The Ohio Independent Baptist

fliiliiiliiiiiiii Deadline for the next 018 February 1 email address: warrenOARBC@j or write 360 College Hill Dr Cedarville OH 45314 With God, continued that had never een anything before to ee the light of day, ,va lking on water, calming torm at ea, and in1pregnating a vi rgin ~omb . Chri tianity i ' replete wi th the miraculou . There wa no way. humanly peaking. that the e e\enls could have happened. Ye t they did ! What . eems in1po sible to u i. a piece of cake for God in Hi s great power ! And the e mirac le erve to challenge and to stretch our faith . We need to . tart thinking and praying about the po ibiliti e and top worrying about all the impos ibilities. With God in the equation all kind of good thing can happen. Mary· response to Gabriel i ins tructi ve for all of us, "'Beho ld the maid ervant of the Lord ! Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke I :38). "81i ng on the mirac le. ," . he was saying. "T' m ready." If Mary were . till among u~. he woul d si ng hearti ly the words of thi s comforting chorus. "Got any ri vers you think are uncro~sab le? Got any mountains you can· t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought 1 rnpo\si bl c. He' II do the things others cannot d I ' ' 0 . - -DWW r-----------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cedarville University Presents Cedar Mania "Trust - Wtth ALL Your Heart ... Without A Doubt" Overnight Feb. 27-28, 2004 www cedarv,lle.,edu/cedarmani a • • • • • • • • • • Cedarville University Hosts Spring Pastors Summit "Return to Hol iness" Wtth Al istair Begg . Henry Blackaby, Jerry Falwell , Larnelle Harns March 4-5, 2004 www,cedarv1lle.,_edu/gastorsssumm1t I I I I L ___________ ...J Cedarville University CU's Board of Trustees Chair Albert F. Stevens placed the Universi ty medallion seal around Dr. William Brown's neck, stating, 11 1 commit to your hands the mission of this University." Photo credit: Scott L. Huck/Cedarville Universi ty n October I(), 2003, before n1 ore than 3.000 people, Dr.Willi arn E. Brown was inaugurated as the ninth pres ident of Cedarvill e Uni ve rs ity. Chance ll or Dr. Paul H . Dixon. the eighth president or the University, offered the invocation. say ing "God ha~ smiled upon Cedarvi He. And He has given us one excepti onal pres ident in Dr. Wi 11 ian, E. Brown.·· Dr. Howard Hendri cks, distingui shed professor at Dall as Theological e1ninary, gave the inaugural addres~. ' 'Be a pre~idenl who te l L us not what we wa nt to hear, but whal we need lo hear." Hendri ck\ ex horted Brown. " Beu leader who serves and a \C rv ant who leads ." Dr. Brown's inaugural 111cssagc con1pared the peop le ,)r toda to a fleet o f ship1., whi ch arc \\iCl l-cquippcd to ~a il 1 c t lack ing in dircct it>tl . " I bc li c,c that hi gher educati on ,nu~l and\\ ill pla) a ro le in 1.,c tt ing a prope r cour"ic." he "a id . "()ur ll cct i l.i reac.1 1 to ~ail. ()ur journe 1 i \ a g reat o ne. Ma) God g i, e U\ g race, courage. and \ LrengLh for lhi 1.., journey ." ·1he 1naugu1 atH)ll 111.1rl-.ed thL' bcg1nn1ng o f l-3 rov.n'"i p1e"idL'llL') . \\luch ac tual! ) hL'ga 11 on Junl.' I . ..,001 ()n Lh.Jt tJalc r~, O\\ n ca rne to ( ' L•da1 , i I le I ron1 the prL'"it c.lenc) ol li1) an ( 'olleg.L'. l )a) to n , I t' llflL'\\L'L' . r\ g t , L' o l thL' l Jnt\t'r"i tt\ of South I lu11dd and l)all.i~ 'I hcolog1titl ~L'llltlldr) , 13ro\\ n ' " ,t prollftl \\ Jll L·r .ind .1 n.1t 1ondll\ recog 111 1L·d l'\))L' t t 0 11 v. 01 Id , t t'\' Please remember to pray for Joan Markell, wife ofBailey Lakes (Ashland) pastor J Bruce Markell, who passedaway in November. Education Consistent with Biblical Truth ... Since 1887 Cedarville University • is oBoplist universi ly of arts, sciences, professionol, and groduole programs. • enrolls approximately 3,000 Christion students from all around lhe world. • offers more lhan l 00 academic programs. • sponsors more than 150 volunlorylocal and worldwide Chrislion minislries. • promotes computer literacy and technologicol awareness lhrough CedarNel, lheaward-winning campus-wide computer network. • is located insouthwestern Ohio on o beautiful 400-ocre campus. • offers on exceptional educolion al ocosl well be:ow the nolionoloverage lor private colleges. • invi tes applicat ions from committed Christion students with strong academic records. 1.800.CEDARVILLE 25 1 N. Main St. Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Men ofGod 2001- "Coming to the Father" Saturda~, Ma r c h 6 , 200+ Dr. Bill Brown , featured speaker I n o n c e rt , Th , ~ ti ope • Rea l l,fc t ea h in~ * S em1n c.1rs • Lunch pre)\ ,de-d I l11 1c·~1:--l1.ll1l)fl lldl,\ .111 \. ,I\ , 11' 1j ,~, I~ 'It 1, I \.. I 1t 11 1. l, l~""'° It ,11t. Ill h. • ... '