Bible View of Slavery

LOYAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 863 BROADWAY. No. 39. A REPLY TO THE “BIBLE VIEW OF SLAVERY, BY J. H. HOPKINS, D. D., BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE OF VERMONT.” BY H. DRISLER. The “ Bible View of Slavery” is the title of an essay by Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, reissued in a pamphlet of sixteen pages, by an association for the “ Diffusion of Political Knowledge,” in this city, to influence the recent election in Pennsylvania. Though professing only to bring forward the Biblical arguments in defence of slavery, it yet discusses political subjects, drawing an unfavorable picture of the immorality and crime of our free Northern States, as contrasted with the moral purity and primitive simplicity of the slaveholding Southern States. The value of its political teachings, with its bitter denunciation of the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence, filling four and a half of its sixteen pages, has been already passed upon by the people of Pennsylvania. Its attempt to press Holy Scripture into the cause of a system of tyranny almost unequalled in the history of our race, and founded on violence and robbery—a system which, frowned upon by the almost universal reprobation of the Christian world, sets itself in defiant opposition to and raises its rebellious hand against the duly constituted authorities, has called forth the indignant protest of the noble Bishop of Pennsylvania, in whose diocese it was circulated. The assertion which the writer undertakes to prove from Holy Scripture is this, as set forth by himself: “ The slavery of the negro race, as maintained in the Southern States, appears to me fully authorized in both the Old and New