The Ohio Independent Baptist
THE OHIO I DEPE DE Vol. 76 No. 6 The Newsletter Promoting Interdependence Among The Ohio Association of RegularBaptist Churches TB December 2003 We have enjoyedcelebrating Ohio~ Bi-Centennial Birthday this year. We are thankful to live in a country that has honored Godon our coins, in some ofour songs, and in prayers throughout ourhistory. We are also thankful to live in a state that wouldaccept the motto, "With Godall things are possible. " These are not rights or freedoms to take for granted. But we can be thankful andprayerful about our future. As we turn our attention to the birthday ofour Saviour, may we gi ve honor to the God of the Possible. Happy Birthday, Ohio e , this arti c le· s title is none other than the state n1olto of Ohio. Beyond that, it is a grand bibli cal truth th at feed , ou r faith . Thi s express ion occurs at lea. t three t ime s in c ripture and it i~ parti cul arl y appro pri ate in the 1nouth o f Gabri e l a. he ~peaks to the virg in Mary in the hri s tn1 as story . Gabri el had j u t announced to Mary the : tunning nc\J s that she would conce ive in her won1b and bring forth a ~on. Thi ~ .. on '- would be none other than the Messiah Hin1sc lf. .. he wa~ ~hoc l-. cu. a. seen in her ques tion, " How can thi s be. si nce I do not, , a man?' ' (Luke 1:34) Mary ~he had ne e r had an) !-ie ,ual contact with a man . A~ rar as she was ·nncerncd such an accompli shn1e nt was hu1nanl y in1po!-i~ihlc : hahie~ arc not conceived apart f'ron1 n1a le n1atter. s far a~ Gabri el \\.' H~ conce rned there was no rea l prob le rn ~tandi ng in the \\ a 1 : he explained that the Holy .. pirit would bring about a 111iraculnus conception in her won1b apart fron1 111ale participati <.) n. But there was n1orc . Not only wou lu Mar) concc1, c and rl'lll.11 n a virgin , her cou~in l: li,abcth would al\<.> concl'i \l' in hl'·r old .1gt'. her year~of barrcnncsl\ ,vould be hi "tor). 1\ ~ a n1e,1n, ul c<>nvincing Mary of the truthfulnc~~ ol' hi -.. lllL'''·•gl' ( ••1br1l'I then add,, " l.;or \.\it lh C,od nothing \\ill be 1111po~,1bll'" (I ul-.t• I · '7). Wow' Quite an announccn1ent really. l~\ pec iall y for lo lk\ who arc fa cing !',CCn1ingl) 1n1ro~,1hl t' ,i tuat1 on,! l 1k.c childl t' ' ' lllllpll·, gett1ng p1 cgnant , like financ ing a college edu t: allon , ltkc f1nd1ng lhe right n1ate or lane.Jang d good .1ob. l 11-.c '>l't'1ng un -.., t, l'd lu\led one con1e to kno\\ ' hri st as Sav1or, lilc winning an olfenl1ctl brother bac~ to fr1cnd , h1p. likl' l1nd111g tht' ri ght p.1,tlH l~u \ Ull1 Lhur h, ltkc ex per1cnc1ng hcJ ling lron1 d1 l\CHl\C l)o we rca ll , bc l1evc that \\,tlh (iod all thing" ,\le pll,,1hlt' ·> At its h art hri stianity is not a natural religion, but a supt:rnatur al ont', i~n ' t ii' It bl>gg lt•, l>U J llHlld, \\1th ,t, 1\\a11, nut.1t h:, 11!..1...· creating the uni ve, sc, cr<.>ssing th~ I-led ~ea cru \ h1ng Jcru: ho', \\al ll\, ra1 ...,1ng pt•oph.~ \\o ho \\<t' tt' at lc._1,1 lou, d.t\\ dt·.id l,1u~111 g l'\l' ' , ·,,11/tlllh' tl, /'d~c ' ;
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