A Brief History of the Cruelties and Atrocities of the Rebellion

5 Mrs. E. Skelton were whipped until the blood ran down their persons to the ground, then hung until life was almost extinct, then taken down. Martha White, an idiotic girl, was whipped, then tied to a tree by the neck, and left all day. ' Mrs. Riddle, aged eighty-five years, was inhumanly whipped, then robbed. Mrs. Sallie More, aged seventy, was whipped until blood ran to the ground. One woman, name forgotten, who had a child five or six weeks old, was-tied to a tree in the snow, and her child placed in the open door in her sight, and she was told they both should perish.— On the authority of Col. Crawford, Tenn. “Immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities." After the battle of Gettysburg, the Unionists of North Carolina began to speak more freely, and revolt was feared ; in consequence, a regiment of soldiers was sent to Randolph county to preserve order. The kind of order that was preserved may be known by the following atrocity, one of many committed upon the unprotected.loyalists of that region : These soldiers decoyed a one-armed man, under pretence of employing him as a guide, into a piece of woodland, where his body was found several days after, completely riddled with bullets ; he was heard a long distance begging abd imploring for his life ; from the marks of blood and foot-prints, it was believed that he whs-compelled to run round his tormentors, thpy shooting at him as he ran to see how many times they bit and not kill him.—Authority, Bryan Tyson, Esq., author of “ Ray of Light.” “Immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities." Champ Ferguson, the prince of fiends, and his gang, captured three white men and a negro in Fentress County, Tennessee, and tieing them together, drove them to Wolf Run. On the way,4 these wretches gratified their savage propensities by thrusting sharpened splinters of wood into the flesh of their helpless victims, and cutting them off close to their bodies. To make them travel faster'they pitched their bowie knives into them. When arrived at the run, the unfortunate men were put to slow torture by bayonets stuck into them, and cutting off pieces of their flesh, until the work of death was well nigh complete. Finally, gorged' with this disgusting Work, Ferguson dispatched one of the men by actually hacking him into pieces with Ins knife, and his comrades in guilt put an end to the torihents of the remainder by the same means. This same man, Ferguson declared in a speech at Sparta, Tennessee, that he had already killed sixteen Lincolnites, and intended to kill enough to make twenty-five, then he was willing to die.—Authority, Gen. J. B. Rogers, Tennessee. “ Immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities." In April,- 1862, a mannamed Bright,; sixty years old, living in Johnson County, Tennessee, with tworsonsand.two, nephews, was arrested by Cob Foulke’s cavalry and marched into Ash County. There a grocery-keeper, a brother murderer, proposed to treat this band of “ chivalry ” with eight gallons of brandy, if they would hang the prisoners without trial. The proposal was eagerly accepted, and the company of five were hung to the first tree without, ceremony;—By authority of Col. Crawford, Tenn. In the later part of 1862, and early in 1863, the rebels in Mississippi conscripted all the men they could find between the ages-of 18 and 60 : the Unionist^ fled to the woods to escape the conscription, and the fiends set blood hounds op their track ; by this inhuman method, many! were Raptured and many nearly torn in pieces by these dogs before.they could be rescued.