The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2003
Going Places :111~,11~ !,)tilth 111 thL' n,llHHl 111 1nttr\ lat c 111il c\ and tenth in ... t\,t,11 ht~h,, ,l> nttlL''· ()hio i, g_l)l llg place~ . 1:nur n1aj()r ,1tlr\1,1d linL'' rL't11ain ac11,c in ()hio in addi tion to nun1 '1"\,u, bi~t' p.lth, th,ll ha,c replaced other rai lroad beds. In .1ddtltl)ll l\., thL''l' n1 .. 1n\ 111ilc, or n1an1nadc "'1!t)- ,vav~:· Ohio is . ~ - • ~ Full-size replica of Santa Maria on Scioto River 1n Columbus L.1~c Eric port, hccan1c internatit)nal p()rt,. Pel)p lc. rot)J. and 111anu racturcd UO()d. '- ha, c ea~\ acce"'~ to and rron1 . Ohio. I t, \alue on acce\\ and tran\f)<.) rtation ha~ hccon1e the fiber or Ohi t1 ·s d , ·e lopn1ent an<..1 in1port ance in the nati on. Recogni1i ng the ~igni ficance of it" natural ""atcr,, ay<.; to the nt)rth and ~outh . Ohioan~ ,pcarheaded the di(l (1 ino of t,vo c:c e n1ajor canal ~ t () connec t these t ,, t) - the Ohio and Erie Canal (t)pened I 32. connecting blc,scd ,vith t,vo 111ajor natural ""atcrways. Lake Eri c on the north and the Ohio Ri vc r O il the S()Uth . .. urpri <.; i ng l y, n1orc fre ight lllOVCS up and do\\ 1 n the Ohi o Ri ,·er than tra els throu oh the Pana1na C' Canal (Heinrichs, ()hio . p. 97 ). And ""hen the L Lawrence eaway opened in l959. eight or Ohio' ~ 111achinc on Dccc11bcr 17. 1903 . In ju t one hundred years, 23 Oh io astronaut · have en tu red into oute r pace, including John Glenn. the first Arne ri can to circle the earth ( 1962). Nei l Arin ·trong, the fir. t to walk on the n1oon - ( J 969), and Kathryn Sai ling Lake Erie ulli an, the fir t won1an to walk in , pace. Going Places! Where are you going? The di ciple · a ked Je u that que tion once. When they knew He wa go ing to the Father' , hou e, they a ked. "How can we know the way?" Je, us an wered simply. " I a,n the way, the truth and the Ii fe. no man come · to the Father, but by Me" (John 14:5-6). Someone wrote a tract entitled, "How to Get to Hea en from Ohio. ' ' It 's actuall y the ame way a it wa fro1n Jeru , alem - through Cle, eland l () Port \ 111ou th ) and the t'v1ian1i and Eri e Cana l (opened 18-t.5 connecting T o ledc) to the ~outh ). Though the con1ing of rai lroad..., .... Cruising the Ohio River- Pastors and Wives Retreat April 2001 Back by popular demand April 26-27, 2004 J e u · Chri t and through Him alone. e, en tuall} put the ..., Jo""·er cana l traffic out of hu...,ine...,...,. canal ~ had played their part in Ohio's gro\\ th and dc\c lop111ent. nun1c ri call y and comn1erciall y. Ohio·..., fi r...,l intra~tate rai Iroad ran het\vcc n Day ton and Sandu k\ ( I 5()). - \\'hilc canal \ and railroad..., faci litated north and \()Ulh tran,pc)rtalion. roaJ'A a 1 \ a l...,o hegan l<) c ro~..., Ohi o. Zane's Trace \\a, hui lt a, ear1 1 a"' 1797. Ohio· ~ ~cg n1enl or the ~ati<>nal or Cun1herland Rt)ad wa\ con1pleted in 1838. bringi ng n1an~ ,ctt le r..., to and through Ohio. The Ohio Turnpike now crO\\e Ohio on the north and interstates 75. 7 1. and 77 t aci1 i tale "'go i n Q •• north and ~ou th . ... <.: But ()hio pit)ncer..., nc)t ()nly trave r\cd Ohio by land and ~ca. ()hioan drcan1ecJ of going place\ by air. Beginning with Da\ ton'" \\' ri~hl hrothcr..., Ohioan..., t(>l)K L<> the air. Orville - .... \\ right 111aJc Lhc hi ..., toric 17-...,econd fli ght in a pO\\'Cr -dri ven ••••••••••••••••• •••• • •••••••••• • • • .\ns,\ers f"'or Children 's Page: I C'h i 11 icothe 2. A then..., 3. Col un1bu~ -+ . Tc>led<> • • • •••••••••••••••••• • • •••••••••••• 1 - Coshocton Canalboat on Erie Canal
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