Advantages of a Gold Currency

, Ms. B. sufd that the imports ofthe last yeas Were greater in proportion, than in any previous year; > temporary decline might reasonably have been expected ; such declines always take place after excessive importations, If it had occpjrred now, though haturally to have been expected, the fact would have been trumpeted forth as the infallible sign—the proof positive^-of commercial distress, occasioned by the fatal removal of the deposits, But; as there Was no decline, but, on the contrary, an actual increase, ■he rmist claim the evidence for the other side of the account; down as proof positive, that commerce is not destroyed; and; 'consequently, that the removal of the deposits did riot destroy com- merce. . . The next evidqpce of commercial prosperity which Mr. B. would exhibit to the Senate, was in the. increased and increasing number of ship arrivals from foreign ports. The numbers of arrivals for the month of May, in New York, was 223, exceeding by 36 those of the.-month of April, and showing not Only a great, blit an increasing activity in the commerce of that great emporium—he would not say of the United States, or even of North America—but he would call it that great emporium of the two Americas, and of the New World ; for the goods imported to that place were thence distributed to every part of the two Americas, from the Canadian lakes to Cape Horn. A third evidence of national prosperity was in the sales of the -public lands. Mr. B. had, on a former occasion, adverted to these sales, so far as the first quarter was concerned ; and had shown thafinstead of falling off, as had been predicted on this floor, the revenue from the ^saleb of these lands had actually doubled, and more than doubled, what they were in the first quarter of1833. The receipts for lands, for that quarter, were $668,526 ; for the first quarter of she present year they were $1,398,206, being two io one, and $60,000 over 1 The receipts for the two Irst months of the second quarter, were also known, and Would carry the revenue frond lands, for th? first Sve months of this year, to two millions dollars ; indicating five millions for the whole year ; afi enormous amount, from which the people of the new •States ought to be, in some degree, relieved, by a reduction in the price of lands. Mr. B. begged, in the most emphatic terms, tq remind the Senate, that at the commencement of the session, the sales of the public lands were selected as one of the criterions by which the ruip and desolation ofllie country was to b® judged. It was then predicted, and the prediction put forth with-all the boldness of infallible prophecy, ■ that the removal of the deposits would stop the sales of the:public lands ; that money wotild disappear, and the people have nothing to, buy with; that the produce of the earth would rot upon the hands of the farmer. These were the predictions; and if the ales had really declined, what a proof Would imme- iiately be foundin the fact to.prove the truth of the prophecy; and the dire effects of changing the public noneys from one Setof banking houses to another 1 jut there'is no decline ; but a doubling of the former roduct; and a fair conclusion thence deduced that he new States, in the interior, are as prosperous as ae old ones, on the sea coast. Hayingproved the general prosperity of the country "these infallible data :-flourishing revenue— flourishing commerce—In&reaied arrivals of shlp8“ and increased sales of public lands, Mr. B. said that he was far from denying that actual distress had Existed. He had admitted the fact of that Mistress heretofore, not to the extent to was charged, but to a sufficient extent to excite sympathy, for the sufferers; and he had distinctly charged the whole distress that drd exist to the Bank of the United States, and the Senate ofthe United States—to the-screw and pressure operations of the Bank, and the alarm speeches in the Senate. He had made this charge ; anfl made it under a full sense of the moral responsibility Which he owed to the People, in affirming any thing from this elevated theatre. He had, there- fore, given his proofs to accompany the charge ; and he had now to .sdy to the Senate, and through the Seriate to.the People, that he found new proofs for that charge in the detailed statements of the accruing revenue, which had been called for by the Senate-; and furnished by the Secretary ofthe Treasury. Mri B. said he must be pardoned for repeating his request to the Senate, to recollect how often they had been told that trade was paralyzed; that orders for foreign goods were countermanded; that the importing cities were the pictures of desolation ; their ships idle ; their wharves deserted; their mariners wandering up and dbwhl Now, said Mr. B., in looking over the detailed statement of the accruing revenue; it was found that there was no decline of commerce; except at places where the policy and . power of the United States Bank was predominant! Where that power or policy was predominant, revenue declined ; where it was not predominant, or the -policy of the Bank not exerted, the revenue increased, and increased fast enofigh to make up the deficiency at the other places. Mr. B. proceeded to verify this statement by ri reference to. specified pla'cesi Thus, fit Philadelphia, where the Bank holds its seat of empire; the revenue fell off about one-third ; it was 797,316 dollars for the first quarter of. 1833, and only 542,498 for the first quarter of 1834. At New York, where the Bank has not been able to get the upper hand, there was an increase of more than 120,000 dollars ; the revenue there for the first quarter of 1833, was 3,122,156; for the first of 1834, it was 3,249,786 dollars; At Boston, where the Bank is again predominant, the revenue fell off about one third; at Salem, (Mass.) it fell off four-fifths'. At Baltimore, where the Bank has been defeated, there was an increase in the revenue of more than 70,000 dollars ; at Richmond the revenue was doubled, from 12,034 dollars to 25,810 dollars ; at Charleston, it was increased from 69,503 dollars, to 102,810 dollars; at Petersburgh, it was slightly iriur'efised; and throughout all the region south of the Potomac, there was either an increase, or tbd slight falling off which might result from diminishell duties without diminished importations. Mr. By said he knew that Bank power was predominant in some of the cities to the south ; but he, knew, also, that the Bank policy of distress and oppression had not been practised there. That was not the region to be governed by the scourge. The high mettle of that region required a different policy : gentleness, conciliation, and coaxing! If the South was to be gained over by the bank it.was to be done by favor; not by fear. The scourge, though so much the more congenial to the haughty spirit ofthe moneyed pow- er, was only to be applied where it would be mb-