The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 2003

In Place Of The Barns b\ ~1a and Pl1yll1s Tucker n 111.111 I, l'l.h.'L'' l )h I\) t.11 111\ arl' bL' 1 n g rc plaL·cd b) hou~ing dt'\t'h.\pnlt'nt, \ \ hL' ll ~t)t1 th 1,L' through thc,c area~. you , ' ' hl)U,t''· h\'ll'L'"-· ,1nd n HH·c hou,c,. hut ,,·hat ,,·c do not HL'Ct',,.u ti, ~L'L' ,ll'L' real h(.l fll c, ,, 1th rea l fan1i lies. ltht)ugh . ~ tht' \ lllL'l"IL' ,\11 f,lllld) l \ld ,l) l' I\JO) S it\ highest Standard o (' Ii, 1n~ L'' L'I'. there .1rc 111.,n\ .., ,~n.., th,ll the hnn1c is in crit ica l ... - ... 'l) llth t n Hl l . llrokcn '1' a111i lics f hc fa111i l) i, rragn1cntcd, not holding toge ther any 11.lllg_L'r than the ·ir ·u111stancc. con1pe l it to. lt is nc) ,c(t'l~t that n1a nl-..ind has, throughout the ccnturi c. , pcr,crtcd Jod·, plan fo r ran1il y Ii, ing. Bu t today the n1.1rriage p1·turc i, the darkc: t vcr. Di, orcc L hulldo11 ng ou r o(iCt) tc ru in . II. Rootless Fami lie. ( "hun. .:h planter~ poin t out that often be fo re they get the church to a place v. here it can be organized as "uch. n1un, or the core n1en1ber. are lran: ferred. It i c~ti 1natcd toda) that upv.:ards to 3() ~ or the popu lation change~ il. place of res idence annuall y. Tree, ,, it hou t root~do not ~ ith: tand the . torn1s. I II. IJonely Fan1ilie ~ To a, Lhat there i. a lac k of co,nn1unicati on between fan1 i I) 111en1be rs today i an under. tatement. The re ul t of th i, deve lopment is a lo~ · of onene. and toge therne. . 1any a fan1 ily. though living together are Ii, ing in an atn10 phe re of being irtually alone. Update of Ohio Church Planting Efforts New Community Baptist, Avon, Ohio, with Brian and Sharon Gardiner, recently asked for a Recognition Counsel with plans to become an official part of our OARBC. Praise the Lord! Dayspring Baptist, Galloway, Ohio with Earl and Marilyn Shaffer located new school for meeting. Northeast Community Baptist, New Albany, Ohio, with John and Michelle Morgan, David and Rosezell Stevenson, recently purchased land for the location of their church. SouthQwest, with Dan and Rebecca Simmons, off to a great start. International Community Baptist, with John and Willie Mae Williams and Robert and Janet Whitty progressing well. Future plans need your prayers. BMM missionaries Mel and Linda Chandler have taken first steps with a work in Northeast Ohio. Another missionary family which has returned to the States will be looking at Butler and Warren Counties the end of May. Many open doors have come as churches invite us to educate their people about this area of ministry and are therefore able to pray more intelligently. ') - c,v chu rchc~, a.., ,ve il a.., those a lready c, tahl1 , hcc.J . need to focu, on these people and thei r need~. I . Sinful Familie · The Id Tcstan1cnt rcn1ind~ us that the si ns of the fami ly ,viii a rfccl the children unto the third and fourth generations. W c arc Ii i ng in an age when children are told God i s a j oke, the church is irre levant, and that former ,n ora l code. arc outdated. Pra i c God ther e a r e ha ppy familie a nd ucce ful home \J here the child ren are brought up in "1he nurture and acbnonition <~/' the Lore/ '' ( Ephesians 6:4). uccess ful famiIies are bui It on the Word of God. and the Word of God is proc laimed from churches that believe the ' ' In" of Gene i. to the' Amen·· of Revelati on. ucce . ful famili e. are church-re lated , but there mu. l be chu rches. built on the foundation of Je ·us Chri st, for the rn to attend. The church is an in trumcnt to he lp parents '"Train up a child in the way he . hould go" (Proverb. 22:6). The in1portance of the local church to train and provide an atmo~phe re for olid. spiritual. ucce ful fan1ilie cannot be over– en1pha. ized. We must gui de people into a chu rch that wi ll encourage them in Lhe thing · of God, but in some area in Ohio, we mu t create before we gui de. Church Investment Banquet Helping to Keep Your Barns Full o erb. 3:9- 10 ·ay . ·'Honor the Lord H'ith ) 'Our possessions, and ivith the .fi rsrfruirs of all _vour increase; So .vour barns ,t1ill be fi llec.l ,vith /J/enty, and _rour \'ats ivill overflo \-v 1rvith . ,, neiv 1v111e. Our fourth annual Church l nve tment Banquet pro ide · you another opportunity to " honor the Lord with your po e ion ,. and " fi ll your barn. ." Eac h year we challenge you to pon or an entire table and in vite eight of your fri end to enjoy a free meal with you. The n1oney pay for the ir n1eal · but al o become an inve tment in the local church. You and your gue t will hear te. timonie from our church planter. . Currently Church In e ·tment monie are being u ed for Chu rch Planti ng - prov iding" ·tar t-up" fund and occa ional larger gift lo church planls a. needed. l t i our dream that on1eday thi ' fund wi ll grow to the point that we can aL o help ome of our older churche ·. like tho e who remai n in the inner c itie where the people w~ need to reach cannot upport the ir pa tor full y, nor rnaintain their build ing a needed. Thi money coul d al. o become part of a revolving fund to provide loans to churche that want to "grow" the ir building and other mini . tri e . Sr retch a1cl Soiv with u and ge t ready to pon or a table at our upcoming Church Inve tment Banquet on October 20 in Gallipoli . Ohi o. Pri ce per table thi year - 150._ Per hu b~nd and wife - 35; pe r per on 30. It' cheaper to br1~g y~ur wife or a group of f riend . ave now. Then wa~ch for reg , trat,on info rmation to be ent to your churche 1n Augu t. Keep your barn fu II ! --Dave and Pat