The Ohio Independent Baptist
Children's Page Christmas Shows Us What A Child Can Doll \\ ht,,, .t, tht, ( ' hr1,tt11.t, ('htld'! \\ h.. u 1, t I i~ an,c'? Wht> \Va~ l l i~ l~athcr? \\ IH.' ,, ,\, 11 t~ 1nnthcr') \\ hat <lid l lc th)'! What Did One Child In Ohio Do? l)h1n h,1d Ol)l been ah lc to n1aJ...e up its n1 ind about a state ,notto fo r most of it history. ()nl' ,, ,\ adoptl'd In 1866. bu t it didn' t la~t long. 1 ·l)f l) I n1ore ~car. . Ohio did nt)t have a n1otto. Finall y a J 2-year o ld boy from l.'1nl' 1nn.. 1t1 offe red a suggestic>n to hi: teacher who. in lum, , ubmi l ted it to the , tale lcg1 l.1ture fc)r ct)nsidcration. ... ThanJ...: to the cc>uragc of a 1 oung boy. ·'With God a ll thing are po. ible" ha been our official ~late n1t)llt) : ince 195 . Where Does This State Motto Come From? Chee!,.. out these ver. e: and fi ll in the blan ks. ~lark l(): 1 7 "With ---- thing. are ______ " Who aid the,e \vord. ? ----- JL·rc n1iah 32: 17 "There L· too for You." Who aid this? ----- ----- Gen. l : 14 " Is there for You? Who aid ------ ---- thi ·?---------- Luke l :37. "Wit h __________ will be _______ " Who aid the. e \VOrd .· ? ---------- What Can You Do Today? • r' ou can pray that the ACLU and others will not be ab le to force Ohi o to cha·nge thi \ n1o tto. • You can wor: hip Je 'u and accept Him a your Savior. The OIB 360 College Hill Ori ve Cedarv iIle OH 45314 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID RANDOLPH, NY PERMIT NO. 31 • Please send contributions to the OARBC to OARBC c/o Phil Mi ller 1750 Flinthill Columbus OH 43223 Thanks! Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at l'7l'!l!!"t:f Transportation 1/1,;l;;jwi,iJ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43618 419-836-2835 Toll-free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 "Big church discounts" ask for Bud Graham Professional consulting and sales for your financial and insurance needs Auto• Church • Home • Disability • Life • Business • Annuities HELPS FIN.ANCIAL SERVICES, INC Dorr R. Phelps, GP, CFP, RFP, LUTCF 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerville, Ohio 4308 1 PHONE: 614-899-6000 FAX: 6 14-899-6022 TOLL FREE: 1-877-47 1-7997 www.pbelpsfinancial .com Insurance VBS 2001f! Where kids learn to make godly choices! Solid Bible Content Strong Evangelism Emphasis student-Centered Learning Large Bible Story Visuals Creative Crafts, Games, and Snacks Regular Baptist Press Building Lives by the Book
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