follo,ving Ottr Faith fu1 God, vo11 can ... ~ • IC'cl( h Hiblc·-c <'JllC'l c·d. dot t1111~111, ~Odlld 111tl((' J ittl • Blt11e <1 t1<1il into ~u11ou11<.li11~ nc1~hbo1 hood~,, 1th ti1l ..;o,pt•l • \\'111 the lo~t to Chr1:-.t • I)1~l 1plc Ch1 i:--t1.111 k1d:-- all toda, to order ~o ur inlroductor\ kit. $39.99 Rcgu l._ir B,tptii,,t Pre~~ Build11H., 11\t ~ b, th1 Bonk REMNANT MINISTRIES Since 1904 P.O. Box 21100 Cleveland, OH 441 21 (440) 684-0220 Cleveland • Cine rnat • Pnoen,x• Florida • Ao ce ane1ro Bra!il Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes . the whole family ,n the san1e passage yet each at their own level of corr1prehens1on! Grades 1-2; 3-4 ; 5-6; Teen/Adult For 1nforn1c1t1on call Ken Dc1dy ~l t 937-592-2358 (Kdc1ciy@ clubs v ol 019) WORD OF LIFE Tools For fhe Who le Chu rch Fanuly .., '