The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 2003

T EO ''Bienvenue a Gallipolis!'' ''Welcome to the City ofthe Gauls!'' T ooking for fortune and .Lfreedom French, like the Briti h, came co the New World and grad uall y migrated toward ·'the beautiful Ohio.'' Even though France lo t much of her claim to the Briti h in the French and Indian War, new fri end hip arose with the Colonies after the American Revolution. Anxiou to escape oppre. ions of the French Revolution. several hundred Frenchn1en responded to ads promi ~ing wholeso1ne c limate, pl entiful wildlife and abundance of fi sh along the Ohio Ri ver. Unfortunately, adverti ser~, Joel Barlow and William Playfai r. did not play fair. They absconded wi th the funds paid for lands in Ohio. When hopeful French ~e ltl er\ landed on A1ncrican sh(>res in 179() they di scovered their deed\ were worthle~,. Jio"'·c,cr, ,y1npathy for the 1-' rench \1\. 1 as found an1ong the nc\.\.'I)' fornicd ()hio C'on1pan) of A~'i<>ciatcs. Thi ~ group of f{c, olutionaf) ~ a1 Ve \ felt a keen gratitud~ for thc J .. rL~nch support <lu ring their O\\ n n:,c,lution and had reL:enlly na111L·d thei , li rst s...: ttlc1nl.'nt l\1arictta, in honor t >f f\-1 arie A 11101 net le. So.furlhL"r U0\\' 11 the ri,e1 . tht} Ct}llSll'UClt::O four hh>t:klH>US~!'i ,tnd uh<>ul 8() cabi ns to p11..!pa, e for thi s g1oup of l·rc11ch settlet s ,vho ~ ould late1 pu1 cha!'ic thi land for a s ·ond tin1c. rrhu , Ciallipolis \\a!) h1>111 . KO K The Newsletter Promoting lnteri e AJ,no,zg The Ohio Associatiot1 of RegularBaptisl Churches Vol. 76 No. 4 August 2003 DEPE DE /!CJL.., 'ioLLitf~ 01<-T£.J2L1.£ <;:}aLLij2cJLi1, {)/liL1 45631 ·140-446-()324 Dear Fellow Brethre11. TB We at First Bapti st Cht1rcl1. Gallipt)lis, are [111 ·it)Lt~l) looking forw,1rd t() y()Ur being witl1 us tl1i s fal l! Our 111eeting ti111e is October 2()-2 1. Our n1ee ting place will be i11 g reat contra~t tc) last year· ~ ll)Ca li l111 . We wi ll be gt) ing frc) nl the tl1rong~ () f Cleve la11LI tt) the tra11qt1il, sl()we r-paced ri ve r tl)v\ n l)f GaJJip()li~ . Archie & Mary conn There is a lc)l l<) ~cc. fro111 the c.1 ua i11l ~ht)11s in l<)\\ 11 . tl1e h()111e <) r Bc)b ... va 11 s F ,1rn1. l() t l1c J) I ace \\ l1erc l he first sl1ot of tl1e Revol u ti ()nary War was fir '(I! Y C\, tl1 a t ' ~ ri gl1t . J U!"l t acr()~" tl1c Ohic) Ri ve r frc)111 Gallipoli s, al tl1e converge 11cc t>f tl1e ()h ie> anll Kana\\ ha Ri er~, it '~ a ~" 111t1st sec" vvhcn cc)111in g t<) t) ur ,lrea . 'fl1c \ ile i!\ tl()\\ h..n t)\\ 11 ~1, ... 1t ,-l:'11tli£'- Wei P,trk , 111ca11i ng, " 111 ing li ng t)r tl1e \\ atcr\." Tl1e f)f<>gra 111 will be c l1 all eng ing anll inft)rn1ati \'e. ()ur rcaturl'tl , 1)L~ah..L·r tl1i-., yea r is Dr. Willi ,1111 l~. Brt>w11. ne\\ 1rc~ilie11t t)f("e<.lar,il lc Llnt \L'r,it> . l'hL' the111e t)r thi ~ year 's 111ccLin g i\ " l:.11 ~a~ i11 }.! ) ' t>Llr \\' <Jr lt1 ltlr C' hri,t. " ....._. ._ L '- Aga in , c>u r J)C()ple tt re exci te(! al1t>ut )t>tu ctH11ing. anLI thL') ,llL' gl>t n~ all l>Ul l<> n1ah..e )t>u1 \ i\ tl \\ tlh U\ " f)L'Cia l. t\1ah..e y(>llt 1)Jan"' nt>\\ . \\ l' \\ ill ,Ill>\\ !llll a grea t t1111 e.