The Crime Against Kansas

’BOSPECTUS OP THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE ontains our Correspondence from all parts of the World; Letters from Mr. Greeley who will Lturn to Washington during the Session; also, the Letters from our Special correspondents at Washington, Albany and other important political places; Telegraphic Intelligence from the variotis ' hetions of the United States, &c., up to the latest possible time before going to press; Reports o*f he Doings of Congress; the News by the Mails from all parts of the World; Letters of Travel in ifferent parts of Europe, Asia and America; Letters descriptive of the various Cities, Villages and " owns in the United States, giving, frequently, interesting statistics and reminiscences of great value ; betters from the People on the various topics of the day; Descriptive Accounts of New and Valu- ble Inventions; Elaborate Reviews of new and important books published in this country and kurope; Reports of the various Public Meetings in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey Citv nd other places; all of the Local News of New York, Brooklyn, &c.; Reports of the Doings in the pveral Courts in New York, Brooklyn and other places ; full and accurate Reports of the New York tock, Money, Provision, Cattle and the other Markets, as well- as the Reports of the Markets in • ther places; Shipping Intelligence, &c. The Daily Tribune is published on a large sheet, 33^X44 ^ches (8 pages), and furnished to subscribers, by mail, at $6 per annum. We think that any person ew York Daily Taper will find The Tribune contains all the News of the day. s ho desires a N t THE NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Published on Tuesday and Friday of each week), containing nearly all the matter published in The >aily Tribune, is sent to Subscribers, by mail, at $3 per annum; Two Copies for $5 : Five Copies pr$ll 25. There is no investment which pays so large dividends as the sum which procures a i:ood and reliable Newspaper, and there is no Paper which yields so large an amount of valuable, □formation for the same amount of jnoney as does The Semi-Weekly Tribune. [ THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ^Circulating over 165,000 Copies, being the largest in the world) is published every Saturday. It ontains all the Important News of the Day; our best Foreign and Domestic Correspondence; full 'eports of the various Markets; Reviews of Books and Choice Miscellaneous Selections; Agricul- pral News; and everything of importance received during the week. It is sent to Subscribers, by Hail, at $2 per annum; Three Copies for $5 ; Five Copies for $8; Ten Copies for $12; Twenty ••opies, when sent to one address, $20; Twenty Copies, or over, to address of each subscriber, $1 20 ach. For a Club of Twenty, or over, we will send an extra copy to the getter up of the club. To >aose enjoying a weekly mail only, we think The Weekly Tribune will prove a profitable and >elcome visitor. ; Additions may at all times be made to a club at the price paid by those already in it. । The Weekly Tribune continues to be furnished to Clergymen at One Dollar per annum. ’ Subscriptions, in all cases, payable in advance. 7 GREELEY & McELRATH, No. 154 Nassau St., New York. 1 If with the proceedings We propose to issue a CAMPAIGN TRIBUNE for live months, commencing (we hope) with the record of the jf the Republican Philadelphia Convention, on June 17, and ending flection of its candidates about Nov. 12. And, to insure that this shall be something more than a here fly-sheet, we propose to issue it twice a week, and of the full size of our Daily, Weekly 1 1 " * ’ We shall thus be able to give all the news of the day, with the best [nd Semi-Weekly editions. t Speeches in Congress or elsewhere, Addresses, elaborate Documents, and lull detail ot all Elections ;nd Political Movements throughout this eventful ciyivass. There will be a great many cheap jVeekly issues for the Campaign, with which we prefer not to compete or interfere ; while we publish at jhe lowest endurable price, one which shall serve as an Encyclopedia ot the Canvass and be regarded ty speakers, committee-men, and active workers for the Right, as a text-book and monitor. V e ask ^liose who believe such a paper will do good to aid us in extending its circulation. TERMS FOR I To be issued Twice a week» ' Commencing Mith the proceedings of the Convention at Philadelphia, about June 20, and ending bout the 12th of November—say five months, or forty-two Numbers: Single Copies. . . . . . • • • • • • • . $1 00 10 Copies, to one address. .. . . . • • • • • . 7 50 i 20 Copies, to one address. 14 00 i 100 Copies, to one address. . . . • » • • • . . 65 00 •' Orders must in all cases be accompanied with the money—which may be remitted at^ our risk. Totes of all specie paying Banks1 in the United States received at par, but when Drafts on New 1 oik, Boston or Philadelphia can be procured, they will be preferred. Money letters should be certified by he Postmaster. . g v cam Those of our friends who may desire to aid in the circulation of THE SEMI-u EEKLY UAM- *AIGN TRIBUNE will be kind enough to send their orders at as early a day as possible. extra copy will be sent to each person who gets up a club. GREELEY & McELRATH, Tribune Office New York. iqe, May 23rd, 1S56.