The Ohio Independent Baptist
Dear Ladies Of Ohio hank )'OU fo r _vour.faitl~fulness to G(Jc/ through loving 111issio11crries. My heart rejoices as I see all thar _\'Ou do collecti vely for His Ki11gc/01J1! I ha, ·e asket.l "'-'' friend one/ Jellov..· ser\'ant. Annel le Gralza111, lo ~rrite an article concerning the bene_fits c~f short-ter111 service. I believe ivilh all J11_\' heart thal }<Jr .,o,ne of_vou. sh(>rt– ter111 111issio11s is the ne;ct steJ'J to lo, ·ing c1nd servinR _vour ,nis. ionaries. Please pra)·e,full_r consicler u·hether Goel H'01tld ha, ·e _\'<JUJJ!c1y a /Jar! in their lives h.r SJJenclin~ tinze H'ith 1he111 H'here they serve. Also note rhe 111a11_\' areas(~( /Jra)·er neecl as .1·011 react l'\'har the 1nissionaries' li,·es are like! Enjo_y loving Christ c111d servi11 1; Hin1 lvhere He has /'Jlaced )'Ou this da_r! 1 lore ) 'Oll, Susan Johnson ********* How would I have ever known how diffi cult it could be to ca ·h a personal check, use e-mail. :afely bruLh my teeth, or greet passersby? How would I have eve r known how sufficient God' s grace can be for Hi s servants? How woul d I have ever shared such a vi ion for mi:sion with my children, if God had not called n1y hu~ba nd. children, and me to erve Him for tv. o 11onths in Togo, West Afri ca? To the mi 5. ionarie on the fi eld , hort-terrn as ·i. tant rn issionaries fi 11 vita) ro les. Short- termers provide re li ef to career 111i ss ionaries as they ass ist then, in carrying the mjni sLry v.'ork load. As career mis ionarie. leave for furlough, short Le rn1 assis tant s can fill in the gap. Periodically the profess ional and trade experti:e of phys icians, nur5e5, phy\ician assi\ tants. phys ical therapi . ts, biornedical technicians, teachers, electri cians, plumber , and constructi on specia]ists is needed. Manpt)wc r for spec ial outreach n1 inist ries such a. VBS and evange)i 51n campaigns can be provided by teams of short-tern1ers. I ' rn no expert. bu t n1y short -term experience allowed inc Lo see the need fo r the gospel. understand the mi \s ionaries' burden fo r their peopl e and de c lop a unique connecti on of n1y own. Today I understand the chall enges invol ved in li vi ng, worki ng. and rninistering in a diffcrent culture and language. I ' vc experienced hon1cs ickn es~, i\olation. lo5s of the co1nfort and routine of hon1e, and frustrations a11d con1pl cx itics of e,er)day l ife. J observed the challenge fac ing each ser ant or God in handling the bus) ne\\ of n1ini st ry wi th<)U l losing a, ihrant. per\onal v.1alk v. 1 ith God . Could I e e r ha\e under\tood the in tcractt on betv.iecn the n1 iss ionarics and nationa l church leadcr1.,hip. con1prehcndcd v. 1 hat i~ invol, ed in the lran\ition as rn is~ i<)narics a\~u n1c a 1., ubordinate role to the local churchc~. ratho,ncd the dif'fi cult ic~ that a rc raced and handled '? What an awe\ornc blc\~i ng it i~ to be able to report hack to our hon1e church a ta \ tC of what we experienced and \ha re the i\ion God ha-; given to our ra n1 ily. App1 ec ,auon for al I v. e ha, e In A rnerica con1c1., ea~i l) now. and \\ e ha, c hcc n chall enged to change \OJlH~ of ou r prioritie1., and redefi ne need\ anu v. an t:-.. 13 1 Gt>d' s grace J wil l reJ01cc f orc, er at I Ii\ \ f)Ccia l blC\\ing to in) ran1il y in ca lling and enab ling U\ to sc r, c I lin1 a\ ~hort -tcrn1 n1i1.,\ionar1c\ . OWMU 2003 -04 State Project OJibway Indians in Kenora, Ontario, Canada Goal. $9 ,000 for storage shed , boat motor & sound system for their camp "j\"l~o date we have $1,000 towards our goal of $9,000 Please send cnecks directly to ~f reasurer Frances Beres It's calendar– marking time! - Annette (iraha1n OWMU 75th Ann iversary Spring Meeting Apr i l 23 24 , 2004 With an extra special program designed for all ages! Maranatha Baptist Church Co lumbus 2003-2004 OWMU Officers President Susan Johnson 16401 Mayfield Rd .. Box 247 Huntsburg, OH 44046 440-636-5543 Vice-President Margaret Warren 83-24th Street NW Barberton, OH 44203 330-825-7072 Secretary Sally Budinsky 29026 Homewood Dr. Wickliffe, OH 44092 440- 944-71 97 sjbud@hotmail .com Treasurer Francine Be res 433 1 Ellsworth Rd . Stow, OH 44224 330-945-9346 OARBC Property Insurance Group Plan Participat ing churches have contributed annual dividends exceeding $13,000 to your State Association d1nin i..,tcred bv RLJPP ,\ ~enc, . '- . Colun1bu.... Ohio 6 14-486-591 I 1011 -l're~ 1-800-28 1 -925X F,\ X. ()14-486- 2492 Jewish J\wareness Minisf ries ol Ohio "Sflrrin!! fhe pews lor fhcJews" for 1nforn7a/1017 contact 81//McVey 3606 Cedarbrook Rd Cleveland OH 4./118 216-932-5029 ~ R ~MNAN MI N I ~~ , ..RI Es Since P. 0 Box 2 '1 'I 00 190,l Cleveland , OH 44121 (440) 604-0220 Ovtll&11cl • 11 I cit • Pt tl I , • J 7
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