Advantages of a Gold Currency

a id take effect in soul-less bodies; for, according to the founder of the dotetrine, the soul alone could transmigrate + Now corporations had ho souls; that was law, laid down by all the "books ; and of all corporations; monied ones especially, and above alLthe Bank of the United States; was most soulless. Yet, the rumor was; that this bank intended to attempt the operation of effecting a transfer df her soul; and after.submitting to death in her present form, to rise up in a new one. Mr. B. said he, for one, should be ready for the old sinner, come in the body of what beast it might. No form should deceive him ; not even, if it condescended, in its new shape, to issue-from Wall street instead of Chestnut! A word more, and Mr. B. was done. It was a word to those gentlemen whose declarations, many ten thousand times issued from thte floor, had deluded an hundred thousand People to -send, memorials here, certifying what those gentlemen so ineonth nently repeated, that the REMOVAL of the DEPOSITS had made the DISTRESS ; and nothing but the RESTORATION of the DEPOSITS, or the RENEWAL of the CHARTER could REMOVE the DISTRESS ! Well! the deposits are not restored, and the charter is not renewed ; and yet the t From the Greek meta again : eu, in ; psyche., the soul; i. r; The Soul again in. distress is gone * What is the inference.? Wby, that gentlemen are convicted and condemned, upon their own argument! They leave this chamber, to go home, selfconvicted upon the very test which they themselves have established ; and after having declared, for six months, upon this floor, that the removal of the deposits made the distress, and nothing but their restoration, or the renewal of the Bank charter? could relieve it, and that they wodld feit here till the dog days, and the winter solstice, to effect this restoration, or renewal; they now go home in good time for harvest, without effecting thb restoration or the renewal ; and find every where, as they go, the evidences of the highest prosperity which ever blessed the land. Yes ! repeated and exclaimed Mr. B. with great emphasis, the deposits are not restored— the charter is hot renewed—the distress is gone— and the distress speeches have ceased. No more lamentation over the desolation ofthe land now ;.and the gentleman who should undertake to entertain the Senate again in that way, in the face ofthe present national prosperity—in the face of the present report from.the Secretary of the Treasury—would be sta. red at, as the Trojans were accustomed to stare at the frantic exhibitions of Priam’s distracted daughter, while vaticinating the downfall of Troy in the midst ofthe heroic exploits of Hector. M®* RUSH ANU .THE UNITED STATES BANK; LETTER TO MR. RUSH. Middlebury, April 25th, 1834. Hon. Richard Rush, Dear SirThe undersigned, citizens of Addi* son county, in the State of Vermont, were appointed, at a public meeting, holden at this place on the 17th instant, by those opposed to the recharler of the Bank of. the United States, to transmit to you the subjoined resolutions, adopted at said-meeting : “ Resolved, That this meeting entertain the high- est respect for the personal and public character of the Hon. Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, and that we regard the frank and fearless manner in which he seconds the efforts of the people' to resist, the usurpations and corruptions'of the United States Bank, as reflecting the highest honor on him as a patriot, and entitles him to the thanks of his countrymen. Resolved, That a Committee of eight citizens of this county, be appointed by this meeting to address a respectful latter to the Hon. Richard Rush, and solicit from him his views in relation to the policy of rechartering the present Bank of the United States, and whether a renewal of this vast monied power, it has boldly entered the political arena, attempted to corrupt the Press and wage war with the -Government, would not be dangerous to the peace of the country and the safety of our free institutions ; and whether, in his opinion, the pressure which has been iso severely felt in the money market in our principal cities has resulted from the rumeval of the public deposites, or from the conduct ofthe Bank of the United States-; and whether, in his opinion, a return of the deposites to that institution, without a change in the course pursued by the Bank, would materially tend to relieve or meliorate that pressure ; and whether the late vote of the Senate of the United States, censuring the President for the removal of the -.eposites, is war-' ranted by their constitutional powers.’.’ The undersigned, in common with many of their fellow citizens, have watched the progress of the Bank of the United States with intense anxiety. They have seen its struggles for a recharter convulsing the country to its centre, and bringing in its train dismay and distress among large portions ofthe. commercial community; while the has been filled with the bitterest calumnies against the. most distinguished citizens of our common country; who entertain opinions adverse to the renewal of this powerful monopoly. They have seen the United States Senate descending from what they conceive to be its high duties and becoming accusers instead of judges, and establishing a precedent Ufa most alarms ing character. Living far removed from the principal scenes of commercial activity, we have biit limited means of ascertaining the real causes of the pecu* Diary distress which has existed for a few months past. Desirous of obtaining correct information, and acting thereon to the best of our judgment, for the best good of our common country, and for the preservation of our free institutions, relying upon your candor and political intelligence, and well knowing that your public duties have made you intimately acquainted with the operations of the Bank of the United States, and its power for good or for evil! the meeting which has charged us with the duty of addressing you, and ourselves individually, will be highly gratified if you will favor us with your opinions in relation to the subjects embraced in the accompanying resolutions.