The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 2003
Ca1np Patmos 920 r,..1onagan Rd Kelle\ s Island OH 43438 419-746 .;.214 FA'\ 419 -10- '"'005 e n1a1l 1nfo@'camppatmos com \V\\ \\ camp_patmos com By E ecut1ve Director Ed Miller lu ltrp1an~ -l : 19: .. [3ut 111) Uod sha 11 suppl~ all) ou r need accordi ng to hi$ r1che~ 111 glor) b) ("hri ' t Jc u ' ." \ : I continue in the n1ini st11 of C' an1p P,1tn1c,~. thi~, cr~e pro, cs itse lf O\ er and o, er .. 12...1111 . 1 ·111 , er\ thankful for ho,, .... - the Lord 1~ pro, iding qua lity .-1aff n1en1bers ,, ho are focu ·cd on being u ed of the Lord to sec Ii, cs changed for 1 ! i 111. During our June 16-21 Junior High \\ eek.. ,,e ,,ill offer "iVly tery an1p .'' ( ' an1per: ,, ill learn fron1 Chri tian illusioni ts the art of pre tidi gitati on iew Ranch 7241 TR. 319 Millersburg. OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-mail elation hip . Fore, er experi ence .. . Biblical life ki ll . Expe rient ia l earning. The e are a fe,v ,vord '- that de cribe the pa ion that dri ve the n1ini -tf)' of kyv iev·. Ranch. Fi r t John I: 1--l de, elop the funda 111en ta l definition of a bib lica l 1nini try. Ch ri tianity i a relation hip. That i the thru, t of the incarnation of Chri t ! God put kin on to be the connector in the relation hip that God de ire ,vith u . \l 1n1 ti) is al ~o a relation ~hip . We take ,, hat \\ e kno,, fron1 our re lati on hip ,, 1th God and ~ hare it \\ ith other through the means of fe I lov.1 hip. that i , a relation\hip. The text i clear. God ha built into our Ii\. e through our relation'-\htp \\ ith ( ' hri t and \\ e are to be building into the li\e.;; of other through our relation ·hip\\ irh then1. At k), ie,,. all program are de~1gned to be tool for relation hip butld1nu. Frorn n\ ing through the air on ,._. ., ....... t..,..; the Giant ,, inl! to \\alking back from a .... .... nature hike: fron1 skit night to itting around ~haring a bag of popcon1 during free tune e\ er 1 thing 1 relationship bu tiding . e, er) thing i tnini try . \\ hat i ne,, '? Ba ic Trai ning 2003 i a ne,, tool to help local church youth 6 (slight or hnnd). rhcy \\ ill rccci e dail y training in learning ho, lo use illusions a an avenue t share trut h. rron1 God ' , v ord ,vi lh other, . Our new cnior l-li gh ", cuba C"' an1ps" arc June 23-2 & July 2 1-26. Thi .. i · a scuba ran1il iari,a tion progran1 , taught by ccrt i fi cd cuba in. tructors. The progran1 inc lude dai ly practicc and in ·tructi on ti mc. u ·c of tanks, regul ator ~, fin , goggle , and n1ore. t the end of th e week can1per wiII vi it thc . itcof the 1911 hipwreck, theF. H. Pri ce, whi ch ,vent down ju ·t off th e ea t horc of Ke ll eys I land . Pi ca e cc our can1p brochure for n1ore detail . Thank you to the many churche and chools \ ho have allowed u · to repre ·ent Can1p Patn10 du ring the " long, co ld" , inter n1onth~. Our camp i, tru ly an outreach of the local church and we are thankfu l that the Lord i u ing u to chall enge camper to kno,v the Lord Je u hri ta a iour and to live for 1--Iim. group have a dyna 111ic hort ter111 mi ion experience. hort-ter,n youth mi ion tean1 from all over Ohio - and even Mich iga n, took part in the motivational_ team bui Iding, tra ining opportunity April 4-6. Praise the Lord for an a,, esome Winter Retrea t eason! We experi enced record regi tration nu111ber fo r our wi nter progra1n . We filled to capacity a ll three Teen Retreat and had ,va iting Ii t ! Our retreat de e loped around the thc111e, '' Life i ot a olo port .'' Many dec i ion were 111ade regarding invo lvement in a local church n1ini try tca111 and be ing a better team player in the Body of Chri t. ummer Registration are roll ing in . Be ure to get you r in ri ght a, ay. We had wa iting Ii t for virtuall y e,,ery week la t year. We would love to ee you here th i su111111er. REAl.M f IAVE INTEGRITY HBPSJ/J · l ~B~ O Bl2)7 746 I OtherTitles Available in the Real Men Series: I{ al Me11 Arc GC)lily R al Mc1 f\ rc Wi e f{cc1 l l'v1en J) ray Real Me,1 L.cad Regular Bapti t Pre Building Lives by the Book Please send contributions to the OARBC to OARBC c/o Phil Miller 1750 Flinthill Columbus OH 43223 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension ! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult For information call Ken Dady at 937-592-2358 (Kdady @ ) WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Our purpose is to glorify God through our excellence in Design/Build Services. S·IE·m / BRENTWOOD Our goal is to delight our clients with the process as well as the • 167 South State Street 61 Columbus Pike WesteMlle. Or110 43081 Cedarville, Oh,o 45314 61 4 794.3100 937 766.5585 David S Beeman, AIA Jack A. Chapin, Jr.• AIA build design Church and Christian School Design and Construction
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