The Ohio Independent Baptist

") - /11 /1,n1,>r ,>f < )/11,> ·, fl, ( ·c·11tc ·1111i(1/. H '<' l1t1, ·e l' ll.i<J\'C<l 11.,i11,~ () /1i<> ·., // /<tl~ <11 1c/ .S,tc1te ,)e<1I ( I S 1>c1 rt r~/·r,, ,r 111c1s t/1ec1cl 1/11 \ \ <'ell". . \ 1 <' \ '()II Cl<'</llcllllfl'll \\ ' it/1 1/1£ 1 \(' lll'l<lils (//}()II( the111? Ohi<> Flag and Seal lJy Hon1cr l .1. Royer and Ollie E. Fink 1: lH n1nct~ -nine ) car~ ()hi() had 11() flag. lthough the s tate bccan1c a part of the United tate. in 1803, there was ll\) ,Jfficial tatc llag until 19()_. 1\ l that tin1c. the J rcscnt nag wa. 1nadc the tate emblem. l ~hc r1l1g ,, as dc"igncd by J()hn Eiscnn1an c.1f Cleve land . It i. in the form of a pennant. It consists of three red and l\\ (.1 ,, hitc "tripe~ ,, ith sc, cn tcc n white star. in a blue fie ld ·urrou11ding a white circle with a red center. The triangle f()rnied by tl1e n1ain Ii nc: of the nag represents the hi IJ . and valley of Ohio. The tripes represent the t'(.)aLl~ and ,, atcr\\'a):. The thirteen :tar. grouped around the circl : land for the ori ginal thirteen colonie ofwhich our country wa , formed. The circ le i. l<.) represen t tl1e orthwe t Territory from whi ch land wa ' taken to form new tate , the fir~t of which wa Ohio. The other four . tar . ho,v that Ohio was the fourth tate after the original thirteen to enter the uni on. The Ohio flag ~hould a lway~ be placed be low th United State , fl ag. It i not a 1nark of re pect to the nation to di play the Ol1io tlag alone. '- ll offi cial papers n1u . t be . ta1n ped with a :eal. When Ohio came into the union of tate in 1803 it wa nece ary lo ha,·e a seal \Vith which to sta1np . tate paper, . Such a eal wa adopted that fir t year and wa imilar to the one now u ed. A la\\' vva~ pas.·ed in I 66 changing the de. ign of the eal and adding a motto at the bottom. Two year later, the lav; \\ a. changed again. and the de ign decided upon in l 68 i till u ed on the tate eal. The Great ea l of Ohi o is in the form of a circle. On it. near the front and to the right i a heaf of wheat; at the left i a . heaf of :eventeen arrow ' . ln the background , a ri . ing ·un appear above a mountain range. A river fl ow at it foot. The bundle of arrows represents the eventeenth tate. Ohio; the heaf of wheat i the ymbol of agricul ture, the tale· . 1110 ·t i111portant indu. try. The ri . ing ·un ·ymbolize. progre of the tate in weal th and power. The mountain indicate that Ohio wa: the fir t state we~t of the Appalachi an mountain. . The river refer to th.e Ohio Ri ver for which the late \A. a~ nan1ed. Beginning with the next issue, the 018 will be produced quarterly. Publication dates for 2004: Issue Due In Churches March 1 May 1 September 1 November 1 Copy Deadline February 1 April 1 August 1 October 1 To Contact Us Regarding News And Address Changes email: fax: 937-766-5913 (call first) To Contact Us Regarding Ads: email: fax : 937-434-8536